DC protesters organized via Zoom for months, thousands expected outside White House on Election Day


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Groups led by Black Lives Matter and Shutdown DC have been holding training sessions for demonstrators

Several leaked documents and Zoom call recordings described a loose but coordinated network of activists seeking to mobilize around the country, especially if President Trump wins reelection or if the election results are contested. The materials purportedly showed plans to shut down federal buildings, including the White House, and to meet members of Congress at public transportation portals when they’re scheduled to reconvene in Washington after the election.

The apparent goal: to continue the civil unrest from Election Day until at least later this week -- and potentially until the presidential inauguration in January.



Well-Known Member
The difference is stunning.
Biden supporters actively studying how to cause trouble during and after the election and Trumps supporters just going about their lives.
If Trump loses there will be no riots from Trump supporters. No rioting or looting.

It should occur to anyone with a brain which candidate is right for America.
One urging violence the other a peaceful transference of power, even though that power will operate against them.

Biden supporters want Socialism, Communism, and Anarchy.
Trump supporters want a good economy ,jobs, and to live in peace.