Dallas go HOSED...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

big_poppa said:
Tony is a great kid, I didn't know how great of a player he was then, but he is the future of our organization much like Campbell is to the Skins. 8 more months and a new season will be starting. Many teams must address a lot in the off season, mine included. But as far as I am concerned, Romo turned things into a positive in Dallas this year. I mean heck we made it to the playoffs, does anyone honestly think Bledsoe could have done that?? To all of you fans out there, love the game more than a team. It is the greatest game on earth!!!!

...make no mistake, time was I hated you guys with a purple passion and everything Dallas did from making a first down to helping a little old lady was because they cheated or were up to something. :lmao:

PS: I took one of my girls to Dallas here last year and it was bliss!

Middle age has cooled the passions some, but won't it be nice if Romo and Campbell are the start of a good 10 year run of really going after it?