Daytime television...


Well-Known Member
CableChick said:
:yay: I knew I wasn't a bad mommy when I sent my 3 year old packin' everyday while I was on maternity leave! :lol:
:yeahthat: My lil guy will be just turning 2. He's going to daycare so that I can rest. I pay in advance and I have to hold his spot open. Why not? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
RoseRed said:
You sure about that?
Pumped and pumped. Only could get 1 ounce out in 15 minutes. That was with me trying for 2 weeks while I sat in a pump room in the NICU. :ohwell:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
sockgirl77 said:
Pumped and pumped. Only could get 1 ounce out in 15 minutes. That was with me trying for 2 weeks while I sat in a pump room in the NICU. :ohwell:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
sockgirl77 said:


Main Entry: 2utter
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English uttren, from utter outside, adverb, from Old English utor, comparative of ut out
transitive senses
1 obsolete : to offer for sale
2 a : to send forth as a sound b : to give utterance to : PRONOUNCE, SPEAK c : to give public expression to : express in words
3 : to put (as currency) into circulation; specifically : to circulate (as a counterfeit note) as if legal or genuine <utter false tokens>
4 : to put forth or out : DISCHARGE
intransitive senses : to make a statement or sound
synonym see EXPRESS
- ut·ter·able /'&-t&-r&-b&l/ adjective
- ut·ter·er /'&-t&r-&r/ noun



New Member
watercolor said:
LOL Yeah- I dont watch anything but Starting Over. That is it! the tv stays off till 4 when Oprah comes on!
I love starting over. Anytime I'm off I watch it.


yeah yeah
sockgirl77 said:
What ever happened to Josie and Chloe?

Josie FINALLY graduated- they are living with her mother- and josie is working 3 jobs. I know one of them is as a bartender. She came back to this house for a couple days- but then went and left. She was crying about how she was so tired- and how she couldnt handle it. I have no sympathy for her- she annoyed me.


Well-Known Member
watercolor said:
Josie FINALLY graduated- they are living with her mother- and josie is working 3 jobs. I know one of them is as a bartender. She came back to this house for a couple days- but then went and left. She was crying about how she was so tired- and how she couldnt handle it. I have no sympathy for her- she annoyed me.
Yeah, she annoyed me to. Wonder what happened to Chloe's "father".