Dangerous Teen Fads -butt chugging, smartie smokin


Power with Control
Some of this stuff is media freakout based on one or two isolated episodes blown into "fads" through repetition.

and I have to put up this clip from "The Soup", it has coverage of the awesome press coverage meant to clear the young mans name. Come for the worst use of logic by an attorney, "This young man is straight" stay for the "Animal House" style sun-glass wearing arm crossed supportive frat boys, and finish with the "victim" himself.
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Some of this stuff is media freakout based on one or two isolated episodes blown into "fads" through repetition.

and I have to put up this clip from "The Soup", it has coverage of the awesome press coverage meant to clear the young mans name. Come for the worst use of logic by an attorney, "This young man is straight" stay for the "Animal House" style sun-glass wearing arm crossed supportive frat boys, and finish with the "victim" himself.

The Soup: Butt Chugging - YouTube

That Channel 3 news lady did a great job. There's NO way that I'd be able to keep a straight face while saying "butt chugging". :lmao:


Power with Control
That Channel 3 news lady did a great job. There's NO way that I'd be able to keep a straight face while saying "butt chugging". :lmao:

I just cant decide if the frat boys did that thing to tribute Animal House or they really had no idea..........
How does this even pop into someone's head "Hmmm I wonder how f*cked up we'll get it we put it in our butt....you go first!" :jet:
It's like a Jackass episode. :barf:

I happen to like the taste of alcohol...without the taste of butt.

Ugh I hate Jackass!

Maybe I'm misunderstanding "butt chugging". They don't put it in their butt, let it spill back out and drink it...right? So, there'd be no 'butt taste' at all. Either way, I don't like the taste of butt either....I mean, I don't think. Can't say I've ever tasted butt :lol:


Ugh I hate Jackass!

Maybe I'm misunderstanding "butt chugging". They don't put it in their butt, let it spill back out and drink it...right? So, there'd be no 'butt taste' at all. Either way, I don't like the taste of butt either....I mean, I don't think. Can't say I've ever tasted butt :lol:

I just looked at pics. I can't hear the movie. Either way, the tube is still in their butt, right?