DC issues 1 mil worth post-blizzard parking tickets... more to come

D.C.'s snow emergency will remain in effect through Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., and the city wants drivers to know it's serious about enforcing the parking bans.

Since the blizzard began last Friday, the District has issued $1,078,000 worth of parking tickets and $65,600 in fines so far. It has towed 656 cars.


Vehicles are being towed at the owners' expense. Violators face $250 tickets, $100 tow charges and a $25-per-day fee until they pick up their vehicles.


Well-Known Member
Typical leftist liberal response to global warming!:yahoo:


First, it's global climate change, not global warming. It was never global warming except to people who never studied/researched/understood what was happening.

Second, because of these idiots leaving their cars in the streets, the vast majority of the roads in DC are now one or one and a half lanes. They should get ticketed; they're wasting a ton of the state's resources by leaving their cars in the plow's way.


Well-Known Member

First, it's global climate change, not global warming. It was never global warming except to people who never studied/researched/understood what was happening.

Second, because of these idiots leaving their cars in the streets, the vast majority of the roads in DC are now one or one and a half lanes. They should get ticketed; they're wasting a ton of the state's resources by leaving their cars in the plow's way.

Snow Emergency Routes are usually well marked. Anyone who leaves their car in one deserves a ticket.


Well-Known Member
Snow Emergency Routes are usually well marked. Anyone who leaves their car in one deserves a ticket.

Exactly. Those are the cars I'm talking about.

I currently live off of New Hampshire Ave, near Adelphi. Adelphi (one of the "snow emergency routes") is a one lane road at spots, instead of two or three lanes. And there are plenty of buried cars there. Those cars screwed us pretty good.


Well-Known Member

First, it's global climate change, not global warming. It was never global warming except to people who never studied/researched/understood what was happening.

Second, because of these idiots leaving their cars in the streets, the vast majority of the roads in DC are now one or one and a half lanes. They should get ticketed; they're wasting a ton of the state's resources by leaving their cars in the plow's way.

How could you expect to study, research, understand the facts when they write them to attain their own political goals?

Seriously, we have been tracking weather accurately for how long? How long as the world been in play. You do the math, this is what the world does. It's not a stable environment. If Yellowstone ever blows, you climate change people will some seriously dead FOOLS.


New Member
I love the Climate debate. One side always screams end of the world doomsday, while the other likes to point at snow and say "see! It's cold." Everyone's an idiot and nobody knows anything.


Well-Known Member

First, it's global climate change, not global warming. It was never global warming except to people who never studied/researched/understood what was happening.

Second, because of these idiots leaving their cars in the streets, the vast majority of the roads in DC are now one or one and a half lanes. They should get ticketed; they're wasting a ton of the state's resources by leaving their cars in the plow's way.

Joking on the "global warming" very sarcastically, btw. As far as the cars go, I've seen plenty of video and pictures where many of those vehicles either cannot get out because of snow, or have no place to put them. So until DC can clear enough snow to allow people to move, then they shouldn't be issuing tickets. With that many tickets issued, I would guess a lot of them were not on emergency routes. It is quite possible that DC probably doesn't know exactly where all there emergency routes are located. It is the govt, ya know.


Well-Known Member
How could you expect to study, research, understand the facts when they write them to attain their own political goals?

Seriously, we have been tracking weather accurately for how long? How long as the world been in play. You do the math, this is what the world does. It's not a stable environment. If Yellowstone ever blows, you climate change people will some seriously dead FOOLS.

Spoken like someone who doesn't understand the research. Your "tracking weather" comment is akin to someone saying "how can you be certain that there were dinosaurs millions of years ago when we have only been accurately tracking and recording animals for the last 300 years."

Joking on the "global warming" very sarcastically, btw. As far as the cars go, I've seen plenty of video and pictures where many of those vehicles either cannot get out because of snow, or have no place to put them. So until DC can clear enough snow to allow people to move, then they shouldn't be issuing tickets. With that many tickets issued, I would guess a lot of them were not on emergency routes. It is quite possible that DC probably doesn't know exactly where all there emergency routes are located. It is the govt, ya know.

Ah gotcha. I'm with you. The problem though, is people in my area have left their cars hanging out in the street so not only are they snowed in, but the plows also can't get the snow far enough off the road. So now we have one lane roads in place of three lanes. I get what you're saying about the emergency routes, but I'm also talking about the main ones like Georgia or New Hampshire.


PREMO Member
Second, because of these idiots leaving their cars in the streets, the vast majority of the roads in DC are now one or one and a half lanes. They should get ticketed; they're wasting a ton of the state's resources by leaving their cars in the plow's way.

where exactly am I supposed to move my car to in a blizzard ?

the suburbs


Thats how them b*tch's R
where exactly am I supposed to move my car to in a blizzard ?

the suburbs

This is what I don't understand. If a city/town is going to have snow emergency routes I would think there should alternate places to park when needed. Also, comments I've read made it seem like people didn't know what to do. Who buys or rents a place on an emergency route and doesn't ask what the procedure is? Also, was their state of emergency called early like ours? If so, seems like plenty of time to make arrangements. You can't bitch about having to park elsewhere and extend your walk then bitch cause you got a ticket for not moving your car.
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Well-Known Member
if you're dumb enough to park in a clearly marked Snow Emergency Route you deserve what you get. What won't be disclosed is, where that money is going. Yeah, I know I bring that up all the time when fines are being doled out; but quite often no one hears where the money goes.....a worthy cause?.....some politician's coffers/pocket?.....a pet project?


New Member
What won't be disclosed is, where that money is going. Yeah, I know I bring that up all the time when fines are being doled out; but quite often no one hears where the money goes.....a worthy cause?.....some politician's coffers/pocket?.....a pet project?

Pretty much every government out there is required by various laws to publish all of their financials every year (some do more often) and the data is easily available and out there. Occasionally sure there is some cronyism and other things that usually get caught, but the majority of these things can be found with a little research, maybe some phone calls. Just because somebody doesn't bring it to your particular favorite news sites front page doesn't mean the information does not exist.


Well-Known Member
Mayor to void thousands of snow emergency route tickets issued Friday
WASHINGTON (WUSA9) – The thousands of people in D.C. who were handed tickets on Friday for parking on a snow emergency route won’t have to pay the penalty.

For residents still mad at the city's performance during the blizzard, cancelling the tickets may help restore some confidence in Mayor Muriel Bowser.

“If you've got a woman who is actually concerned what patrons' finances are, given the circumstances that hit us last weekend, I think you've got yourself a great leader,” said resident Daryl Sharp after the city announced the decision.

D.C. issued more than $1.3 million dollars in tickets in the four days during and after the storm. Almost 5,500 drivers faced $250 fines. Any resident who already paid their fine will get a refund.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

First, it's global climate change, not global warming. It was never global warming except to people who never studied/researched/understood what was happening.

According the climate alarmists - they each represent two different phenomena, so yes, it's been both and not never global warming.

To me the distinction is disingenuous because if there is absolutely no warming of the planet whatsoever, then the hysteria over climate change is vastly over-hyped. It might be over-simplification, but - without global warming, there's no climate change to be alarmed over.