DC Gun Ban just got ruled unconstitutional by DC Circuit


Lem Putt
Kerad said:

Where is all the usual outrage over activist judges?
I'm outraged at the activist judge who dissented because in her opinion US citizens who reside in the District are not afforded the same rights under the Constitution as residents of the states are.

And for the record, I do support the need for for some sort of representation in Congress for the District as long as they pay federal taxes. The problem is that congress does not and will not have the courage to adequately define the rights and responsibilities of the district. They'd much rather sit back and throw around blame for failure, promise reform during campaigns, and continue to pat themselves on the back whenever something happens to go well.


New Member
I believe that the only way to force politicians to change is through media outlets. The Washington Post... I've seen articles and letters to the editor in there that basically talk about the need for reform as far as the laws are concerned in the District... It would be interesting for a "pro gun" candidate to run for mayor, I bet he would win!

You have to start somewhere with this, as far as fixing a crime rate is concerned...

Putting the fear of street justice back into criminals, putting the fear of God and back into the hearts and minds of the criminal on the block in Maryland and DC is the start. Is that citizen that seems so helpless packing heat? You can repeal the death penalty, and the jails might not be able to hold rapists and the other animals in Maryland and DC but just maybe they will think twice about the next "helpless" victim they rob and rape.

So I ask Annapolis... How many ordinary citizens will be victimized? How many more police do you plan to hire to make this problem stop(knowing that the current police state is ineffective against the criminal element)? Hey Martin O'Malley, how many more people will be prosecuted for defending themselves, how much more do you plan to coddle to criminals in Maryland? Repeal the death penalty. How many corrections officers will die at the hands of people that no longer have anything to lose? Will Maryland be in the top runnings again for car jacking and armed robbery?