Daddy's New Roommate


New Member
Toxick said:
I agree. Because random anonymous karma messages from somewhere are perfect indicators about the democraphic cross-section of any given region.
I've lived in SoMD plenty long enough and know plenty enough people in SoMD to pick up on a few things. And I've read the message boards for long enough to pick up on a few things. I call 'em like I see 'em. And frankly, this thread isn't helping a whole lot.



New Member
vraiblonde said:
Latent homosexuality. Why would some guy want to go down the Hershey highway when the road to glory is right next door?

Because after four kids hitting the backdoor can be like screwing a virgin :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Arista said:
I've lived in SoMD plenty long enough and know plenty enough people in SoMD to pick up on a few things. And I've read the message boards for long enough to pick up on a few things. I call 'em like I see 'em. And frankly, this thread isn't helping a whole lot.
Bigot. Judging all by the actions of a few.


This fread is still going:confused:

Can I get a recap please?

1) MM DAD and toxic are homo phobes

2)Kain, Chasey, and Geek wish they were gay men

3)Vrai does not like any minority group who are not members of the repuplican election commitee

4) Arista believes that the opinions on this board are the opinions of
everyone in the region and no one is as tolerant as he or she

5) Kwillia is just here to help us with reading comprehension

6)Dougster is just a tent dwelling Redneck who likes to come here and make fun of, Blacks, Jews, Catholics, Whites, Gays, rich people, stupid people,poor people,smart people, people with disabilities, and any other group who may decide to post here

so have I missed anything since the expansion of this fread?


New Member
Dougstermd said:
This fread is still going:confused:

Can I get a recap please?

1) MM DAD and toxic are homo phobes

2)Kain, Chasey, and Geek wish they were gay men

3)Vrai does not like any minority group who are not members of the repuplican election commitee

4) Arista believes that the opinions on this board are the opinions of
everyone in the region and no one is as tolerant as he or she

5) Kwillia is just here to help us with reading comprehension

6)Dougster is just a tent dwelling Redneck who likes to come here and make fun of, Blacks, Jews, Catholics, Whites, Gays, rich people, stupid people,poor people,smart people, people with disabilities, and any other group who may decide to post here

so have I missed anything since the expansion of this fread?

You forgot Dork

Dougstermd said:
This fread is still going:confused:

Can I get a recap please?

1) MM DAD and toxic are homo phobes

2)Kain, Chasey, and Geek wish they were gay men

3)Vrai does not like any minority group who are not members of the repuplican election commitee

4) Arista believes that the opinions on this board are the opinions of
everyone in the region and no one is as tolerant as he or she

5) Kwillia is just here to help us with reading comprehension

6)Dougster is just a tent dwelling Redneck who likes to come here and make fun of, Blacks, Jews, Catholics, Whites, Gays, rich people, stupid people,poor people,smart people, people with disabilities, and any other group who may decide to post here

so have I missed anything since the expansion of this fread?

Your forgot... Kris is both gay and straight! haha


Well-Known Member
Dougstermd said:
This fread is still going:confused:

Can I get a recap please?

1) MM DAD and toxic are homo phobes

2)Kain, Chasey, and Geek wish they were gay men

3)Vrai does not like any minority group who are not members of the repuplican election commitee

4) Arista believes that the opinions on this board are the opinions of
everyone in the region and no one is as tolerant as he or she

5) Kwillia is just here to help us with reading comprehension

6)Dougster is just a tent dwelling Redneck who likes to come here and make fun of, Blacks, Jews, Catholics, Whites, Gays, rich people, stupid people,poor people,smart people, people with disabilities, and any other group who may decide to post here

so have I missed anything since the expansion of this fread?
Judging from karma i am a ### fudge packing homo perv
ummmmm fudge


PrchJrkr said:

Wow... I go to bed and when I wake up I've magically gained ho status? That's pretty neat...

Not sure how my not seeing gender when I'm attracted to someone makes me a ho, but if it makes you feel better we'll go with it.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Bigot. Judging all by the actions of a few.
So let's break down exactly what started all this...

I received a wonderfully insightful piece of red karma that said, "You are GAY!" Unsigned and rather... mature (please note the dripping sarcasm in that statement). So I simply said, "Maturity abounds in SoMD."

Since most people accept definitions provided Mirrriam-Webster's Dictionary, we'll use that to define two key words in my post: maturity and abounds.

Main Entry: ma·tu·ri·ty
Pronunciation: m&-'tur-&-tE, -'tyur- also -'chur-
Function: noun
1 : the quality or state of being mature; especially : full development
2 : termination of the period that an obligation has to run

Tracing the word "maturity" back to the root of "mature", we get the following:

Main Entry: 1ma·ture
Pronunciation: m&-'tur, -'tyur also -'chur
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): ma·tur·er; -est
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin maturus ripe; akin to Latin mane in the morning, manus good
1 : based on slow careful consideration <a mature judgment>
2 a (1) : having completed natural growth and development : RIPE (2) : having undergone maturation b : having attained a final or desired state <mature wine> c : having achieved a low but stable growth rate <paper is a mature industry> d : of, relating to, or being an older adult : ELDERLY <airline discounts for mature travelers>
3 a : of or relating to a condition of full development b : characteristic of or suitable to a mature individual <mature outlook> <a show with mature content>
4 : due for payment <a mature loan>
5 : belonging to the middle portion of a cycle of erosion
- ma·ture·ly adverb

Let's look at number 1 in the definition of mature: "based on slow careful consideration." If the karma giver had truly slowly and carefully considered their comment, "You are GAY!", they would've figured out that they couldn't logically make that statement because they are not, nor will they ever be, privy to my sexual orientation. So their comment, by definition, shows a lack of maturity.

The next word we'll examine is "abounds." Again, using Mirriam-Webster as a reference, we see that "abound" means the following:

Main Entry: abound
Pronunciation: &-'baund
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French abunder, from Latin abundare, from ab- + unda wave -- more at WATER
1 : to be present in large numbers or in great quantity : be prevalent
2 : to be copiously supplied -- used with in or with <life abounded in mysteries -- Norman Mailer> <institutions abound with evidence of his success -- Johns Hopkins Magazine>

"To be present in large number or in great quantity." Much of the red karma I've received has shown a lack of maturity. In fact, a great number of people I've dealt with in SoMD exhibit a lack of maturity on some level. If making that observation makes me a bigot, then so be it.

I've lived in SoMD my whole life. I was born here and raised here... as were my parents and grandparents. I'm well aware of "the Good Ol' Boy network" and the extremely conservative nature of this area. Nothing I see or hear in this area surprises me. However, it fightens me that so many people can be so accepting of and participate in the belittling of an entire group of human beings because their lifestyle doesn't fit in the little box that has been so carefully defined by the "societal norms" of this region.

The world is changing and "societal norms" are changing. While many of the opinions expressed in this thread may be the "popular opinion", know that there are still a few people in the world who "go against the grain" and can, dare I say, think for themselves instead of following the rest of the sheep.

So flame me, throw as much red karma in my "karma hopper" as you can, call me "gay"... do whatever you deem justifiable to make yourselves feel better. After all, this is just the Internet and your opinion of me doesn't really mean anything.

I bid you all good day on this subject. The energy I'm expending on it really isn't worth it. It's like talking to a rock.


New Member
Dork said:
As long as you don't forget me Geek, it's OK. I know you are always thinking about me in my pink spandex pants, aren't you? :huggy:

Yes Dork, I can't get enough. Nothing is sexier than a closed mind.


see now that was much easier than reading the 16 pages I had missed.

Just a thought for the day

Lots of different people in the world.

The Ice Cream 'Comb' Story

She was three. Just released from a far-away hospital after life threatening brain surgery, ready to take on the world again. I was happy just to have her back. My little "Mr. Clean" (shaven head and hoop earrings) and me driving along to our local mall. Hanging out with dad day. I recall her words as if it were yesterday.

"Daddy, can I get a treat?"

As she was understandably spoiled (if there is such a thing), I replied "ok honey, but just ONE". Her eyes beamed like the Fourth of July in anticipation of that something only she knew at the time.

We drove around to the new end of the mall on the normal seek-and-destroy mission of capturing a parking place. After all, it was Saturday. We landed a fair distance from our destination, and began walking hand-in-hand towards the entrance, her pace gaining momentum with each tiny step. A few feet from the doors she broke loose and ran hands-first into the thick wall of glass, trying with everything she had to swing the big doors open. No luck. With a little assistance, she 'did it' and tried the very same thing at the second set of doors.

It was then that I asked her what she wanted for her treat. Without hesitation, she matter-of-factly said "an ice-cream comb from the ice-cream store". Ok, the goal was set and we were in the mall!

But hold on! What was this? At the end of what was just an ordinary looking lane of retail chain outlets she spied something new- this huge fountain, water shooting who knows how high into the air. The new goal line!

She ran, and I walked (don't ya just hate it when parents let their kids run wild in public?), and we arrived at the spectacle at about the same time. The turbulent noise was almost deafening. "Daddy, can I make a wish, can I make a wish?" she screamed as she jumped with the kind of pure joy we've all long since forgotten.

"Sure honey, but that will be YOUR TREAT you know," I explained (gotta be firm with these kind of things).

She agreed.

I fumbled around in my pocket and pulled out what I think was a dime (big spender) and placed it in her outstretched hand. She cupped it tightly, closed her eyes and grimaced, formulating her wish. I stared at that little scrunched-up face and said my own kind of prayer of thanks, feeling so blessed to still have this ball of energy in my life. And then like a shooting star, the coin was flung into the foaming water and with it, her wish.

We happily continued our stroll into the familiar section of the mall. An eerie silence ensued, which I was admittedly uncomfortable with. I couldn't resist breaking it.

"Aren't you gonna tell daddy what you wished for?"

She retorted "I wished I could get an ice-cream comb".

I just about lost it right then and there. Couldn't imagine what the shoppers thought of this lunatic laughing uncontrollably in the middle of a crowded mall. And needless to say, she got her wish, and two treats.

Little did I know then that my beautiful little girl would soon embark on a long road of seizures, surgeries, special schools, medications and end up partially paralyzed on her right side. She never learned to ride a bike.

Today, she is almost seventeen. She cannot use her right hand and walks with a noticeable limp. But she has overcome what life seemed to so cruelly inflict on her. She was teased a lot and always struggled in school, both socially and academically. But each year she showed improvement. She is planning a career in early childhood education. With one year still remaining in high school, her and I, one night not too long ago mapped out all the courses she would need to take in community college. It was her idea. She volunteers weekly at a local hospital, on the children's floor. She baby-sits a neighbors children five days a week. On her own this year, she stood outside in line for four hours on a cold Canadian January afternoon and enrolled herself, with her own babysitting money, into two courses she felt she would need for college.

You see, to her failure was never an option.

It would almost be redundant for me to explain why I wanted to share this story with you. She IS my daughter and I carry all those fatherly biases with me wherever I go. But these aside, she is a very exceptional person and one that I admire and have learned a lot from.

It is my sincerest hope that her story will have even a momentary positive impact on you as a human being, a parent, a spouse or even, an entrepreneur.

I'd like to leave you with a closing thought. As human beings, we deserve all the treats, and the multitude of good things that life can offer us. We all have wishes and dreams, AND the power to make them reality. Just simple truths of the universe.

We can wish for, and get, that ice-cream comb.

(c)1999 Rick Beneteau


Dougstermd said:
1) MM DAD and toxic are homo phobes

so have I missed anything since the expansion of this fread?

Well, I've certainly missed the part where I'm a homophobe.

Please direct me to relevant passages.



Highlander's MPD
337 posts in 23 hours. Not bad! It's not even lunch time. I'm sure there will be some lunch time posters. I'll have to come up with something new and try to break this record.


08-17-2007 06:53 AM TMI! I'm terribly sorry you felt I gave too much information, but you chose to read the post and therefore any offense is simply on you and not on me because you became offended by a choice you made.

08-17-2007 05:52 AM I feel sorry for your kids. Kid, as in 1, thanks. And why should you feel sorry for him? He's a very well adjusted, intelligent, gifted, and blessed little boy. He wants for nothing and loves his mama very much. Perhaps we could all take a page from the book of children.

08-17-2007 05:41 AM You're just upset because you aren't a normal person but really wish you were. You are a freak and you can't change that. I'm upset that I'm a freak? Oh no, I embrace my inner freak. It took me 27 years to become ok with the person I am and there's not a single person, no "good ol' boy network", no narrowminded piece of homophobic trash that's going to make me think twice about who I am. Love me or hate me, that's your choice.

08-17-2007 05:15 AM And to think, I liked you at first...~PJ I'm sorry that you don't like me now after reading my opinions. I can't change that and if you're going to judge me based on some posts in a forum, it's probably better that way anyway.

08-16-2007 07:13 PM I am happy he threw the book in the trash. It was worse than a piece of tissue with snot on it. It needed to be thrown away. U R weird. Oh, Gosh, do you really have kids? That's too bad! U R weird. You are was too hard to spell out? Yes, I have a kid, 1 kid, a son... and see above for reference to him.

If ya'll wanna flame me for expressing my beliefs and taking a stand, by all means do so. But please have the common decency and respect for my child to keep him out of your attacks and comments to me. Going after my child and making him seem as if he is any way deprived because of who his mother is when you've not seen how we live or met him to get an assessment of his character is hitting way below the belt and completely uncalled for. Would you like me saying the same thing to your kids? I don't think you would and I would never go after your children because my beef was with you and not the child. If anything is an indication of immaturity it is that right there.