crybaby bridge


curiouser and curiouser
MysticalMom said:
Before living there I was a skeptic when it came to ghosts.
I've always been a firm believer in ghosts, even though I can't explain nor understand their existence. My grandmother's house is haunted, and I swear the house I grew up in was haunted. My mom says it wasn't, but after we moved, my Grandmother told me she'd always felt that something was a little "off" whenever she'd visit.


Football addict
Nickel said:
I've always been a firm believer in ghosts, even though I can't explain nor understand their existence.
Some things in life have always been thought of but can never be explained truthfully.:smile:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
We used to tell my son he had a monkey brother living in the attic. That was fun for a few years. We messed with him a lot, but he grew up normal, kind of.


BS Gal said:
We used to tell my son he had a monkey brother living in the attic. That was fun for a few years. We messed with him a lot, but he grew up normal, kind of.
I have a mean monkey living in my pants. I think I am going to have to give it a spanking. :angel:


New Member
The GF swears that I have two female ghosts in my house. She speaks to them in her sleep. :banghead: And I have one friend that HATES coming over. He says that he just gets a strange feeling, cold, hair standing up on the back of his neck...whenever he's there.

I've been taking notice of different things, like the dog getting spooked in the living room and joining me in bed or if it's really bad, she'll lie down in the corner between the bed and the wall. She used to race and battle me for position on the bed (She likes it on top :lol:) but for about the last year, the couch is her bed until the boogie man comes out.

I hear footsteps up and down the basement stairs, hallway and in and out of the bedroom frequently. I can explain the bangs and pops on the walls...old wood paneling does that. But I'm having a hard time explaining the other stuff.

Freaks me out sometimes, but I'm ok with it most of the time. It's just annoying when I wake up hearing the G/F having a perfectly audible conversation...and dumbass me half asleep thinks she's talking to me and I answer her back... :banghead: Thank gawd she lives out of state and I don't have to put up with THAT chit very often. :lol:


curiouser and curiouser
Ponytail said:
She speaks to them in her sleep. :banghead:
My brother used to do that in my grandmother's house. When we were visiting, we'd sleep on the floor in the bedroom my parents were in. He'd wake up in the middle of the night, chattering away, but terrified. Then he'd have me scared. I remember one night, I was trying to get him to go back to sleep, and he looked over my shoulder and said "Who's that over there?" with a panicked look in his eyes. Scared me to death. :lol: He did stuff like that every time we visited her house, but never at home. :shrug:


100% Goapele Head!
thunderchicken said:
I just moved in after being gamefully employed at the base. I live alone and being a former Marine, I do not scare very easy. Since moving in I've noticed sometimes my water smells and taste like swamp gas, OK I started buying bottled water. Then tese little caterpillars started coming in the back door and going out the front door,(only at nite). thses things are small about a 1/16th in diameter and 3/4's of an inch long, OK off to Loews and I get boric acid powder to go around the outside of the house. Now starts the picture fallings, in the middle of the nite one here, one there, sounds creeping all night and the distinct feeling of someone in the room with you. I am just across from old St Andrews rd. and saw this e-mail, bang it was like a shot considering my auto porch lite went off last wek in the middle of the nite and this lady goes running across the back. I figure it's a domestic thing from a few doors up and go back to sleep, well, if I here from you maybe I'll tell the rest. Cause now I just here the story of Molly Dyer, maybe I should have tour's.

OMG. I would not know what to do in this case. Do you think it was a real woman?


100% Goapele Head!
MysticalMom said:
...ONLY on those stairs... those stairs creeped EVERYONE out. They'd get cold all of a sudden...Hair would stand up on the back of the neck and the whole bit. I awlays sprinted up them holding my breath. :razz:

I always heard or learned from watching movies with my mom that ghosts sitings are always in cold climate, not sure why but you stayed there much longer than I would have. Have you brought that up to your daughter since she has grown up more. What does she make of it. I think that now her mind will be able to accept the reality of ghosts that the virgin mind can't or wont.


curiouser and curiouser
LexiGirl75 said:
I think that now her mind will be able to accept the reality of ghosts that the virgin mind can't or wont.
I don't think that's necessarily true. I had a lot of "ghostly" experiences when I was younger, but as I got older, they became more sporadic, and I don't think I've heard hide nor tail of a ghost in my grandmother's house since I was 17 or 18. That's not to say they aren't still there, my grandmother acknowledges that she's not alone in that house. I think younger minds are more open and susceptible to receiving whatever vibe the ghosts are putting out there, and as we grow older, and more cynical, we either don't acknowledge that something strange is happening, or they simply leave us alone. :shrug:


100% Goapele Head!
Nickel said:
I think younger minds are more open and susceptible to receiving whatever vibe the ghosts are putting out there, and as we grow older, and more cynical, we either don't acknowledge that something strange is happening, or they simply leave us alone. :shrug:

You are probably right about that. I guess I just dont understand why some can watch horror in a dark room at night by themselves and assume for some reason they are more accepting of it than others. I hope they always leave me alone :smile: