Crazy Mazie's Call To Arms!


Just sneakin' around....
I still have to's not about their bodies. It's someone else's body. The women are just hosts. Shouting "my body" is a complete misnomer.
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I got into a back & forth on another site about this. I said women say its their right to choose, but what about the father. I was told the father has a say. I said if the woman says its her choice he has no say. Then I kept being told the father has a say. If the woman decides she doesn't want it, its still only her choice. The father has no say.
I'll admit that I don't get out much anymore, but, like a lot of people here, I've been around long enough to have seen Roe v Wade become "the law of the land." I even took a "wymnz studies" class in college, back in the day, and I've never once, in all the time in between, heard a woman say "the man has a say." Not once.

I have heard women talk about men who have tried to "force" a woman into abortion - tantamount to rape, in those women's minds, but never, not even derisively, have they said that men should have a say. Quite the opposite, in fact.


Well-Known Member
I still have to's not about their bodies. It's someone else's body. The women are just hosts. Shouting "my body" is a complete misnomer.
This is the first time I’ve heard it put this way. 👍🏿

I heard it for the first time fairly recently. I'm both surprised no one has phrased it that way long before now, and gratified they did. It's pretty hard to argue that, but they will try. And by try, they'll label us as misogynistic, patriarchal oppressors.