Cyber Monday!


I bowl overhand
The "Family" has been receiving the "Tower" since 1978. I tried to like what was in the boxes. :barf: The boxes were pretty and meant you had money to waste.

A box of generic chocolates from the drugstore would have been devoured. :shrug:

See the burglar thread :lol:

Moose Munch, Baklava.. the Pears.. AWESOME!

If you don't like Harry and David your unAmerican, and probably don't like little babies or purring kittens either.


Hot Flash
Moose Munch, Baklava.. the Pears.. AWESOME!

If you don't like Harry and David your unAmerican, and probably don't like little babies or purring kittens either.
I love little babies, dislike most children, teenagers and adults, love little purring kittens and slobbery dogs.

I do love the boysenberry syrup they used to make. I don't know if they still have it.

We took a tour of their facilities eons ago. We bought syrup.

The "Tower" was so over the top. They didn't have moose crunch back then (never had it) Grapefruit, pears, wrapped nasty candied figs and some candy on the top. I would try to enjoy a prettily wrapped fig. GROSS!

It did look pretty. :lol:


I bowl overhand
I knocked out four gifts and treated myself to some pears :yahoo:

I'm going to try to germinate some pear trees from ours this year. Already have our favorite Peach trees growing, now to work on the Cornice Pears.

Maybe a couple Granny Smith Apple trees..

Any requests for our deer kill zon.. I mean tax shelte... I mean ORCHARD??


I bowl overhand
What happened to the tomatoes and greenhouse?

Actually thinking greenhouse for trees, that can be moved outside every 6 months or so.

Trees are more forgiving.. Though giving up a corner to possibly have fresh tomatoes year round sounds appealing.