Cutting off pinky toes to fit into heels


Lawful neutral
'Stiletto Surgery' alters pinky toe for better fit | Fox News

These days, some women will do just about anything to fit into their favorite pair of high heels – including surgery.

A growing number of women are paying thousands of dollars to surgically alter their feet just to make wearing heels a more comfortable experience.

Surgical procedures such as shortening toes, receiving foot injections and even completely cutting off pinky toes are on the rise.


Raisin cane
'Stiletto Surgery' alters pinky toe for better fit | Fox News

These days, some women will do just about anything to fit into their favorite pair of high heels – including surgery.

A growing number of women are paying thousands of dollars to surgically alter their feet just to make wearing heels a more comfortable experience.

Surgical procedures such as shortening toes, receiving foot injections and even completely cutting off pinky toes are on the rise.

Ugghhh. Give me a good, comfortable pair of tennis shoes or hiking boots any day.


Salt Life
If you buy good shoes, your feet shouldn't hurt. And good does not mean buying your shoes from Target, Payless, etc.

In the military they tell you to take care of your feet. Good quality shoes are important part of foot health. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Seriously!!! Women are nuts!! Whats next...needles in the face to make you look...oh wait a minute...they're already doing that. :coffee:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Seriously!!! Women are nuts!! Whats next...needles in the face to make you look...oh wait a minute...they're already doing that. :coffee:

For real! And cutting off your breasts for....oh...wait...

Anyway, it's not just women. Ever hear of a Prince Albert? :twitch:


I think black women should cut off the tips of their toes and trim their heels down an inch to fit into the shoes that they squeeze into. I've seen way too many size 9 feet squeezed into size 7 shoes. :dead:


New Member
I think black women should cut off the tips of their toes and trim their heels down an inch to fit into the shoes that they squeeze into. I've seen way too many size 9 feet squeezed into size 7 shoes. :dead:

House slippers & flip flops aren't really considered shoes :whistle:


New Member
It could serve as a valuable indicator to those entering into new relationships.....

Eventually those women will have to take their shoes off in front of their lover and explain their missing toes. It would probably require a better story than just "I did it for the shoes."

Would men notice missing toes? Other women would.


New Member
If I ever had my pinky toe cut off it would only be so I would no longer experience the pain of hitting it on a coffee table corner.
If you buy good shoes, your feet shouldn't hurt. And good does not mean buying your shoes from Target, Payless, etc.

In the military they tell you to take care of your feet. Good quality shoes are important part of foot health. :yay:

Agreed :yay: but I have some heels from Macy's, DSW, Aldo and other places you would classify as "good" that hurt my feet (and I'm not talking about buying from their scratch and dent section either, lol)...mostly if I've been wearing them for a long time.

I think black women should cut off the tips of their toes and trim their heels down an inch to fit into the shoes that they squeeze into. I've seen way too many size 9 feet squeezed into size 7 shoes. :dead:

That's not just "black women" honey, you should see the lady I work with :barf:

It could serve as a valuable indicator to those entering into new relationships.....

Eventually those women will have to take their shoes off in front of their lover and explain their missing toes. It would probably require a better story than just "I did it for the shoes."

Would men notice missing toes? Other women would.

Wouldn't you notice if his toes were missing? I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that....what if he had some sort of freak accident or was born a toe short, something like that....toeless peeps deserve love too. I'm just sayin, wouldn't you notice?? Haha

I doubt that many men would notice the missing toes. :lmao:

Yeah right! I think most people, in general, notice jacked up feet :yay:


What's that :confused:

"A PA is probably the most common male genital piercing -- it heals quickly and is relatively trouble free. It enters the urethra and exits immediately behind the glans.

The piercing is usually done in 10ga or larger, and stretches very quickly. Most men (and women) find that 6ga or 4ga is an ideal size. For some people, the piercing is purely aesthetic, but for others, it is highly sensual. I should add that some women find the piercing uncomfortable.

Finally, be warned that wearing a ring in your urethra will often affect the urine stream -- you may need to sit down to pee."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"A PA is probably the most common male genital piercing -- it heals quickly and is relatively trouble free. It enters the urethra and exits immediately behind the glans.

The piercing is usually done in 10ga or larger, and stretches very quickly. Most men (and women) find that 6ga or 4ga is an ideal size. For some people, the piercing is purely aesthetic, but for others, it is highly sensual. I should add that some women find the piercing uncomfortable.

Finally, be warned that wearing a ring in your urethra will often affect the urine stream -- you may need to sit down to pee."

He knows what that is; he's the one who told me. :lol:


New Member
I think feet are kind of gross anyhow. Anything that makes them "different" (like a missing toe) would probably make the foot even more gross to me. (And if you are missing your toe-I am not saying you are gross.)

I have nice high heels. If I wear them all day, they eventually hurt my feet by the very end of the day. Or if I was out dancing in them, they will hurt the next day. I hobble around the house like an old lady. My heels are in the 3-6 in range and I think that no matter how good the shoe your feet aren't really meant for that so it hurts some. BUT better shoes definitely make a difference.