Daddy Needs A New Woman!!!!


Mom has been gone since April. Dad is home alone when not at work or at the watering hole. I just got my christmas card and annual gift check sent by my sister and the letter was written by her.

I know he is in his sixties and really set in his ways but should I try to get him a hook up?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Mom has been gone since April. Dad is home alone when not at work or at the watering hole. I just got my christmas card and annual gift check sent by my sister and the letter was written by her.

I know he is in his sixties and really set in his ways but should I try to get him a hook up? you think he would react to you trying to hook him up? The question got my attention because I can't even imagine it. I'm curious. My dad would want some socks or a book. Or take him to dinner even though I hate eating at 4:30...


ORGASM DONOR you think he would react to you trying to hook him up? The question got my attention because I can't even imagine it. I'm curious. My dad would want some socks or a book. Or take him to dinner even though I hate eating at 4:30...

yeah I got all those data points. Not talking about getting him laid. I just think he needs to find a healthy relationship.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

yeah I got all those data points. Not talking about getting him laid. I just think he needs to find a healthy relationship.

...I wouldn't know where to begin for my dad past someone that likes cooking for him and feeding him let alone a 'healthy' relationship.



Well-Known Member
My father lost my mother after 59 yr. of marriage-our family thought we'd lose Dad that year-mother passed in March, on December 31st Dad "turned the corner" and got back into living. He found new love in a mutual friend of both of my parents.
IMHO-widowed men look for someone to take care of them (no harm intended) women look for companionship.
I wish your father love and happiness in the new year!
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I wanna be a SMIB
Its now been 4 long years since Mom passed and we have told dad that it would be cool with us if he found someone to hang with, ie movies, beer, dinner, ect. He always says No, hes just fine. Some friends of his told me that about a year ago, he did date a woman for a couple months till she got too possesive. Why he insists on everything being a big secret, Ill never get. So dont count dad out so quick, he might be getting a little and you just dont know it.


Well-Known Member
My experiences

As someone who lost the love of my life 1.5 years ago, I can say that he is probably not ready yet. He will know when he is ready. I know I am not. I also know everyone grieves differently. One of my friends was married again within a year. Another still has not in 4 years. And another is starting to date after 5 years alone.

Let him do it in his time. Is he going out or just staying at home. I am involved in way too many activities now, just to stay out of the house, but there are times when I say I am not going, and go home and cry.

It stinks. You spend your entire life waiting for the right person and building a life with that person, and creating dreams, and then it's all over.

Nanny Pam

As someone who lost the love of my life 1.5 years ago, I can say that he is probably not ready yet. He will know when he is ready. I know I am not. I also know everyone grieves differently. One of my friends was married again within a year. Another still has not in 4 years. And another is starting to date after 5 years alone.

Let him do it in his time. Is he going out or just staying at home. I am involved in way too many activities now, just to stay out of the house, but there are times when I say I am not going, and go home and cry.

It stinks. You spend your entire life waiting for the right person and building a life with that person, and creating dreams, and then it's all over.



Has confinement issues..
Mom has been gone since April. Dad is home alone when not at work or at the watering hole. I just got my christmas card and annual gift check sent by my sister and the letter was written by her.

I know he is in his sixties and really set in his ways but should I try to get him a hook up?

I have a lady at my job who's just about 70 and just got her first tattoo:jet:

She's a wild woman and I think she's out to have a little fun:yay:

I love to see older folks hook up and keep on partying:getdown:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Mom has been gone since April. Dad is home alone when not at work or at the watering hole. I just got my christmas card and annual gift check sent by my sister and the letter was written by her.

I know he is in his sixties and really set in his ways but should I try to get him a hook up?

He's YOUR father. How do you think he'd react? If mine were still alive and he'd divorced the evil b****, once he got back to his old self, he wouldn't mind.

IMO, If all he wants is cook and a maid, give him the number to a house-keeping/home cooking service, or tell him to find a female roommate that does those things instead of paying cash rent :shrug:


I wanna be a SMIB
I have a lady at my job who's just about 70 and just got her first tattoo:jet:

She's a wild woman and I think she's out to have a little fun:yay:

I love to see older folks hook up and keep on partying:getdown:

My grammys 93 or so and has a boyfriend. You go grammy.

Giddy up!

New Member
Well he is in the Va Beach area:killingme

It usually takes a year after the death of a spouse before its considered even healthy to get in to a relationship.. I have heard this from grief counslors. I think its very sweet of you to think of him like that though!