Dallas v Greenbay...


A Salute to all on Watch



New Member
He was not "going to the ground." He caught the ball, got two feet down, SWITCHED THE BALL TO HIS LEFT HAND, took another step and dove to the goal line. A move "common to the game", as the rule is worded. It was a catch.

Okay, for argument's sake, let's say he didn't make a move common to the game and he was simply "going to the ground." The ball never hit the ground when it was not in his control. There is no definitive view that shows the ball in contact with the ground and not in the receiver's grasp. Yes, the ball bounces loose, but Bryant catches it in the air, still in bounds, before the ball hits the ground. So, that is also a catch. The Calvin Johnson rule doesn't apply here; Calvin Johnson put the ball on the ground. If anything, Dez Bryant's play presents inconclusive evidence. It's funny how all year the mantra was that they weren't going to "officiate from the booth." It was a point of emphasis to the officials NOT to overturn bang/bang plays. If the controversy of the overturned call had not occurred the week before, this play would have been ruled a catch. This was the classic make up call.