Customer Service


We're all mad here.
MMDad said:
I stopped at the Solomons KFC one evening and they were out of chicken? WTF? Why stay open?

I think Vrai is right. There are so many good jobs that they have to settle for whoever is willing to collect a small paycheck.

Burger King in Solomons ran out of burger patties one night. The girl at the register apologized and looked at me with a nervous smile that said "please don't yell at me". My brother and I just started laughing and walked over to McDonald's. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
let the kids decide what they wanted friday night as we headed up the road--for some unknown reason they said McDonalds and that they were too hungry to wait. stopped at san souci and there were about 4 cars in the drive thru. took forever for the line to move(told them we could have been up the road by now) :whistle: when hubby finally gets to the speaker(the idiot box, as i call it) no one says anything. i questioned if it was working and finally when he called out to see--the person finally says, "may i take your order"? :smack: after waiting for a few minutes and several cars in front of me, you would think they would have some hot fries. nope, never. the kid always get a med. fry with two double cheeseburgers(ketchup only, so you would think it wasn't just sitting around). he barely ate the french fries and stated the burgers were beyond eating.

i bet it will be awhile before they make that suggestion again :lmao:


Has confinement issues..
Organize a fast food boycot and promote eating local foods and mor natural stuff:yay:


I hate anything "fast"or "convienent", because it's rarely either..:ohwell:


Bookseller Lady
aanderson said:
While I agree that customer service sucks around here, I must say that last night my family and I went to California Wendy's (in front of Walmart) and had a great experience. First, they were very polite and prompt. I ordered and then changed my order with no complaints from them. Then when my hubby picked up the tray, he spilt his large soda and a fry. They quickly replaced the drink and food (for free) and then cleaned up our mess. They get a HUGE :yay: from me!

I was in there a couple years ago with DD having ourselves a couple baked potatos. The guy the next table opened up his sandwich to discover it was all veggies and toppings, no burger. He went up to the counter and asked....

"Where's The Beef?"

The teenager behind the counter didn't get it.


Active Member
As much as I hate the service at any fast food place I have to say a McDs is much better then Wendy's. I am talking about in Upper Marlboro here BTW. I don't know what happened to the Wendy's there but over night the entire staff went Hispanic. I can't understand a damn thing they say, at least at McDs I can sort of understand the ebonics, but I don't speak any spanglish.


Well-Known Member
I went to the drive thru of taco bell/kfc a couple weeks ago and the guy in the speaker said somethin and i asked "excuse me" and he was like "o, i was just telling my boy how to make that thing you just ordered" or something and i was like "uhhh..." but i still ate the food and it was good :yay:


Resident PIA
basher said:
I only go to the McDonalds on base, they are the best =)

I'm sorry, you said they were the best, not good. Comparing them to the other McD's in the area, yes, they are the best of a sorry lot.


Resident PIA
Thor said:
Ahhh gotta love anonymous red Karma.

Friggin' coward.
I'm guessing you offended someone :howdy:
It would be nice if (a) they would identify themselves and (b) indicate in a civil manner what it was they found offensive.


BernieP said:

I'm sorry, you said they were the best, not good. Comparing them to the other McD's in the area, yes, they are the best of a sorry lot.

That's what I meant, I go there once in a blue moon when I'm in a rush. when I go to the drive-thru, I always get my food fast and it is almost always the right order.....they just forget the napkins sometimes.


Well-Known Member
basher said:
That's what I meant, I go there once in a blue moon when I'm in a rush. when I go to the drive-thru, I always get my food fast and it is almost always the right order.....they just forget the napkins sometimes.

I've had good experiences there but once or twice the person on the speaker couldn't hear me and basically yelled "What was that!?!?!" and i was already basically yelling into the speaker lol


Resident PIA
basher said:
That's what I meant, I go there once in a blue moon when I'm in a rush. when I go to the drive-thru, I always get my food fast and it is almost always the right order.....they just forget the napkins sometimes.
ditto (once in a blue moon)
What I have found that is the serive is erratic. It all depends on who's working the windows that day. There are a couple of ladies that seem to try and make the orders right and are polite, then there are the "others".
My gauge of who's working is to look at the length of the line, if it's wrapped around the building don't bother. If it's not, it's the ladies who hustle who are on and it's a go for drive thru.