Could this be an indication of a problem?

would you be concerned?

  • yes, I would be concerned my child was gay for playing with the toys wrong

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • No, I would just assume he was not too bright.

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • they still make those block toys?

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters


In My Opinion
First indications are sometimes hard to see when it comes to your children, and even though many parents see the patterns emerging, they fail to act on them and correct the children.

When little Johnny as an infant received that toy that has the different shaped blocks, and the corresponding shaped holes to put them through, parents that were educated on the subject and where aware could have known at this point that there was a possible abnormality forming in the child’s brain that over the years would grow and finally show itself somewhere in the child’s teens.

Let’s take two children and follow their growth through their teen years, and look at the difference between results based on how the one of the parents identified and corrected a possible serious condition, while the other ignored the symptoms and allowed the abnormality to grow and follow its course of destruction.

For our study we will refer to the children as N1 and G1.

Age, Toddler.
Both N1 and G1 are given the toy that requires the placement of a certain shaped block or peg through the appropriate corresponding hole.

N1, although N1 begain by trying to force the round peg through the square hole, his parents worked with him, showing him the proper way and he quickly learns that the round block works best in the round hole, the square block works best in the square hole, and as such, he takes pleasure in putting the peg or block into the properly matching hole.

G1 on the other hand is given no feed back from his parents and continues to push the wrong peg into the non-fitting hole until finally the structure around the opening breaks away, damaged to the point that it now allows the improper peg to fit.

N1 continues to play with the toy in the proper way, and seems to enjoy the activity

G1 quickly becomes tired and stops playing with the toy. The parents think he has just become bored with it until he is seen while visiting N1s playroom, trying to force the wrong block into the wrong hole again. G1s parents purchase him another block toy and G1 promptly begins forcing the improper parts together until once again he breaks the toy, and stops playing with it.

Small indications like the above continue for the N1 and G1 throughout their early years, every time finding that N1 makes the proper correlation between various parts and the correct corresponding counterpart, while G1 continues to force wrong parts together quickly losing interest once the toy is broken.

At the age of 13, we give both N1 and G1 models of cars to build from the box.

N1 quickly determines that in order for the finished product to be correct, he must read directions and put the proper parts in the correct locations if he is to expect the desired result. His model comes out perfect and is easily recognized by all that view it as a car.

G1 on the other hand determines that with enough glue and enough force, all parts can be utilized in any position that he desires. His results are not recognized by the viewers as the car on the front of the model box.

As N1 and G1 come to puberty, we note that N1 is attracted to girls, realizing that certain parts are meant to go with specific counterparts, and he is happy and content when he finds a girl that he is compatible with.

G1 as through the earlier parts of his life decide that he would like once again to try and make the “square peg fit the round hole” and he takes joy in forcing until, just as in childhood, the walls of the hole break away, and the damage allows the peg to fit without excessive force.
He quickly becomes bored with the relationship and goes back out to search for another.

If the parents had noticed when G1 first began to show signs of his illness back as a toddler with the peg and hole game, and worked with him to correct his improper concept of design, the chance that he would have grown to be an accomplished modeler would have been great. Yet, by ignoring and failing to nurture G1 when he needed it the most, He will live a life void of models or happy lasting relationships.
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Main Streeter
If the parents had noticed when G1 first began to show signs of his illness back as a toddler with the peg and hole game, and worked with him to correct his improper concept of design, the chance that he would have grown to be an accomplished modeler would have been great. Yet, by ignoring and failing to nurture G1 when he needed it the most, He will live a life void of models or happy lasting relationships.
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This story doesn't account for all the N1s and G1s who grow up in the same household with the same set of parental units who teach the N1s and G1s all of the right things yet the G1s still end up "living a life void of models or happy lasting relationships".

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Where... the choice for "parents are homophobic psychotics whose adult child finally blows his brains out when he simply can't stand being told everything he thinks and feels is wrong anymore after the screwed up life he built based on dads paranoia's collapses" ?

BCP, I know a nut like you. He actually wanted me and my brother in law to beat up my little brother, to beat him straight. To beat the queer out of him. He was dead serious. He said me and my family had failed my brother for 'letting' him be this way.

It was at that point that I suddenly realized, at 22, where the true illness lay.


This is just sad

Why do people worry about what toys to give their child to "ensure" their sexuality instead of ensuring safety and fairness to all.

Maybe I'm missing the point but I raised my kids to be good to ALL no matter color, religion, sexuality or who their parents are.

I'd rather have a gay/lesbian child thats an upstanding member of society than a prestine "straight" (on the surface) child with dead animals and body parts in their closet.

Here with the doll. I love you, God loves you and you really do matter no matter what toys you played with or what society sais.


Active Member the choice for "parents are homophobic psychotics whose adult child finally blows his brains out when he simply can't stand being told everything he thinks and feels is wrong anymore after the screwed up life he built based on dads paranoia's collapses" ?

BCP, I know a nut like you. He actually wanted me and my brother in law to beat up my little brother, to beat him straight. To beat the queer out of him. He was dead serious. He said me and my family had failed my brother for 'letting' him be this way.

It was at that point that I suddenly realized, at 22, where the true illness lay.



Main Streeter the choice for "parents are homophobic psychotics whose adult child finally blows his brains out when he simply can't stand being told everything he thinks and feels is wrong anymore after the screwed up life he built based on dads paranoia's collapses" ?

BCP, I know a nut like you. He actually wanted me and my brother in law to beat up my little brother, to beat him straight. To beat the queer out of him. He was dead serious. He said me and my family had failed my brother for 'letting' him be this way.

It was at that point that I suddenly realized, at 22, where the true illness lay.

Well said, Larry.



Well-Known Member
When little Johnny as an infant received that toy that has the different shaped blocks, and the corresponding shaped holes to put them through, parents that were educated on the subject and where aware could have known at this point that there was a possible abnormality forming in the child’s brain that over the years would grow and finally show itself somewhere in the child’s teens.

I'm not gay :confused: :shrug:

Bcp, I hope you post this stuff for a reaction, and not because you really believe it...because if you do believe it...that is sad.


In My Opinion
I'm not gay :confused: :shrug:

Bcp, I hope you post this stuff for a reaction, and not because you really believe it...because if you do believe it...that is sad.
yep, for reaction.
nothing brings about a better swifter reaction than being politically incorrect.

maybe I should do the White father not being sure the little brown baby that came out of his white wife is his... of course, that actually has happened in the past where some recessive gene from a billion years ago manifested itself and the baby was way off track from the genetic line of the parents. look at obamas ears


Dude, I tore up my barbies and dismembered them when I was little. I stole my brothers bb-gun, and beat him with it and played with his matchbox cars too. He used to dress up in my mother's wig and bras.
Neither one of us are gay. A little warped maybe...but not definitely not gay.


New Member
you forgot the bcp is an idiot option.

It's cool, I'll just vote for that one via this post.
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Dude, I tore up my barbies and dismembered them when I was little. I stole my brothers bb-gun, and beat him with it and played with his matchbox cars too. He used to dress up in my mother's wig and bras.
Neither one of us are gay. A little warped maybe...but not definitely not gay.
"A little"



Guest the choice for "parents are homophobic psychotics whose adult child finally blows his brains out when he simply can't stand being told everything he thinks and feels is wrong anymore after the screwed up life he built based on dads paranoia's collapses" ?

BCP, I know a nut like you. He actually wanted me and my brother in law to beat up my little brother, to beat him straight. To beat the queer out of him. He was dead serious. He said me and my family had failed my brother for 'letting' him be this way.

It was at that point that I suddenly realized, at 22, where the true illness lay.

Bless you, Larry.

maybe I should do the White father not being sure the little brown baby that came out of his white wife is his...

How is that politically incorrect? That seems like a pretty valid worry on the father's part to me, if crudely phrased...not sure what it has to do with the first post though.

Seriously. "I did it for the LULZ" is the argument of preteens.


In My Opinion
Larry Gude;3229008BCP said:
I know a nut like you. He actually wanted me and my brother in law to beat up my little brother, to beat him straight. To beat the queer out of him. He was dead serious. He said me and my family had failed my brother for 'letting' him be this way.

It was at that point that I suddenly realized, at 22, where the true illness lay.

obviously you dont know me.
See, I would not now, or have I ever beat someone because they were gay.
I would not suggest beating someone just because they were gay.

however, I might be found in church praying for them, or I might not actually help them out if they hit on the wrong person at a club and ended up in a getting beat situation.

but just simply because they were gay, or because they showed gay tendencies? I dont think so.

I know its hard to believe, but I didnt pick on the retarded kids either.
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In My Opinion
How is that politically incorrect? That seems like a pretty valid worry on the father's part to me, if crudely phrased...not sure what it has to do with the first post though.

I go out of my way to be politically incorrect.
too much is considered politically incorrect these days and its just foolish.

people need to grow a thicker skin, if they are happy with who they are, F- those that are not happy with them.
Bcp, I hope you post this stuff for a reaction, and not because you really believe it...because if you do believe it...that is sad.

If you have met BCP you would definitely know posts like this are for the reaction/debating factor.

What is really kewl is get him around a campfire with a cooler of beer, the discussions get really colorful! :lol: