Crazy Neighbor,

If it was my neighbor acting trying to come throughthe door the call would be;

10-11 with a 10-10 resulting in him being 10-7 :yahoo:

(My German Shephard biting his ass until he was out-of-service)

seriously - call the cops and let them know...


In My Opinion
homemade taser
Two meat thermometers and a long extension cord.

fray the ends of the cord and wrap around the thermometers.

insulate the end of the thermometers that you will be holding.

plug in cord to wall,

insert thermometers into intruder.

check temp often to see when done.


New Member
Thanks everyone! I got some good ideas from your responses. I think he is the guy sunflower has coming in to her bussiness. He is mean around here, the young people he rents his basement to, get kicked out in the night with babies. He said "F" all of you neighbors, etc. My hubs says he is crazy like a fox. My teen son said he wants to print up some flyers for him. And, when no one shows up for the 500 man party, maybe he will get the idea that people don't like him. He wants something from people, not just friendship.
homemade taser
Two meat thermometers and a long extension cord.

fray the ends of the cord and wrap around the thermometers.

insulate the end of the thermometers that you will be holding.

plug in cord to wall,

insert thermometers into intruder.

check temp often to see when done.

My preference.
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