Could this be domestic violence?

river rat

Esprix said:
I'm not sure how this situation would have been treated any differently if it were lovers, roommates, or a man or a woman. There was an altercation, the police intervened, and it was handled. Sounds like they did a fine job of it and prevented someone from getting seriously hurt.

So, basically, I have no idea what your point is.


No point really.


This is fun right?
river rat said:
Since gay marriage is knocking at the door of being legalized.
Would the cops have to treat disputes like these as possible domestic violence?

Another agrument for not legalizing gay marriage.
Think of all the law suits that could arise out of the police force's inappropriate handling of a response to a call like this one.

Do you assume they are married?
Do you dare ask a drunk hispanic if that is his "wife"?
If you don't ask, and assume they are fighting over a woman...well, those queens will take you to court, faster than you could say "Flamer" for your insensitivity, correct?

Just too many issues to deal with,

I do not oppose gay marriage....but look at the possible scenarios.

What a convuluted excuse as an argument against Same Sex Marriage.

so something like this couldnt happen in a Straight Relationship? and the cops were at Piney Point yesterday for what?