

Well-Known Member
Matthew 27:45 From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. 46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).
47 When some of those standing there heard this, they said, “He’s calling Elijah.”
48 Immediately one of them ran and got a sponge. He filled it with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. 49 The rest said, “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to save him.”
50 And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split 52 and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.
54 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!
55 Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs. 56 Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons.
For those who are counting the days [another thread], this is the day after the Passover Feast. This started at Midday! See, verses 45 and 46? It got dark at noon and by three Jesus cried out for His Father and the earthquake started. So... Passover one day.... beaten and mocked that night.... and then hung on the cross and cried out about noon, then He gave up the Spirit.... second day. I'm confused....

Anyway, it occurs to me Jesus was the third strike. First there was Moses and Elijah, then Jesus was the third and final strike. God taught the people to worship through Moses and the Ten Commandments. That was supposed to make them Civil to one another, I guess. Then God sent Elijah to teach people there is only One True Living God. And Jesus was the third strike. God sent His Son to clean up the mess humans continued to make. People were still talking about Moses and Elijah when Jesus got there.

Check out verse 55. Women were there. They had been there since the beginning. Of course, they had to stay out of the way, after all, they were only women.

Now, the huge event.... that curtain.... it was huge! Take a curtain and try to rip it.... don't use scissors to start it.... just your hands and your strength.... go ahead get someone to help you.... and consider... the curtain hanging in the Temple was embroidered... completely hand stitched.... it was heavier than anything you have hanging in your house. Do you see how impossible it is that the curtain just tore????? AND it tore from top to bottom! Who was up there.... way up there... to start the tear? No one... that's who.... the hand embroidered hand stitched curtain just tore in half.... and no one started it. Now that's a "ripper" if you ask me!

So, now Jesus had given up the Spirit. He's dead.
