"Typical White Person"
Hunting coyotes in MD is just plain stupid IMO. If you're using the argument that they're eating livestock, etc, you need to realize that once you kill the coyotes in that territory, another will just move on it after it. And I've not heard of all those stories where they exist in such high numbers that it is causing a problem.
I don't have a problem with useful hunting (to eat the animal, to prevent damage like Merlin mentioned, etc), but hunting predators seriously effs up the food chain. Do a little reading on it.
Personally I have, there is a documentary on it. "Killing Coyote" it presents both sides of the argument pretty fairly. But like any controversial topic both sides are driven by agendas.
Coyote populations are healthy, so healthy that in liberal California they have deemed coyotes a non-game animal and can be taken with no defined season. I hardly think hunting animals legally no matter what you feel about the motivation for the huting of the animal can be considered psycopathic material.