CRE, it's almost spring & really bad behavior of kids at bus stops


keepsmiling said:
Thank you for your post. Hopefully someone will help you. I have on numerous times spoke up to kids at the bus stop....especially the bus stop at Dogwood and Baredda in Drum Point.
Same problem at Lake and Huron in Drum Point. And when they get off the bus and are walking home, they will all walk out in the middle of the street and if you try to drive by with your car they refuse to move. I had to stop, get out of the car and yell at these little POS to get off the dayum road. It just comes down to some kids being raised to do as they please and their parents tell them that bs.


New Member
all I know is, it aint my kid. He'd never do anything like this. And don't even try to accuse my little angel. he tells me the truth when I ask him about such things.


New Member
Egging is considered Destruction of Property

pingrr said:
Egging is not considered vandalism. It does not due any permanate damage to the vehicle. There is nothing that you can charge somone with if they egg a parked car. If the car is driving down the road and you egg it that is crime since you are endangering the driver.

Egging is considered destruction of property, even if there is no damage. Under MD law, defacing or molesting property falls under the destruction of property charge

river rat

pingrr said:
Egging is not considered vandalism. It does not due any permanate damage to the vehicle. There is nothing that you can charge somone with if they egg a parked car. If the car is driving down the road and you egg it that is crime since you are endangering the driver.

Would the eggs NOT be consider a missile?

Let them sit behind bars for a few days? eh?
Oh that's right can't do that :confused:


Well-Known Member
pingrr said:
Egging is not considered vandalism. It does not due any permanate damage to the vehicle. There is nothing that you can charge somone with if they egg a parked car. If the car is driving down the road and you egg it that is crime since you are endangering the driver.
Crack an egg on your hood this evening and see what you have tomorrow morning.


Brenda you are missed!!!
pingrr said:
It takes acid 3 hours to go through a cars paint. Are you telling me that an egg is stronger than acid.

Are you smoking CRACK!!! Acid can eat paint within a hour... Go back to school!!!! :buttkick: