Daddy Needs A New Woman!!!!


My 401K is now a 201K
As someone who lost the love of my life 1.5 years ago, I can say that he is probably not ready yet. He will know when he is ready. I know I am not. I also know everyone grieves differently. One of my friends was married again within a year. Another still has not in 4 years. And another is starting to date after 5 years alone.

Let him do it in his time. Is he going out or just staying at home. I am involved in way too many activities now, just to stay out of the house, but there are times when I say I am not going, and go home and cry.

It stinks. You spend your entire life waiting for the right person and building a life with that person, and creating dreams, and then it's all over.

God Bless you :huggy:~ Thanks for sharing your perspective. My Mother passed away last March & I worry about my Dad, he seems to be coping fine, but I know he has days like you describe.


No Use for Donk Twits
It usually takes a year after the death of a spouse before its considered even healthy to get in to a relationship.. I have heard this from grief counslors. I think its very sweet of you to think of him like that though!

My parents were married 50 years. When my Mom passed Dad took about a year to start dating. He was with a few losers and with a few nice ones. When he decided to remarry he asked us kids for our permission, which was silly really. It's his life. Now my step-mother is a year younger than my wife and Dad is loving life again! I'm happy for the both of them.