

New Member
White Sands vs CRE vs Drum Point

refugee44 said:
All I know is this past Spring when I started looking for a house to buy in Calvert Co, I was told by multiple sheriffs’ deputies that I was not allowed to move to White Sands. Not, don't move there, not advisable, but "we will not allow you to move there." That says to me there is a problem.

And since when do Sheriffs decide where people can live. Rather than listening to all the old garbage started by realty professionals who bought up and rented out most of the HUD homes, you should take a trip to White Sands, talk to the individual in charge of the Association, talk to the board members of the association, and see that this community is no different than either CRE or Drum Point. There are drugs everywhere and if these sheriffs were doing their job they'd stop it.

White Sands has a very active neighborhood watch program and the cops are called when problems are reported.

Face it...drugs are out there. I guarantee they are in both CRE and Drum Point and they are also available in many of the top dollar neighborhoods in the county.


New Member
White Sands Again...

residentofcre said:
I like CRE... actually I love CRE...

If you buy or rent in CRE or Drum Point the teachers in the schools are really excellent... I don't know about the teachers in the schools the kids in White Sands go to ... They are in another district...

We have some pretty good shopping for the everyday needs now... we are getting a GIANT yippee... and a new village green [hopefully] ....

we're even in the middle of a gas price war!!!!

We have some of the best PTA's.... We have several great church's around...

In CRE... the main roads are clear in the winter before the county roads.... I don't know about Drum Point... and White Sands in County maintained so I'm not so sure about them...

We have no more pervs in CRE per capita than anywhere else and we have a Neighborhood Watch... so you are welcome to join up....

I would be happy to give you more information if you email me... I think they have my email on the website at

Snow removal in White Sands is handled by the Association fees, not the county. Our roads are always cleared quickly.


New Member
cecelia0613 said:
Snow removal in White Sands is handled by the Association fees, not the county. Our roads are always cleared quickly.

nope not true, i have slipped and slided all over those roads, the main road is clear, but the side roads are iffy.

Look, everyone is going to be partial to the place they live, they don't want to say hey this place blows. Based on size, white sands does have more crime/drugs, white sands is probably 1/5th the size of the ranch club, with the same amount of crime/ do the math.


New Member
Our association dues, or atleast mine are not $500. They are not even $400 for that matter.

There are problems no matter where you go. You can live in Dunkirk in those million dollar homes right off route 4 and you would still have problems. Stop putting down other neighborhoods, as long as the people who live in them are doing the best that they can and the "right" thing by majority, you can't judge it by a few bad seeds. Not to mention, most people go outside their neighborhood to commit crimes so maybe the kids committing crimes in CRE or White Sands are from Drum Point? Or vise versa.

Life and where you live is what you make of it!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
JMO but White Sands looks like a pit, and CRE isn't much better. But hey I hear the 7th ain't no great shakes either.:shrug:


Stay out of Drum Point for the next couple weeks. They're getting ready to re-pave every road in the place. :yikes: Going to be fun trying to find a way to get to my house without running into fresh asphalt.


Active Member
sinwagon said:
Our association dues, or atleast mine are not $500. They are not even $400 for that matter.

There are problems no matter where you go. You can live in Dunkirk in those million dollar homes right off route 4 and you would still have problems. Stop putting down other neighborhoods, as long as the people who live in them are doing the best that they can and the "right" thing by majority, you can't judge it by a few bad seeds. Not to mention, most people go outside their neighborhood to commit crimes so maybe the kids committing crimes in CRE or White Sands are from Drum Point? Or vise versa.

Life and where you live is what you make of it!

I'm glad someone else sees that crimes in certain neighborhoods are not necessarily committed by the ones that live there!


Active Member
cecelia0613 said:
Snow removal in White Sands is handled by the Association fees, not the county. Our roads are always cleared quickly.

Snow removal in CRE has gotten better and is handled by our association fees, not the county either!