

New Member
I spent my early teenage years hoping and wishing and praying for it to finally start and I've been spending every moment since trying to find non-pregnancy related ways to make it stop.

Same thing with shaving my legs. I couldn't wait to start that, either.


Hot Flash
I spent my early teenage years hoping and wishing and praying for it to finally start and I've been spending every moment since trying to find non-pregnancy related ways to make it stop.

Same thing with shaving my legs. I couldn't wait to start that, either.

HA HA that you brought this up. I could have bled to death shaving my legs when I was 11?

Pubic hair? What a travesty! The itch was beyond mentioning.

I spent the following years shaving. Now, my boy friend just laughs at me shaving my beard and mustache.

He's fine with the bush.


New Member
HA HA that you brought this up. I could have bled to death shaving my legs when I was 11?

Pubic hair? What a travesty! The itch was beyond mentioning.

I spent the following years shaving. Now, my boy friend just laughs at me shaving my beard and mustache.

He's fine with the bush.

I still haven't figured out how, after all these years, I still manage to miss the same patches of hair on my knees every.single.time.

So, purchasing boobies is on my list of hopefuls but it's prioritized somewhere beneath lazer hair removal and new flooring for my house :/


Active Member
I was about 14, I was very thin and a picky eater. With my daughter I was told not to worry because she is just not exposed to the hormones that are present in most foods so she hasn't matured as fast as other children.


Active Member
This thread is great!

I hit my time when I was barely 12. I didn't get boobage until I was 16. I knew some girls that got boobs at 12 but Mother Nature didn't visit until they were 16.

Every woman/young lady is different. I wouldn't worry about it but make sure she is physically and mentally prepared for it. I wasn't and man was I freaking out!

Sounds like me - I was in the 7th grade and weighed 80 lbs. Flat as a pancake; here I was with my period and begging my mom to let me wear at least a training bra. She laughed and told me I had nothing to train. Periods meant the "private shower" in gym class and the teacher accused me of lying - had to bring a note from home saying I had starting having my cycle.

Got boobs after I got married and started on the pill (age 23). Kept them after I had kids.


Registered User
Sounds like me - I was in the 7th grade and weighed 80 lbs. Flat as a pancake; here I was with my period and begging my mom to let me wear at least a training bra. She laughed and told me I had nothing to train. Periods meant the "private shower" in gym class and the teacher accused me of lying - had to bring a note from home saying I had starting having my cycle.

Got boobs after I got married and started on the pill (age 23). Kept them after I had kids.

I feel your pain! I was always so embarrassed during that time. I hated gym because we weren’t allowed to shower after..straight to class. NASTY. I have always been a bit of a germ-a-phobe and not being able to shower after running grossed me out to no end. And then to add “womanhood” on top of that..YUCK Oh and let's not forget private changing rooms did not exist.

And the lord, I went from nothing to D’s then got pregnant and hit trip D’s, nursed my son and went down to an A. Want to talk about being devastated. My Beloved Husband never understood why I was so self conscious about it and wanted to have them “reinvigorated.” Every time we discussed it he would tell me the same thing, “I love you just the way you are.”
Dude…it’s not for you!

Then one day I thought of the perfect analogy and I told him, “Just imagine losing 7 inches off your manhood after having kids. How would that make you feel?” For my 30th Birthday I got my boobage restored to their natural glory. Best damn money we ever spent. It’s the gift that just keeps on giving! LOL:yahoo:

Speaking of boobage..this cracked me up last night. I went to a friend’s graduation last night and didn’t get home till late. Hubs is in bed. I shower, crawl in bed, and scooch down so his mask doesn’t blow air in my face.

He wakes, says “I love you,” and lays his hand on my boob. He starts to pat it, feel around it, squeezes it, feels around some more, squeezes it again, and I’m thinking, “What the hell are you doing?” then he says, “WHAT IS THAT?!” I’m cracking up laughing and reply, “My boob.” (He would suck as a blind man but the exploration could be entertaining)

He says, “OH! What the hell is it doing way down there?!” omg..I had tears in my eyes from laughing and he says, “I thought it was your hip or your ass but damn…it didn’t feel right.” :killingme


Well-Known Member
I started at 11 :bawl:

had a friend that didn't start until 17. With that said, every girl/woman is different. My oldest daughter started about 12/13. The doctors say some of it is hereditary. They always ask when did the mother start her cycle. Also body plays a part. Very active girls and very slender girls tend to start later.

If the mother is worried, take her to the doctor just to make sure there is no problem. I would


New Member
Thanks for all of the replies, and the fascinating segue. Anyway, I spoke to my mom and it turns out she was 15, so I guess it's just in my daughter's genes to be later.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Dang. I'm not one upping myself here. After giving birth I was up to a C and I am now back to an A-. Try finding a bra in a size 40A-. :killingme

I have to buy thickly padded 40C's to hide my nipplage.

Periods are so overrated.

Yet you chose to end you statement with one


New Member
I spent my early teenage years hoping and wishing and praying for it to finally start and I've been spending every moment since trying to find non-pregnancy related ways to make it stop.

Same thing with shaving my legs. I couldn't wait to start that, either.

This has been one of my favorite things about having the baby (besides the actual baby). Its been over a year and what a treat. (I probably don't get to have this particular joy for much longer though.)


Well-Known Member
This has been one of my favorite things about having the baby (besides the actual baby). Its been over a year and what a treat. (I probably don't get to have this particular joy for much longer though.)

nursing? Just remember, you can still get pregnant. My friend got pregnant with twins 6 weeks after her son was born :jet: