CSM Leonardtown - English Department


New Member
I looked for an education forum but didn't see one so I guess I'll ask this question here! In looking into classes for our dual enrollment student, I asked several friends who have teens/young adults taking classes at CSM in Leonardtown what classes their kids liked, and which ones they disliked. Except for one, all nine parents said that the English Department is awful. Apparently their kids were told by the teachers themselves that the teachers were not there to teach - that is what the tutors are for. Mind you, this is for English 101 - the very first course I believe. Excuse me, but isn't that what they are getting paid to do? One mom told me that her son went to the tutors because he wasn't sure how to do an assignment and the tutor said he didn't understand how to do it either!

So, how do we hold these teachers accountable? If you complain, they will probably take it out on your kid. Plus they don't want parental involvement at all and very much discourage it. We are told that these kids are adults now and should handle these matters. While that is true, these colleges can take advantage of the naiveté of our kids, in some cases give them a poor education, and the parents will not know (even though many parents pay the tuition if they are able).

Just wondering what other experiences have been. Thanks!


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
We are told that these kids are adults now and should handle these matters.

Bingo. Sometimes the tough lessons are the best learned lessons.

FWIW I let my son choose all this classes even in high school. Only thing I asked was if he was sure these were the classes he wanted. Same with college. He picked the school & the classes. They will reach out if they need advice.


Resident PIA
Having attended a various types of post secondary schools (CC, college, university, etc.) and having friends, family do the same, I have never heard that statement from a community college instructor.

At a major university that may be true. The professor is paid to present material, it is up to the student to learn and if they need help the recitation section proctors (grad students) or tutors.
At major universities the primary role of the full professor is to do research, bring in grant money and make a name for the university. Hence they don't teach. They lecture.

At a regular old college the faculty is there to teach. They don't have someone else to cover a class.

A lot of instructors at CC's are part time, that's why they are there, to teach. Not to lecture. Now mind you, this is college, students are expected to not only attend class, but come prepared to class. Reading and homework is usually assigned in advance of the topic the teacher is going to cover. I never met an instructor who wouldn't answer a relevant question.

What should you do?

Most schools require instructors to hand out forms to be evaluated by the students. Burn their ass on that evaluation.
A bad lesson to learn, but one they may have already learned in high school, figure out what the instructor is looking for - buzz words, etc. Things the they key on, those things they feel are important. Then echo them back. Not exactly a grand intellectual exchange, but it will help the grade.
Last resort, if you talked to the student talked to the instructor and was rebuffed, there is always a department head, and people higher.
If they can't advocate for themselves, they don't belong in a college setting.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FWIW Dr. Chris Wilkins is amazing and my hands down favorite professor at CSM. Somewhere on here is my odyssey with my first comp and rhetoric professor, which was a complete and total disaster because he was a crazy left-wing nut job psycho. I dropped the class and when I took it again I got Dr. Wilkins, and loved him so much that I took several of his classes.

With the exception of that one, all of my profs taught just fine. The kids were lazy and dumber than ####, but the profs were fine.
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Well-Known Member
I can't speak for L-Town, but Prof. Debartolomeo (he teaches ENG-1010, Comp. and Rhetoric) in Prince Frederick was one of the best professors I ever had.


Active Member
My oldest attended CSM in the fairly recent past & overall I have to say it was not the best experience. Mostly due to poor advising on their part & the difficulties in determining what classes were needed to meet certain requirements. She also had a couple of lousy instructors, but you are going to find that anywhere you go.

That said, college is time for these young adults to take responsibility. Hopefully by this time in life, we as parents have helped them develop those necessary tools.

They and the parents should not be expected the same guidance as was anticipated in grade & high school. Also, you should know that there are actual laws in place prohibiting universities and instructors from directly communicating with parents.

Finally, I have heard from many people in the community over the years that quite a few kids are entering CSM unable and unprepared for the basic Math 101 and English 101 course their first year.


New Member
You mean English 1010?

I don't understand how an English assignment can be that confusing?

You wouldn't think so, would you? Apparently the confusion came from learning how to use the different formatting of papers. The students were not allow to ask questions and were made to look foolish if they did. One teacher in particular would make fun of the students who asked. I know there are always a few bad eggs here and there, but until I posted this question, I had heard nothing positive about any of the teachers. Now I know one who we will definitely try to have.


New Member
FWIW Dr. Chris Wilkins is amazing and my hands down favorite professor at CSM. Somewhere on here is my odyssey with my first comp and rhetoric professor, which was a complete and total disaster because he was a crazy left-wing nut job psycho. I dropped the class and when I took it again I got Dr. Wilkins, and loved him so much that I took several of his classes.

With the exception of that one, all of my profs taught just fine. The kids were lazy and dumber than ####, but the profs were fine.

Thanks for information about Dr. Wilkins. I am hoping our daughter can get a class with him. He sounds wonderful!


New Member
I guess I should add to my original post that I never had the opportunity when I finished high school to go to college due to some major family shakeups. It is just as well though because I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up and I'm 57!

We are excited that our daughter can have so many more opportunities than we did.


New Member
I took some classes at CSM back in the day (ENG1010 being one of them) and from what I remember.... the teachers don't care much for what you call "dual-enrollment students." or the HS kids trying to get extra credits.

When I took the ENG class, the prof told everyone "I will be keeping track of attendance and those who miss too many classes will not pass the course!"

After class, I approached the prof (female) and told her "Listen... I PAID for this course. If I feel like sitting at home for every class and only show up for tests, mandatory presentations, and the final then, that is MY prerogative! I have a full time job and that comes first!"

She promptly apologized and told me that announcement was meant for the high school kids taking the class.


Active Member
You can go on the website: Rate My Professor .com and see how the other students feel about the teachers at the college. Its good in terms of finding a teacher who is good compared to who is bad.
FWIW Dr. Chris Wilkins is amazing and my hands down favorite professor at CSM. Somewhere on here is my odyssey with my first comp and rhetoric professor, which was a complete and total disaster because he was a crazy left-wing nut job psycho. I dropped the class and when I took it again I got Dr. Wilkins, and loved him so much that I took several of his classes.

With the exception of that one, all of my profs taught just fine. The kids were lazy and dumber than ####, but the profs were fine.

I agree about Dr. Christopher Wilkins being an amazing teacher. His classes are so interesting, and he challenges you to do your best!