Cosmetic Surgery


Little ol' Me
yep when the swelling goes down and they drop they will be smaller.

For all the ladies out there interested I know of an excellent surgeon!!!


I'm starting my plastic surgery this summer. I've researched a lot of surgeons in the area. I've decided on one in National Harbor. But I'm starting off one bit at a time since a lot of it involves my face. I read a lot of comments and the most often I saw was DON"T GET TO MUCH DONE AT ONCE!
So I'm going with that: Rhinoplasty first, then my eyes (very droopy eyelids but no bags underneath), then the face & neck.

I hope you feel better soon and heal up nicely :howdy:

Dr. Chiaramonte? I just had a mommy makeover -- tummy tuck with muscle repair and lipo (the Bella Body lift) and a breast lift and augmentation. Thus far I cannot really comment as I just had it done yesterday. I am not really in a lot of pain that is not controlled with meds. Just mainly sore.
Right now I am all swollen and bandaged up so there is not much I can say but I cannot wait to see it for the first time.


black widow
Great. My right boob still squeaks occasionally and I can't sleep on my stomach the same way I used to, but all's well. The nerve regrowth is itchy, but that's to be expected.


black widow
No, it seriously squeaks. And it is amusing. Can't really hear it as much as I can feel it - the implant skids across the muscle. It freaked me out at first.