Daisy Reincarnated...


New Member
Chalk the following items up to "Destruction By Samanth":

One antique expandable coffee table obtained from my great grandmother.
One pair of black Oakleys
One set of Extra Long PS2 output cables.
A dozen ponytail holders
One pair of expensive scissors for cutting hair.
One 4x8 sheet 5/8" drywall.

And so it starts.


wandering aimlessly
Ponytail said:
Chalk the following items up to "Destruction By Samanth":

One antique expandable coffee table obtained from my great grandmother.
One pair of black Oakleys
One set of Extra Long PS2 output cables.
A dozen ponytail holders
One pair of expensive scissors for cutting hair.
One 4x8 sheet 5/8" drywall.

And so it starts.
She may have destroyed them, but did she also "consume" them a la Daisy?


New Member
bresamil said:
She may have destroyed them, but did she also "consume" them a la Daisy?

Daisy had smaller turds, so it was easier to spot stuff. But this mornings output looked like the drywall. And last week was when the handles of the scissors were identified. But most of the other stuff was simply destroyed and not consumed.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Boy put his boxer in his room one day and went to work. The dog chewed up the metal doorknob. He crates her now.


Ponytail said:
Daisy had smaller turds, so it was easier to spot stuff. But this mornings output looked like the drywall. And last week was when the handles of the scissors were identified. But most of the other stuff was simply destroyed and not consumed.
The dog crapped a pair of scissors? :eyebrow:


My Sweetest Boy
BS Gal said:
Boy put his boxer in his room one day and went to work. The dog chewed up the metal doorknob. He crates her now.

I had to put Abbey and Buster back in their crates. They both had done really well but Buster isn't as well behaved as the rest and poor Abbey cannot restrain herself. She just loves a good time. :lol:


New Member
cattitude said:
Why can't you crate her?

I do. She does this while I'm home...or when I leave for a "quick trip to the store".

When she got the table, I was on the couch, right next to it. It sounded to me like she was knawing on her rawhide bone. :rolleyes: I was engrossed in a movie or something. I was a little more than pissed when I glanced over at her to see what she was doing. Same thing with the scissors. I was watching TV, and she playfully tossed them up in the air, and they came bouncing out in front of the TV.

She got the drywall last night after I came home, let her out, fed her, and ran out for a bit. I was gone 1 hour.

This dog is going to be seeing more of the inside of her crate.


shes a puppy what do you expect. Maybe try some bitter apple on things you dont want her to eat like the legs of the furniture and stuff like that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jp2854 said:
Maybe try some bitter apple on things you dont want her to eat like everything in your home - clothing, furniture, electronics, toiletries, fixtures, power tools - and stuff like that.


Asperger's Poster Child
Proof I have my mind in the gutter: The title of this thread sounds like a cure for female frigidity.