Dallas go HOSED...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...in what was a very entertaining and exciting game, Dallas had three pass interference/holding calls against them that were marginal, if not out right bad calls and they did not receive the same interpretive open mindedness in return when they had the ball.

Further, the overturned call late, when Whitten was ruled on the field to have gotten the 1st down at the 1, was a travesty. We're told that there must be clear evidence, like when Talapia Tofu, the Seattle linebacker, barely stepped out of bounds tossing Glens fumble back in play for an apparent TD.

The Whitten play, you could argue, yeah it looks like he might of been short but all the shots they showed us were on an angle, not on the goal line, right there, like the man who made the call. To me, it was not indisputable and should not have been overturned.

Also, Seattle #27, Jordan Babineuax, not even hesitating when Romo botched the snap made maybe the play of the day, in a day filled with them, running Romo down. If he doesn't trip him, Romo at least gets the 1st and maybe tumbles in for 6.

The KC game sickeningly reminded me of us vs. Seattle last year; D playing lights out and doing everything you could ask and more, but no offensive support at all. If Law scores on that one pick, like Rogers last year flat out dropping an easy TD pic, who knows? Give Manning credit for getting in the way just enough.

Give the Colts D some credit too. If they can play like that 2 more times, they get a shot at a Lombardi.


Set Trippin
Larry Gude said:
The Whitten play, you could argue, yeah it looks like he might of been short but all the shots they showed us were on an angle, not on the goal line, right there, like the man who made the call. To me, it was not indisputable and should not have been overturned.
Angle or no angle, that ball never crossed the 1 yard line... Good call by the official....

I love the irony of the golden child blowing the game for dallas... Romo Christ botched the snap? No, impossible....:killingme


Larry Gude said:
...in what was a very entertaining and exciting game, Dallas had three pass interference/holding calls against them that were marginal, if not out right bad calls and they did not receive the same interpretive open mindedness in return when they had the ball.

Further, the overturned call late, when Whitten was ruled on the field to have gotten the 1st down at the 1, was a travesty. We're told that there must be clear evidence, like when Talapia Tofu, the Seattle linebacker, barely stepped out of bounds tossing Glens fumble back in play for an apparent TD.

The Whitten play, you could argue, yeah it looks like he might of been short but all the shots they showed us were on an angle, not on the goal line, right there, like the man who made the call. To me, it was not indisputable and should not have been overturned.

Also, Seattle #27, Jordan Babineuax, not even hesitating when Romo botched the snap made maybe the play of the day, in a day filled with them, running Romo down. If he doesn't trip him, Romo at least gets the 1st and maybe tumbles in for 6.

The KC game sickeningly reminded me of us vs. Seattle last year; D playing lights out and doing everything you could ask and more, but no offensive support at all. If Law scores on that one pick, like Rogers last year flat out dropping an easy TD pic, who knows? Give Manning credit for getting in the way just enough.

Give the Colts D some credit too. If they can play like that 2 more times, they get a shot at a Lombardi.
When I and the 3 football experts (Boy and the neighbor kids) saw Whitten get grabbed before the 1 we all agreed that it was not a first. I was sure the Seahawks got screwed then they reviewed it and made the correct call. I only remember 2 interference calls and they were legit. Dallas got off easy with 2 "holding" calls when it was interference. It was a rocking game, exciting like it is supposed to be.

I am surprised Austins TD on the kick return wasn't negated by the ever present "holding" "illegal block in the back" call.

On Romo's dash for the end zone if Gramatica had layed a decent block on #27 Romo would be on a throne with swim suit models rubbing his feet with oil.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You can say that...

mainman said:
Angle or no angle, that ball never crossed the 1 yard line... Good call by the official....

...and I can agree, which I do, but we didn't see clear evidence of that. He could have been right on the line when he caught it. He could have been a bit farther than it looked. Point is, on an angle, especially at distance, it wasn't clear.


Larry Gude said:
...and I can agree, which I do, but we didn't see clear evidence of that. He could have been right on the line when he caught it. He could have been a bit farther than it looked. Point is, on an angle, especially at distance, it wasn't clear.
Don't the replay officials have other angles we don't on TV?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I thoguht that at first...

Pete said:
On Romo's dash for the end zone if Gramatica had layed a decent block on #27 Romo would be on a throne with swim suit models rubbing his feet with oil.

...but watching it 10 times, he, Gramatica, could not have changed direction quick enough from going through his kicking motion, forward, to attacking back and to his right even if he anticipated what 27 was trying to do. As it was he did get a litle push on the guy and, well, he is a kicker.

I disagree on the pass int calls. The one that preceeded Seattle failing on 4th and goal, Jeez, they were hand fighting, at best.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Maybe they do...

Pete said:
Don't the replay officials have other angles we don't on TV?

...I tried to make clear that my opinion is based on what they showed us. If they had a goal line shot, great. They should have showed it and I thought they only had what the networks have.


Larry Gude said:
...I tried to make clear that my opinion is based on what they showed us. If they had a goal line shot, great. They should have showed it and I thought they only had what the networks have.
I don't know if they do, it would make sense to have one on the 1st down marker though.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pete said:
Whitten get grabbed before the 1 we all agreed that it was not a first.

...the ref said he made it and the rule is supposed to be clear visual evidence to over turn. It's like the Alstot td against us at TB last year in the regular season; looked like he didn't make it but not absolutely clear.


Set Trippin
How often does a holder dropped a snap and recover, Romo tried to set the ball a second time... That was his crucial mistake, dont get me wrong I know it is faster than a blur. But he should have picked the ball up immediatly and took off...


mainman said:
How often does a holder dropped a snap and recover, Romo tried to set the ball a second time... That was his crucial mistake, dont get me wrong I know it is faster than a blur. But he should have picked the ball up immediatly and took off...
I imagine the squishy feeling in his pants held him back for a second. :lol: He had to hesitate for a second too so Gramatica didn't kick him in the sack as he passed by.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's why...

mainman said:
How often does a holder dropped a snap and recover, Romo tried to set the ball a second time... That was his crucial mistake, dont get me wrong I know it is faster than a blur. But he should have picked the ball up immediatly and took off...

...we play the game! He certainly froze in trying to set it again once Gramaticas foot was past him! I have seen, however, NFL kickers pause when the holder muffs it, give him an instant to recover and actually make the kick. Once or twice, maybe?


I bowl overhand
Doesn't matter who won, as long as Dallas lost..

And what about TO?? What a GREAT game!!

And all in all, no matter the officiating, Dallas was given the chance to win from the 1.5 yards and blew it. Romo Choke-o'd


mainman said:
How often does a holder dropped a snap and recover, Romo tried to set the ball a second time... That was his crucial mistake, dont get me wrong I know it is faster than a blur. But he should have picked the ball up immediatly and took off...

I agree. Also, like Pete, Gramatica should have thrown a better block than such a sissy block on such a critical play although botched. The only thing that I saw slightly unfair in the game was on Romo's run, it look like the ball would have come close enough to crossing the first down marker. Wouldn't that have been a first down if he'd made it? I think they should have reviewed the spot because it did look like a first down or very, very close. Then the fumble I guess would have been disputable (but Ithink they placed the ball where Romo went down so I don't know that it was officially ruled fumble or not). It was still worth an official review :shrug: It was a fourth and one, not a fourth and goal and it looked like he got more than one yard :shrug:

I feel kind of bad for the kid. They just said on Channel 4 he's gone from Boy Wonder to Bobble Boy :roflmao: I don't remember the preceding 3 other downs but I think the plays were within Grammatica's range??? Given all that's at stake in this game, couldn't they have gone for a field goal on 2nd down and again on 3rd down and 4th? That's probably a really dumb question and I'm sure if I gave it some thought I can think of the answer.... there's no cokes in the house (my coffee) so my head is spinning. Just thought I'd check in before heading out to the store.

Eitherway, I thought it was a fair game. If Dallas was that good as they claim to be, it should have never come to a game within 1 or 2 points. It should have been a blow out or something :shrug: As for the refs, there was alot of holding on Dallas's linemen that didn't get called (A LOT) but there were some calls on Seattle that weren't called either.
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mainman said:
I love the irony of the golden child blowing the game for dallas... Romo Christ botched the snap? No, impossible....:killingme

Yea. Oh NO Romo blew that game like a cheap whore. :ohwell:


New Member
Eh hem. Mememememememeeeeee Ok. Here we go...

Where oh where will TO go tonight.
Why must they leave you so all alone.
They searched the world over
and thought they found True Love.
You dropped another
and *pop* you was gone!

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New Member
Larry thank you, you are truly a football fan. I think you are one of the few out there. Most people get sooooo wrapped up in the team that they root for, they lose sight of the game. I am a Boyz fan, everyone on here knows that. My fellas made quite a few mistakes the other night that cost them the game. I agree with you on two of the defensive calls. Especially the one with Newman in the endzone, I mean unless the receiver was 9 feet tall, he never had a chance to catch it even with a trampoline. As far as Romo goes, nervousness will do wonders to a man. I feel it is ironic as hell that so many games came down to dropped passes for them all year long, and he is the one who dropped that. I do agree with whoever said Gramatica could have nad a better block, all he would have done was cut him, as long as no other offensive player was blocking Babineax at the time, it is not a penalty, and it would have required less effort than what Gramatica put out. In the end when Parcells made the switch to Romo against the Giants I was happy. I met Tony last year while in Dallas for the Rams game (A friend of mine was with the Rams last year). Tony is a great kid, I didn't know how great of a player he was then, but he is the future of our organization much like Campbell is to the Skins. 8 more months and a new season will be starting. Many teams must address a lot in the off season, mine included. But as far as I am concerned, Romo turned things into a positive in Dallas this year. I mean heck we made it to the playoffs, does anyone honestly think Bledsoe could have done that?? To all of you fans out there, love the game more than a team. It is the greatest game on earth!!!!