Cruise Lines


New Member
LordStanley said:
Passport.... Not when we went. That law goes into effect Jan 07, but I dont think someone his age needs one. I could be wrong.

And yes he is my only... even if i had 4, I would still do the same.

Disney puts and wrist band on the child before the start of the crusie. Its plastic so it will last the whole time. It has your childs name, stateroom number and parents name. They give the parents a pager. if child is ready to be picked up or something happens, they page the parents. (ie potty accident)
<b>When you go to pick them you have to carry ID to check them out. And also they make you provide a secret password before the start of the trip. So you give ID and password at the same time

My wife, myself and my parents were the only one that could check him in and out. </b>

It is very safe and secure. better then I most local day cares

As for trusting you child with strangers, thats up to you. I guess your a stay at home mother and doesnt get sitters when you and hubby want to go out.

The people that watch the children are top notch. Disney wouldnt hire anyone less then that. They do more extensive back ground checks then the government does.

I trusted my child with them, and so did the rest of the 750 parents on the same cruise.

i would defintley consider this safer than most of the areas daycares!