

New Member
Hey everyone. :howdy: I need some opinions please! Im moving in September and found a house online that I really like. Its in CRE. Is that a good area??? I will not be able to make it to the area until I actually move there, so i need some help deciding where to go. Any opinions on that area would be great! Thanks!!!

Jamie :razz:


New Member
Jamiemar21 said:
Hey everyone. :howdy: I need some opinions please! Im moving in September and found a house online that I really like. Its in CRE. Is that a good area??? I will not be able to make it to the area until I actually move there, so i need some help deciding where to go. Any opinions on that area would be great! Thanks!!!

Jamie :razz:

Hi Jamie :howdy:

Try that and see what you can learn about the Ranch Estates.

There are three major neighborhoods in the southern end of Calvert County:

#1 is Drum Point which is right next to the Ranch Club

#2 is The Ranch Club

#3. White Sands, don't bother, that is an area filled with crime and drugs.

Personally I live in Drum Point and I chose to do this for several reasons.

The Ranch Club is too conjested, their roads are horrible, you have a water bill and their association dues are excessive. (my opinion)

You are buying a house at the right time, it is a buyers' market. Good luck, and welcome and I am sure you will get more responses. I just wanted to give you a jumping start.


Lovin' being Texican
Do your homework before buying in CRE

If you are smart you will keep watching this thread It appears that some who live in CRE believe they are being fee'ed (can say taxed) inappropriately by the neighborhood association.

I don't personally live there but find the numerous threads started by or about residentofcre quite enlightening. She has a lot of insight into the workings of the neighborhood association.


New Member
We will be renting a home... its close to the airport. It looks nice from what we can tell. Its on White Rock... Keep your fingers crossed for me ok?



New Member
White Sands...vs...CRE...vs...Drum Point

As an individual who lives in White Sands, I am offended that people keep saying it is infested with drugs and crime. The White Sands Community Association has worked hard to clean up the problems and it's people posting stuff on these sites that doesn't help.

Yes, there are still pockets of problems. No, it is not infested with drugs and crimes. White Sands is a community no different than CRE...actually, it's probably better than CRE because we have paved roads and the association fees are much less.

Visit White Sands sometime...go back off the main street and see that there are plenty of hard-working people living in this community.

There are just as many drugs and crimes in both CRE and Drum Point...


New Member
cecelia0613 said:
As an individual who lives in White Sands, I am offended that people keep saying it is infested with drugs and crime. The White Sands Community Association has worked hard to clean up the problems and it's people posting stuff on these sites that doesn't help.

Yes, there are still pockets of problems. No, it is not infested with drugs and crimes. White Sands is a community no different than CRE...actually, it's probably better than CRE because we have paved roads and the association fees are much less.

Visit White Sands sometime...go back off the main street and see that there are plenty of hard-working people living in this community.

There are just as many drugs and crimes in both CRE and Drum Point...

I think you should have a police patrol that just goes up and down laurel road, that area is horrible.


New Member
cecelia0613 said:
As an individual who lives in White Sands, I am offended that people keep saying it is infested with drugs and crime. The White Sands Community Association has worked hard to clean up the problems and it's people posting stuff on these sites that doesn't help.

Yes, there are still pockets of problems. No, it is not infested with drugs and crimes. White Sands is a community no different than CRE...actually, it's probably better than CRE because we have paved roads and the association fees are much less.

Visit White Sands sometime...go back off the main street and see that there are plenty of hard-working people living in this community.

There are just as many drugs and crimes in both CRE and Drum Point...

I didn't mean to offend you at all, I can only go by the Police reports. yes it is true there are good hardworking people who live in White Sands. I can only go by what I have learned the 20 plus years I have lived here. I apologize if I offended you or anyone for that matter. It wasn't intended, only trying to help give honest information and for that I get a boat load of red karma. Yippeee

For The Ranch Club, you pay $500.00 a year in association dues PLUS the special tax district, why do people still have gravel pot hole filled roads?

Drum Point, $10.00 a year for association dues Plus the special district tax and we have great roads. The majority of our problems is kids who like to destroy others' property. Now people have started keeping eyes and ears open and calling the cops and having those persons caught and arrested right in the middle of doing it.


New Member
keepsmiling said:
Hi Jamie :howdy:

Try that and see what you can learn about the Ranch Estates.

There are three major neighborhoods in the southern end of Calvert County:

#1 is Drum Point which is right next to the Ranch Club

#2 is The Ranch Club

#3. White Sands, don't bother, that is an area filled with crime and drugs.

Personally I live in Drum Point and I chose to do this for several reasons.

The Ranch Club is too conjested, their roads are horrible, you have a water bill and their association dues are excessive. (my opinion)

You are buying a house at the right time, it is a buyers' market. Good luck, and welcome and I am sure you will get more responses. I just wanted to give you a jumping start.

Hi there. Not really sure which one of the three we will be in... All I know is it is by the airport, on white rock. It looks really nice. This is just so frustratig because I can not get to the area, so I have to pick a place without seeing it first. Thank you for all your input. I appreciate it!


New Member
Jamiemar21 said:
Hi there. Not really sure which one of the three we will be in... All I know is it is by the airport, on white rock. It looks really nice. This is just so frustratig because I can not get to the area, so I have to pick a place without seeing it first. Thank you for all your input. I appreciate it!

Whiterock is a decent area of the ranch club, it really varies almost by every street, some will be very nice, some will be very trashy. Though white rock is not "that" close to the airport, you can't see the airport and won't regularly drive past it either. You won't drive past it unless you intentionally go looking for it (not along the way from your street to any of the gates.)
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slaphappynmd said:
Whiterock is a decent area of the ranch club, it really varies almost by every street, some will be very nice, some will be very trashy.
Just stay away from 'Jizzum Trail' and 'Broke Back Court' !:killingme


New Member
cecelia0613 said:
As an individual who lives in White Sands, I am offended that people keep saying it is infested with drugs and crime. The White Sands Community Association has worked hard to clean up the problems and it's people posting stuff on these sites that doesn't help.

Yes, there are still pockets of problems. No, it is not infested with drugs and crimes. White Sands is a community no different than CRE...actually, it's probably better than CRE because we have paved roads and the association fees are much less.

Visit White Sands sometime...go back off the main street and see that there are plenty of hard-working people living in this community.

There are just as many drugs and crimes in both CRE and Drum Point...

All I know is this past Spring when I started looking for a house to buy in Calvert Co, I was told by multiple sheriffs’ deputies that I was not allowed to move to White Sands. Not, don't move there, not advisable, but "we will not allow you to move there." That says to me there is a problem.


New Member
Jamiemar21 said:
Hey everyone. :howdy: I need some opinions please! Im moving in September and found a house online that I really like. Its in CRE. Is that a good area??? I will not be able to make it to the area until I actually move there, so i need some help deciding where to go. Any opinions on that area would be great! Thanks!!!

Jamie :razz:

I lived in the CRE for 1.5 years and hated it. The HOA fees are outrageous! I got out of that house and moved too st marys county. If you plan on working in lexington park I would find something in St marys. The bridge traffic can get backed up all the way too 235. Look in the leonardtown area!

Good thread about CRE!
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Jamiemar21 said:
Hi there. Not really sure which one of the three we will be in... All I know is it is by the airport, on white rock. It looks really nice. This is just so frustratig because I can not get to the area, so I have to pick a place without seeing it first. Thank you for all your input. I appreciate it!

Wow. I used to own a house on White Rock and there ain't many houses there.


New Member
keepsmiling said:
Can I have some more Red please? Luv it

I was just being sarcastic because someone left me red without any comments, I just wanted to let the person know I rec'd their red.

So thanks everybody for the nice messages and the green.

Can I get some more green please to go with that? LOL :jameo:

Have a nice day! Now wish me luck, I have a job interview, hopefully I get to return to that lovely work force after a long recovery from an unexpected illness.


Jamiemar21 said:
Hey everyone. :howdy: I need some opinions please! Im moving in September and found a house online that I really like. Its in CRE. Is that a good area??? I will not be able to make it to the area until I actually move there, so i need some help deciding where to go. Any opinions on that area would be great! Thanks!!!

Jamie :razz:

Welcome! :howdy: Can I ask why you're coming to the area and why you are looking solely in Calvert County? If you are going to have anything to do with the Navy base I would strongly recommend looking around on this side of the bridge before you commit.

You have to take people's opinions with a grain of salt. There are bad pockets in every town/neighborhood but there are also good spots. I've lived in St Mary's County for 7 years now and have loved every minute of it.

p.s. Don't believe anything you read on here regarding us getting a Sonic or an Olive Garden. :lmao:


Jamiemar21 said:
Hey everyone. :howdy: I need some opinions please! Im moving in September and found a house online that I really like. Its in CRE. Is that a good area??? I will not be able to make it to the area until I actually move there, so i need some help deciding where to go. Any opinions on that area would be great! Thanks!!!

Jamie :razz:

I like CRE... actually I love CRE...

If you buy or rent in CRE or Drum Point the teachers in the schools are really excellent... I don't know about the teachers in the schools the kids in White Sands go to ... They are in another district...

We have some pretty good shopping for the everyday needs now... we are getting a GIANT yippee... and a new village green [hopefully] ....

we're even in the middle of a gas price war!!!!

We have some of the best PTA's.... We have several great church's around...

In CRE... the main roads are clear in the winter before the county roads.... I don't know about Drum Point... and White Sands in County maintained so I'm not so sure about them...

We have no more pervs in CRE per capita than anywhere else and we have a Neighborhood Watch... so you are welcome to join up....

I would be happy to give you more information if you email me... I think they have my email on the website at