Crotch Rockets using 235 as its Race Track !


Well-Known Member
Years ago a Crotch Rocket operator died as his Crotch Rocket went off of the road and down the enbankment just before the Toyota Dealer on 235. A terrible loss of a young life.

That POS had been in jail for shooting someone in the back of the head so I don't see it as a terrible waste of a young life, I see it as karma.
Thought that was a sailor who had clipped a car making a u-turn that came across the 3 lanes of stop traffic and entered the turn lane.
One thing I have seen at that turn are cycles that are camouflaged among the headlights and sun glare off windshields. The line of cars coming up to speed but the cycles is already closer at a greater speed. Someone could turn thinking it was clear.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Thought that was a sailor who had clipped a car making a u-turn that came across the 3 lanes of stop traffic and entered the turn lane.
One thing I have seen at that turn are cycles that are camouflaged among the headlights and sun glare off windshields. The line of cars coming up to speed but the cycles is already closer at a greater speed. Someone could turn thinking it was clear.
May have been a different one but I know the mother of the one. He was a POS, the mother is a great person.


Well-Known Member
When the bypass opened in Hughesville we had several crotch rocket fatal's in the first few years. They liked to see how fast they could make the curves in the road, while leaning halfway to the ground. One speeding rocket t-boned the side on a commuter bus at Gallent Green Rd. that was crossing Rt. 5. He was DRT. (Dead right there) One evening wife was in the fast lane going past the bridge and another car was beside her, 2 rockets came squeezing through both cars, it startled her so bad she swerved to the left and kissed the guardrail.


Well-Known Member
Thought that was a sailor who had clipped a car making a u-turn that came across the 3 lanes of stop traffic and entered the turn lane.
One thing I have seen at that turn are cycles that are camouflaged among the headlights and sun glare off windshields. The line of cars coming up to speed but the cycles is already closer at a greater speed. Someone could turn thinking it was clear.
It was a sailor that was using that lane to get ahead of traffic.


Power with Control
When the bypass opened in Hughesville we had several crotch rocket fatal's in the first few years. They liked to see how fast they could make the curves in the road, while leaning halfway to the ground. One speeding rocket t-boned the side on a commuter bus at Gallent Green Rd. that was crossing Rt. 5. He was DRT. (Dead right there) One evening wife was in the fast lane going past the bridge and another car was beside her, 2 rockets came squeezing through both cars, it startled her so bad she swerved to the left and kissed the guardrail.

Yep, people who want to ride like that always say that they are not hurting anyone........ All it takes is one person to get freaked over a missile passing them.

It was a sailor that was using that lane to get ahead of traffic.

Now I remember.


Well-Known Member
There's people who get into that lane at Expedition to pull into Wawa and speed up.
Also the people who get into that lane so they can make a right just after Wawa, pull a u-turn, and get right back on to 235 so they don't have to wait 60 seconds for the red light.


Resident PIA
When they are weaving in and out of traffic, be it a crotch rocket or rice burnes racing, private citizens should be deputised to PIT the offenders.
Accidents happen when you cut through traffic


Well-Known Member
When the bypass opened in Hughesville we had several crotch rocket fatal's in the first few years. They liked to see how fast they could make the curves in the road, while leaning halfway to the ground. One speeding rocket t-boned the side on a commuter bus at Gallent Green Rd. that was crossing Rt. 5. He was DRT. (Dead right there) One evening wife was in the fast lane going past the bridge and another car was beside her, 2 rockets came squeezing through both cars, it startled her so bad she swerved to the left and kissed the guardrail.
When a deer runs in front of your don't hit your brakes or swerve into the trees. Take the hit head-on.

Same thing applies to crotch rockets - don't swerve, take the hit.


Well-Known Member
When a deer runs in front of your don't hit your brakes or swerve into the trees. Take the hit head-on.

Same thing applies to crotch rockets - don't swerve, take the hit.

I have said many times, that I wished I had a old beat up truck or car, so I could accidently take the hit. .


Well-Known Member
Time and time again, day after day I see Crotch Rockets going up and down 235 at an extreme speed. Typically 80 to 100. I am unable to comment whether or not the police do anything about this problem. I assume they would try. Years ago a Crotch Rocket operator died as his Crotch Rocket went off of the road and down the enbankment just before the Toyota Dealer on 235. A terrible loss of a young life. But, these young operators never learn.

This evening I was behind one. He at least stopped for a red light. No traffic ahead of him. He quickly accelerated to at least 70. When I was behind him at the light I could clearly see his bike was not registered at all. No tags from any State. This tells me has zero intention to ever stop for any police.

I wondered where are the Crotch Rockets are going in such a hurry. I found when I was at Pax. . From my observation, I woiuld say almost all of them are going to Pax. You would think the Commanding Officer of Pax would try to regulate it somehow. Perhaps he can't. One thing I do know. It is just a matter of time until another seriouis accident involving a Crotch Rocket.
I forgot to mention some years ago I was taking the wife to see a family member at the Washington Hospital Center. While northbound on the Interstate a grotch rocket blew by us at over 100. Some time later the traffic started to barely move. A half hour later, I found out why. The same crotch rockets had one of the four of them loose control and slam in to the concrete median. He was ejected on to the south bound lane. By chance, I saw two of the witnesses at the exact same location I was. They said it was horrible. They told the police that traffic repeatdly hit his body over and over and over until the traffic stopped. I saw his friends on the side of the road. All of them had their mouths hanging down in disbelief.


Well-Known Member
I have said many times, that I wished I had a old beat up truck or car, so I could accidently take the hit. .
A guy in Calvert County did that. After a police chase, his body ended up in the bed of a pick up stopped at an intersection. He was ejected after he hit the back of the pick up.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention some years ago I was taking the wife to see a family member at the Washington Hospital Center. While northbound on the Interstate a grotch rocket blew by us at over 100. Some time later the traffic started to barely move. A half hour later, I found out why. The same crotch rockets had one of the four of them loose control and slam in to the concrete median. He was ejected on to the south bound lane. By chance, I saw two of the witnesses at the exact same location I was. They said it was horrible. They told the police that traffic repeatdly hit his body over and over and over until the traffic stopped. I saw his friends on the side of the road. All of them had their mouths hanging down in disbelief.
So Darwin wins again.


Resident PIA
When the bypass opened in Hughesville we had several crotch rocket fatal's in the first few years. They liked to see how fast they could make the curves in the road, while leaning halfway to the ground. One speeding rocket t-boned the side on a commuter bus at Gallent Green Rd. that was crossing Rt. 5. He was DRT. (Dead right there) One evening wife was in the fast lane going past the bridge and another car was beside her, 2 rockets came squeezing through both cars, it startled her so bad she swerved to the left and kissed the guardrail.
too bad she didn't swerve right and give them a little bump


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention some years ago I was taking the wife to see a family member at the Washington Hospital Center. While northbound on the Interstate a grotch rocket blew by us at over 100. Some time later the traffic started to barely move. A half hour later, I found out why. The same crotch rockets had one of the four of them loose control and slam in to the concrete median. He was ejected on to the south bound lane. By chance, I saw two of the witnesses at the exact same location I was. They said it was horrible. They told the police that traffic repeatdly hit his body over and over and over until the traffic stopped. I saw his friends on the side of the road. All of them had their mouths hanging down in disbelief.
I wonder if the friends learned anything from this


Active Member
If you have an open road with no intersections and the only risk is to yourself, I don't care how fast you travel. There's a time and place for everything.. Motorcycling isn't for the unintelligent. doesn't mix well with stupid. About 24 years ago PG police chased a motorcycle and found the wrong one and hit him and had a multimillion dollar lawsuit and they enacted a no chase policy. (they're not supposed to.. but.. sometimes they do still). DC also has a no chase policy that they sometimes violate. Most of the DC/PG riders know that the more southern counties will chase and not give up so they generally stay out or behave when visiting. Same for VA. the 600 CC sportbikes can do 150 MPH quickly, the 750's do about 175+ the 1000CC's and larger can hit about 200 MPH. Back in the late 2000's when route 50 was smooth, we'd do top end runs in the wee hours of the morning when the highway was empty. Between the traffic and the road surfaces these days.. let's just say it's not conducive. I hardly ride anymore. A couple of times the dirtbike boys in DC have killed pedestrians, one was a child. If I were the mayor i'd have tasks forces and rewards to get the dangerous off the street. They actually did do that a couple of years back in DC. Don't worry though, stupid people doing stupid things are a self correcting problem. Sooner or later they'll stop themselves from riding. That reminds me over a decade ago some riders were leaving buddscreek bike fest, riding fest.. not even racing but it would look that way to anyone without any riding experience and one wrecked and the other guy went to jail for racing. There was one guy who wasn't into the bike scene but he did buy a bike.. He was into robberies, 7-11 lotto machines and money order making machines and even an armored car... and he bought himself a motorcycle and ejected himself from a wheelie gone bad into oncoming traffic on NY ave in dc. He ended himself with that.

Anyone know the guys name who shot someone in the head before he killed himself in the bike wreck mentioned earlier?


Well-Known Member
Some years ago a Crotch Rocket slammed in to the back of a pick up truck in Calvert County. The body of the operator landed in the bed of the pick up truck in front of him. The Crotch Rocket was trying to out run the Calvert County Sheriff's Office in pursuit of him. I do not know whether or not Calvert changed their pursuit rule after this incident.
Why change it it looks like it worked