corrupted government


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
2-weeks to stop the spread

if you take the vaccine you won't get covid

I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

I did not partake in my son's business.

Russia disinformation
How do you tell when a Leftist is lying?

Their lips are moving.


Well-Known Member
Is there anyone else in the opinion that the only way our country would be better off is to shut the entire diseased, corrupted system down?

First, the biggest mistake this country made was getting off the gold standard or some sort of precious metal backing to our money system.

Would a Federal flat tax on consumption (excluding food and medicine) be part of the solution? Is there even a need to tax the general public when the government has the ability to just print money out of thin air and if so, why do they need mine or yours?

I think what the Trump years have taught me was to research and research well. People knock "Q" but that was what "Q" was about.
Once you look at what we have in office and follow the money, links, etc., you realize this is one big giant club and the general public isn't in it just like George Carlin said. Or when Trump said "I know the system is rigged because I use it." It is painfully obvious the system is rigged.

We cannot go on like this. What are some hard choices that you think this country would have to make in order to really return our government to the people? And are we ready to go through the pain? And it will be painful.
The first hard choice is to cut entitlements, and Social Security is not an entitlement, it is and was paid for by working people and was well financed until the Government stole the money and called it borrowing. When you borrow the intention is to pay back and Government does not have that intention. The next choice is to close the border to anyone not crossing it legally. After that stop giving money to our enemies. Place tariffs on any country that applies tariffs to our products and in the same amount. Stop paying for abortions a trans gender surgeries. Term limits, on Congress. Stop paying for foreign wars and get the hell out of the UN., and no money for W.H.O..Get rid of useless regulations and fire half of the nitwits who are enforcing stupid regulations.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Neither of the things you posted are factual or are attributed to anyone. Any idiot could write that.

And yet you accept it all as fact with no fact checking, attribution or even a byline or credit stating where it came from.

This is the problem with the internet. People who didn't grow up with it believe everything they read and give it all the same weight.
This coming from someone who constantly quotes nbcnews like it is scripture. Don't you have about 24 litter boxes that need cleaning? Run along.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Would a Federal flat tax on consumption (excluding food and medicine) be part of the solution?
We are the greatest consumer nation this world has ever known. They choose to tax 140 - 150 million workers. What makes more sense is to have all 330 million US consumers kick into the coffers via a consumption tax. It would work just like any state sales tax. Don't want to be taxed? Don't spend your money.

The bonus is all those tens of millions of visitors that come to the US on business and or vacation, they will also kick in whenever they purchase something while they are here. in 2022, the number of visitors was estimated to be 50.9 million.

The consumer numbers are more than double the worker numbers. 381 million versus 150 million.

But spending would also have to remain at or below current levels.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Neither of the things you posted are factual or are attributed to anyone. Any idiot could write that.

And yet you accept it all as fact with no fact checking, attribution or even a byline or credit stating where it came from.

This is the problem with the internet. People who didn't grow up with it believe everything they read and give it all the same weight.

Good grief, shut up. Every time someone criticizes your cult your little hamster brain panics and starts spewing stupid. You don't even understand what she's talking about.


We are the greatest consumer nation this world has ever known. They choose to tax 140 - 150 million workers. What makes more sense is to have all 330 million US consumers kick into the coffers via a consumption tax. It would work just like any state sales tax. Don't want to be taxed? Don't spend your money.

The bonus is all those tens of millions of visitors that come to the US on business and or vacation, they will also kick in whenever they purchase something while they are here. in 2022, the number of visitors was estimated to be 50.9 million.

The consumer numbers are more than double the worker numbers. 381 million versus 150 million.

But spending would also have to remain at or below current levels.
Yep but I think that instead of taxing labor, we would actually generate more income with a flat tax.

And of course, there is no doubt we need to reduce spending, especially in foreign aid. We ALL know that foreign aid is just a money washing method to put funds back into the coffers of politicians and those that keep them in power (donors)


Well-Known Member
Yep but I think that instead of taxing labor, we would actually generate more income with a flat tax.

Our national income tax doesn’t “generate income” for the government.

You see, since money doesn’t have value to government — it cannot possibly have value because the government can create money out of thin air — there is no value in the government earning or keeping cash on-hand.

Ergo, the concept of the government “making money” or “saving money” just isn’t a thing. Put another way, our tax dollars don’t “fund” a gottdam thing. Why would it in a system that, as I’ve already pointed out, can will dollars into existence?

Our national income tax is simply a hedge against inflation (against money they are already gonna create and spend) and to steer the economy in the direction the central planners want it to go. The income tax also serves another purpose: it gives our currency value. When you pay your income tax, those dollars are effectively removed from circulation.

This regime, Modern Monetary Theory, is what allows deficit spending and why the gold standard was deleted. It’s also, IMO, why JFK was killed.

Our government will NEVER go for a flat tax or consumption tax because they then lose the ability to centrally plan our econony.


Hemi, I actually get that as well and understand that side of the argument. I think I said in a previous posting here, if the government can print money for whatever they want, why are you taking money from me? It is a system that by design keeps us having lessor.


Well-Known Member
I think I said in a previous posting here, if the government can print money for whatever they want, why are you taking money from me? It is a system that by design keeps us having lessor.

Two reasons: a national income tax gives our currency value. Think about it this way: every person who works has a debt that can only be satisfied with Federal Reserve Notes. We use it as a medium of exchange and keep what we can because it is the only thing that will satisfy that debt and keep us out of a steel cage. You can’t satisfy your debt to the government with DakotaBuxx nor can I with HemiBuxx.

The US is the best and easiest country on this planet to succeed and make as much money as our talents will allow.

As has been noted by someone else, the system of governance in the US is the worst there is, except for all the others. Or something like that.

No one enjoys satisfying their tax debt every year, but there’s no other way that is empirically better for an economy like ours.


Well-Known Member
I’ve lived in Europe and dealt with the VAT, which is just a different name for a consumption tax. No thanks.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
We are the greatest consumer nation this world has ever known. They choose to tax 140 - 150 million workers. What makes more sense is to have all 330 million US consumers kick into the coffers via a consumption tax. It would work just like any state sales tax. Don't want to be taxed? Don't spend your money.

The bonus is all those tens of millions of visitors that come to the US on business and or vacation, they will also kick in whenever they purchase something while they are here. in 2022, the number of visitors was estimated to be 50.9 million.

The consumer numbers are more than double the worker numbers. 381 million versus 150 million.

But spending would also have to remain at or below current levels.
Last time I visited Canada, they refunded the VAT at the crossing back, into the United States (I was advised to save my receipts).

Pretty sure international visitors can do the same, or will do the same, here - not being citizens, they won't have to pay.
It will of course, tax the whole consumer economy. I suspect a lot escapes it right now.

Anyway - that IS the gist of the FAIR Tax. No income tax, no FICA, all consumption and persons qualifying will receive a "pre-bate" to ensure the bulk of the tax burden does not fall upon the poor, who consume more basics and staples as a portion of their budget.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
So why can't the government just print away the national debt and avoid the interest charges?


Well-Known Member
So why can't the government just print away the national debt and avoid the interest charges?

The national debt is a mere artifact, an irrelevant holdover from the days when we spent in a currency we did not control, like gold. Today, the national debt reflects the number of dollars the government has spent into the economy -- and each one of those dollars exists as savings in the non-government sector. In other words, if the government spends $1B into the economy, it is us who are the beneficiaries, in aggregate. That money is used to buy real goods and services, and we are now $1B richer. The call to "pay down the debt" is literally a call to say "we want the government to remove money from the economy to reduce an irrelevant accounting artifact that scares us because we don’t understand how the modern economy works.”


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The national debt is a mere artifact, an irrelevant holdover from the days when we spent in a currency we did not control, like gold. Today, the national debt reflects the number of dollars the government has spent into the economy -- and each one of those dollars exists as savings in the non-government sector. In other words, if the government spends $1B into the economy, it is us who are the beneficiaries, in aggregate. That money is used to buy real goods and services, and we are now $1B richer. The call to "pay down the debt" is literally a call to say "we want the government to remove money from the economy to reduce an irrelevant accounting artifact that scares us because we don’t understand how the modern economy works.”
So the interest on the debt is an artifact also?