Creative Writing Workshop


I am so very blessed
I've taken creative writing classes through St. Mary's College as well as College of Southern Maryland. Both were actually great classes - I loved them. SMC prof was Michael Glaser and the CSM prof was Wayne Karlin - both excellent teachers.

Good luck! XOXO


Mayhem said:
Does anyone know a creative writing workshop in this area?

Perhaps Pete, Jazz, Catt or Kwillia could give you pointers cheaper :shrug: they have writting talent. :biggrin:



Well-Known Member
BadGirl said:
I've taken creative writing classes through St. Mary's College as well as College of Southern Maryland. Both were actually great classes - I loved them. SMC prof was Michael Glaser and the CSM prof was Wayne Karlin - both excellent teachers.

Good luck! XOXO
They also offer them occasionally through parks and rec, keep an eye out for the flyer in the local paper.


Asperger's Poster Child
BadGirl said:
SMC prof was Michael Glaser and the CSM prof was Wayne Karlin - both excellent teachers.
I've met both of them, and I've been interested in taking this type of course. I have had several ideas for stories, but I find it hard to create believable characters.