Covid Hysteria 2023 / 2024


PREMO Member
🔥 More good news! I enjoyed a hearty laugh this morning reading the Wall Street Journal’s sidesplitting story headlined, “It’s Official: We Can Pretty Much Treat Covid Like the Flu Now. Here’s a Guide.” The sub-headline farcically explained, “New guidelines from the CDC Friday bring Covid precautions in line with those of other respiratory viruses.” Now that’s entertainment. That is value for money.

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Why now? It’s election season! And Glorious Leader Biden needs a win. So yesterday’s misinformation that used to get you banned off social media and slapped on a Homeland Security list somewhere is now the CDC’s official guidance. Biden beat a virus.

Ah, the good old days. Back when C&C was just musings on Facebook, I assiduously avoided directly saying covid was like the flu. The censors and I played cat and mouse for months, while I used the word “So” to fill in the obvious blank. Eventually they caught on, and after two 7-day bans and then a 30-day account lockdown, C&C moved out of Meta.

But now the CDC says trust them, covid was a civilization-destroying virus for a few months. It totally justified the economy-destroying lockdowns and Constitution-shredding mandates. But now it’s just a seasonal flu! Don’t worry! Get extra fluids and rest at home! Never mind!

Science. Shut up!

But the lingering question remains: are hardcore zero-covid fanatics still screeching that covid is ten times worse than ebola … spreading misinformation? I mean, if the CDC is the gold standard, what about them?

How times change.



PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
I am just getting over some kind of flu. The hospital said it wasn't Covid, but i can tell you it knocked the sht out of me.


PREMO Member

COVID-19 Protests Are Back

COVID-19 protests are making a comeback. But this time, the shoe is on the other foot. Or, more appropriately, the mask is on the other face. This time around, protestors are gathering later this month to express their ire that the government is not taking COVID-19 seriously enough. And they are all gathering for a march in Washington, D.C., on March 15

Last week, Catherine reported on the updated CDC guidance that recommends treating a bout of COVID-19 in much the same way one would treat a bout of the flu. Gone was the mandate for five days of isolation, which was replaced by a unified plan to address respiratory illnesses. That new guidance says to stay home if one is sick, but that one can resume normal activities when they start to feel better and have not had a fever for 24 hours,

This has not sat well with the group LC/DC. This group says its members struggle with long COVID, and they are all coming together later this month for the march.


PREMO Member
💉 On Tuesday, Fox News (and only Fox News) ran an encouraging story headlined, “Chip Roy unveils bill to let Americans sue COVID-19 vaccine makers over injury, negative effects.

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This week, Chip Roy filed maybe the most important bill in American history, which would delete the PREP Act’s liability protection for covid vaccine makers and allow injured citizens to sue the pharma companies directly.

As you well know, Roy’s bill has a snowball’s chance. It’s going nowhere, and rapidly. But bless Chip for filing it. His bill is not without consequence, it is critical to continue the conversation. Let’s keep filing bills like Chip’s, over and over, until the exact right political moment appears and then we will pass it.



PREMO Member
💉 This week — remarkably — the Hill ran an op-ed penned by outstanding covid docs Paul Marik and Pierre Kory, headlined “Is it long COVID or long vax? Does the government want to know?

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I found it very encouraging and a great sign of progress the Hill agreed to publish the op-ed. In their article, the doctors quickly got to the point: Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik reported they’ve been treating a whole lot of ‘long covid’ patients through their FLCCC organization, but they aren’t sure it is long covid:

In two years, our practice has evaluated and treated over 1,000 individuals (for ‘long covid’). Approximately 70 percent of these patients said their reported symptoms occurred in the minutes, hours, days and weeks after COVID vaccination, as opposed to after COVID infection. This could be tied to a new condition that’s flown under the radar until recently.

The docs next cited a new Yale study that is currently pending peer review. In the study, researchers looked at 241 patients experiencing what they called “post-vaccination syndrome.” In other words, there’s even a clinical name for it now. (As usual, the Yale study included the increasingly rare but still obligatory jab endorsement claiming — without evidence — that PVS happens less often than long covid. So.)

Finally, Doctors Marik and Kory cited this alarming Scientific American op-ed from December:

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The Scientific American article explained that a broad range of incurable autoimmune diseases — over 100 kinds — have suddenly, unexpectedly, and bafflingly surged to epidemic levels:

Autoimmunity is an epidemic. Most autoimmune diseases are being diagnosed in increasing numbers ranging from 3 to 12 percent annually across the globe. (Americans) could now have about a one in five chance of developing an autoimmune disease. The odds are greater for women, those with a genetic predisposition to autoimmunity, or those exposed to certain pollutants. These diseases include more than 100 lifelong and costly illnesses such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and multiple sclerosis. They are often difficult to diagnose and currently impossible to cure.

The doctors mentioned that, unlike long covid, autoimmunity is measurable. They can test for looming autoimmune problems, by testing for autoantibodies, which are antibodies programmed to attack the person’s own cells and organs, rather than programmed to attack some kind of invasive bacteria or virus:

Autoantibodies are markers for the presence, or the possible development, of autoimmune diseases. We are finding more people with autoantibodies—immune system proteins that, instead of ignoring our cells and organs, treat them as invaders.

Now, I’m just a lawyer and not an immune specialist, but I wonder if these researchers considered the possibility that the autoantibodies may be targeting people’s own cells because they were transfected with spike protein mRNA?

I’m only asking.

The researchers noted the fact that, one year before on December 29, 2022, the Biden Administration quietly and very timely set up a new Office of Autoimmune Research within the NIH. So they either saw the trend or knew it was coming.

Mainstream media is happen to drown us in propaganda about a flu epidemic but they have nothing to say about an autoimmune epidemic. Oh well. La, la, la, la, everything is going great!

(Disclaimer: One of my Conference panels this week included Dr. Marik. He’s great.)



PREMO Member

So, what the hell did we go through all of this for? I expected another wave of either anger or hilarity regarding the new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued earlier this month about COVID: we can pretty much treat this viral infection like the flu. Remember, it was not long ago that even uttering such a thing could land you in social media jail or be branded a science denier. The footnote for the COVID pandemic will be that the people were right, and the experts were wrong.

Masking is grossly ineffective. The vaccine is no more effective than the seasonal flu shot. You can still get infected, but it might save someone a trip to the ICU. That’s fine, but the cocktail was marketed as a bulletproof vest against infection. Ivermectin was long dismissed as an effective therapeutic—but it works. What’s the next shoe to drop? Long COVID—it’s a myth. Or at least a new Australian study strongly urges we ditch talking about it (via NYT):

Follow the science — right out the door.
The term “long COVID” should be tossed aside like a stack of expired N95 masks — that’s according to health experts in one country, who found that symptoms of those reportedly suffering a year on weren’t any different than your typical virus, such as the flu.
Government-backed medical researchers in Australia say it’s time to stop using the fear-inducing phrase, which became popular after high volumes of people testing positive for COVID-19 led to a surge in generally non-severe “virus fatigue symptoms” that would normally have gone unnoticed, South West News Service reported.
“We believe it is time to stop using terms like ‘Long COVID’,” said Dr. John Gerrard, Queensland’s Chief Health Officer, who oversaw the newly-released study.
“They wrongly imply there is something unique and exceptional about longer term symptoms associated with this virus,” he explained.


Well-Known Member

So, what the hell did we go through all of this for? I expected another wave of either anger or hilarity regarding the new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued earlier this month about COVID: we can pretty much treat this viral infection like the flu. Remember, it was not long ago that even uttering such a thing could land you in social media jail or be branded a science denier. The footnote for the COVID pandemic will be that the people were right, and the experts were wrong.

Masking is grossly ineffective. The vaccine is no more effective than the seasonal flu shot. You can still get infected, but it might save someone a trip to the ICU. That’s fine, but the cocktail was marketed as a bulletproof vest against infection. Ivermectin was long dismissed as an effective therapeutic—but it works. What’s the next shoe to drop? Long COVID—it’s a myth. Or at least a new Australian study strongly urges we ditch talking about it (via NYT):
It is more like long MRNA vaccine reactions that continue for some people to this day.


Well-Known Member

So, what the hell did we go through all of this for? I expected another wave of either anger or hilarity regarding the new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued earlier this month about COVID: we can pretty much treat this viral infection like the flu. Remember, it was not long ago that even uttering such a thing could land you in social media jail or be branded a science denier. The footnote for the COVID pandemic will be that the people were right, and the experts were wrong.

Masking is grossly ineffective. The vaccine is no more effective than the seasonal flu shot. You can still get infected, but it might save someone a trip to the ICU. That’s fine, but the cocktail was marketed as a bulletproof vest against infection. Ivermectin was long dismissed as an effective therapeutic—but it works. What’s the next shoe to drop? Long COVID—it’s a myth. Or at least a new Australian study strongly urges we ditch talking about it (via NYT):
They can't help but talk about a virus that does not exist yet. I wonder why? I realize some people believe it is because of a "planned release" at a later date. "WHO" knows. -Notice the play on the word. Why are they even mentioning it if it doesn't exist? This doesn't make sense. Unless it is already being developed.

What is X disease caused by?

Disease X itself is hypothetical: it does not exist. But the concept of Disease X describes a very real and growing threat to human health – and one the world must prepare better to respond to. The most recent Disease X to emerge was the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.Jan 17, 2024


PREMO Member
🔥 Great news. Bloomberg Law published a wonderful (paywalled) article yesterday headlined, “Texas Doctors Force FDA to Remove Covid-19 Posts in Settlement.

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Back in September, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals held that the FDA “has identified no authority allowing it to recommend consumers ‘stop’ taking medicine” or otherwise give medical advice “in tweet-sized doses.” According to an email I got from one of the attorneys on the case, most recently the Fifth Circuit found that plaintiff Dr. Mary Talley Bowden did have standing to sue, since she was forced to spend extra time finding a pharmacist who would fill her patients’ Ivermectin prescriptions.

After that ruling, the FDA promptly settled. They clearly wanted to avoid discovery. The agency agreed to a stipulation of dismissal that effectively requires it to take down all its anti-ivermectin “guidance,” including the infamous folksy tweet about “you aren’t a horse, ya’ll. Just stop it.” Here’s a link to the stipulation for dismissal: Doc. 74 Stipulation of Dismissal.

During this month’s terrific Covid Litigation Conference in Las Vegas, I got a chance to briefly chat with Dr. Bowden. I found her to be a warm, intelligent, and altogether delightful champion for medical freedom.


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PREMO Member
💉 A tale of two stories! First, from February’s Daily Mail:

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What could go wrong? Remember, it’s for safety. Next … get ready! … yesterday, diverse marxist health overlord Tedros Somethingorother Whatshisname announced that the World Health Organization is getting all ready — only if needed — to create a new trillion-dollar market for global bird flu vaccines:

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CLIP: This time they’ll be ready before the pandemic even starts (0:26).

You know what? I’d actually be very interested in being vaccinated against vaccines. Do they have that one?

Apparently anticipating the next “100-year pandemic” will start super early this time, for some reason, maybe because they are gaining some functions with the Chinese again, they plan to have the vaccine all ready for the totally unpredictable outbreak right when it starts. It’s for your own good. And just imagine all the billions of dollars … whoops! Freudian slip. I meant billions of patients preserved.

It’s a terrific business model when you can create both demand — the pandemic — and control supply — the vaccine for the pandemic. Invest in pharma!* (*Not financial advice.)



PREMO Member

Rand Paul Drops Another Bombshell

How many federal agencies and officials knew ahead of time that the government was working with a private partner and the Chinese lab from which COVID-19 likely originated? According to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), potentially hundreds of U.S. federal employees knew that COVID-19 could have been a result of American and Chinese development in a lab.

“How vast was the Great COVID Cover-up?” asked Paul in a Fox News piece on April 9. “Well, my investigation has recently discovered government officials from 15 federal agencies knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus like COVID-19.” Paul, who is conducting an ongoing investigation, believes that evidence supports the theory that COVID-19 was manufactured in a Wuhan lab and that U.S. government officials could have guessed as much from their information but refused to say so.

Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and then-NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci pitched research to 15 federal agencies to insert a furin cleavage site into a coronavirus, which would result in a virus that Paul labeled “shockingly similar” to COVID-19. Paul repeatedly emphasized that none of these agencies were ever forthcoming to the public or congressional investigators about this ”DEFUSE project” in 2020 or even now. “In fact, 15 agencies with knowledge of this project have continuously refused to release any information concerning this alarming and dangerous research,” Paul stated.

Others were involved in the cover-up besides Daszak and Fauci, the latter of whose Rocky Mountain Lab was named as a partner on the original proposal, alongside the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Paul wrote that University of North Carolina scientist Ralph Baric did not reveal the Wuhan Institute’s proposal to create a COVID-19-like virus. Then-National Institutes of Health (NIH) head Francis Collins and Fauci commissioned the paper “Proximal Origins” to discredit the lab origin theory for COVID-19. One of the paper’s authors, researcher Ian Lipkin, was involved in the coronavirus modification project, and his lab received funding from EcoHealth, according to Paul.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I saw a study, not sure where it is now, but it said cancer cases are expected to rise 600% for those that had the MRNA vaccine. Today I saw some people still wearing masks in Walmart.


PREMO Member
🔥 More good news! The House Covid Committee has formally recommended that odious EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak be debarred (disallowed from future government contracts) and criminally investigated.

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If there’s any one person liable for creating the pandemic, that person must be Peter Daszak, who helped the NIH skirt Obama-era prohibitions on gain-of-function research, by moving the deadly-virus-developing project to the heart of supposed enemy territory, China.

His links to DARPA have been well established. I couldn’t prove it in court, but Daszak stinks of intelligence agencies and has the musk of the military industrial complex (MIC) all over him.

It’s unlikely Biden’s DOJ will take any action based on this report, since Daszak currently holds a ticket in the first-class section of our two-tiered justice system, so don’t get your hopes up for that reason. If only he’d mislabeled some check stubs instead.

But on the other hand, this is the first time that any high-level government agency has ever recommended criminal prosecution for any of the architects of the pandemic. Since he works for a plausibly-deniable, oleaginous NGO, Daszak lacks the government immunity shields enjoyed by permanent bureaucrats like that human cockroach Fauci.

To be honest, Biden’s DOJ would be better off charging Daszak now and giving him a slap on the wrist, than letting a future Trump DOJ get hold of this new report. But when and if that happy confluence of events occurs, we will remind them.

This is progress.
