Council candidate 'handed out cocaine'


Lawful neutral
Nothing To Do With Arbroath: Brazilian council candidate 'handed out cocaine with election leaflets'

A Brazilian city council candidate has been arrested after she was caught allegedly handing out cocaine with her election leaflets, according to reports.

Carme Cristina Da Silva Lima, 32, was running for councillor of Itacoatiara, in Brazil's northern state of Amazonas. Police became suspicious when they saw a crowd allegedly gathering around Ms Lima's car on the morning of election day on Sunday.


Federalist Live Forever
Nothing To Do With Arbroath: Brazilian council candidate 'handed out cocaine with election leaflets'

A Brazilian city council candidate has been arrested after she was caught allegedly handing out cocaine with her election leaflets, according to reports.

Carme Cristina Da Silva Lima, 32, was running for councillor of Itacoatiara, in Brazil's northern state of Amazonas. Police became suspicious when they saw a crowd allegedly gathering around Ms Lima's car on the morning of election day on Sunday.

Cocaine, Cell phones, whats the difference?



soccer rules
While we are at it:

It's funny that they can't seem to get past the bumper sticker slogans when they are arguing their point. It's always something like, "don't help the rich get richer," "my body my choice," "no way no how no mccain" (Hillary at DNC in 2008), "no justice no peace," etc.