

Error 404
I believe I may have a cyst on my neck, I have had it for about I say three years im not sure exacly. But it will always go away and come back. And just recently its been back longer than before and im getting tired of it I just want it gone for good. So I was just curious is there a way to get rid of a cyst without going to the doctor? Reason why I ask is because I dont really have anyone to well take me there and such. Also the price im sure will probably be high :/. Is it possible that it could be cancer? because well idk I read around some places and sometimes it turned out to be cancer. Yea it sucks having it im always questioning myself why me why me. So just wondering and well thats it for now thanks for any help.
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T, there is no way any of us are qualified to diagnose you over the internet. You have to bite the bullet and take the local bus to see a doctor if you really want to know what's going on... or you could just play the wait and see game and deal with the end results be they what they may.


Well-Known Member
You really need to go to the doctor. If you're in St. Mary's you can contact the Health Department and the STS can take you to the doctor. As far as money goes it's really a preference. If you want it removed bad enough you'll either pay out of pocket for it or get health insurance. Am I wrong for assuming that you do not have a job? If so, get a job that has health benefits.


Error 404
Nope no job been doin my own thing until I go sign up for the military. But kk thanks for the help. If a mod/admin sees this feel free to delete the post.


American Beauty
PREMO Member


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Well-Known Member
Nope no job been doin my own thing until I go sign up for the military. But kk thanks for the help. If a mod/admin sees this feel free to delete the post.

Well there you go. Get the military to pay for it. You'll have great insurance now. Kudos to you for joining the military. Which branch?
Nope no job been doin my own thing until I go sign up for the military. But kk thanks for the help. If a mod/admin sees this feel free to delete the post.
You will have medical coverage once you enlist... sign the dotted line then you are covered. Thanks for your service... :patriot: Now get to signing, son, before your head falls off!


Horse Poor
Sounds like a sabacous (sp) cyst. They usually appear and then go away. If the cyst is annoying to you the only way to solve the problem is go get it lanced or taken out if needed. If it has a hard core to it then you'll be better off having it taken care of....You can try hot compresses also.


Error 404
Well I would but see the thing is it got worst to the point where it hurts to move my head so I cant do much of anything unless I bare the pain which is what I've been doing for the past few days. I was thinking army or air force still havent made up my mind which hehe. But yea I would also rather like to have it removed before going in. And rose lol thank you for the awesome picture ahaha. And its back of my neck not front! :)


I doubt it's cancer if it's growing and shrinking and you think it's a cyst. I assume it feels like a marble of some shape under the skin that you can move a little from side to side. Some cysts hang around for years, and come back in the same area over and over again. Sometimes the only option is to have it surgically removed, cleaned, and packed or stitched depending on the size. There's a lot of good anecdotal information on cysts on the internet that could help you to understand what kind it is, and if it poses that much of a health risk.

It's very minor surgery, all they do is numb the area, slice it open and pop it out. I can't imagine it's terribly expensive.

Hope your zit feels better.


Horse Poor
Well I would but see the thing is it got worst to the point where it hurts to move my head so I cant do much of anything unless I bare the pain which is what I've been doing for the past few days. I was thinking army or air force still havent made up my mind which hehe. But yea I would also rather like to have it removed before going in. And rose lol thank you for the awesome picture ahaha. And its back of my neck not front! :)

Sounds as if it wants to burst. Try the hot compresses it will bring it to a head so that it will pop...Either way it's gonna hurt.....The longer you wait the worst it will be....


Error 404
Sounds as if it wants to burst. Try the hot compresses it will bring it to a head so that it will pop...Either way it's gonna hurt.....The longer you wait the worst it will be....
i tried that before like 2 years ago and well it got rid of alot of it yes. but it came back so i just left it alone hoping it would just go away forever by itself lol. also some of the replies made me laugh a bit and i just wanna thank you for that also because well i needed a good laugh. so thx for both the help and laugh.
i tried that before like 2 years ago and well it got rid of alot of it yes. but it came back so i just left it alone hoping it would just go away forever by itself lol. also some of the replies made me laugh a bit and i just wanna thank you for that also because well i needed a good laugh. so thx for both the help and laugh.

Log off and go do a hot compress now. Then come back and tell us if it exploded...:popcorn:


Error 404
lol I would but I would need a bit of help doing so trust me before I had my brother in law help me it was pretty nasty. But it was totally weird at the same time lmfao. Its hard to do by urself unless I had like 4 hands lol then it be a bit easier possibly.
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nobody really

I need a nap
you guys are cracking me up this morning. poor kid and his zit/cyst/goiter/extra head...

but yes, do come back and tell us all about how it popped. :killingme


Error 404
ahaha its too hard to do by myself I have tried like 3 or 4 days ago its just not gonna happen. argh I wish it would though :\ lol bottle of 151 lmfao. Oh and yea it would totally suck if it was on that well part of my body. :killingme


you guys are cracking me up this morning. poor kid and his zit/cyst/goiter/extra head...

but yes, do come back and tell us all about how it popped. :killingme


I suggest taking a video of it and competing with the other nasties on YouTube. See how far you can get it to explode.


ahaha its too hard to do by myself I have tried like 3 or 4 days ago its just not gonna happen. argh I wish it would though :\ lol bottle of 151 lmfao. Oh and yea it would totally suck if it was on that well part of my body. :killingme

Haha, seen the Untold Stories of the ER episode where the bodybulider comes in with a giant boil on his ass? Too funny.

"I don't want girl nurses!"


"Try and stroke his ego while I'm taking care of this back here..."

Guy turns out to be terrified of needles.