You are kidding, right?
First...hunting season ended in January. Second...I nailed a doe during shotgun season, and waited two hours to track her. I got a great bloodtrail for 100yards, found a huge pool...and then NOTHING. A lot of deer went lost to hunters this year because they were pretty fatty and clogged up so the blood trails were lost. I spent about 7 hours in total looking for that doe, and was disgusted to have lost her. Most hunters are the same way...whoever shot that arrow probably spent quite a bit of time trying to track that deer. Its not like we spend a ton of hours in the woods waiting (hunting), shoot, and then say...uh, nevermind...don't feel like tracking today, I'll just go home. And besides, most people don't hunt next to the busy roads. Good concept thought, shoot it, then just drive around and look for it!