Deadly Accident Snarls Beltway Traffic ~ Traffic still backed up for miles


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Maryland State Police spokesman Cpl. Rob Maroney says an Isuzu Rodeo entered the beltway in the wrong direction.

"It was struck head-on by a tractor-trailer," Maroney says.
:rolleyes: Culling the herd.
Stupid freaking people should not be allowed to breathe, let alone drive a motor vehicle. Couldn't sleep last night, so I took the recommended dose of sominex. Slept like a log until 5:30 this morning. Couldn't get going, so I slept in until about 7:30 or 7:45. Left home at 8:00, got to work at 9:49. Not bad time wise, but I went up 381 to 4 to Ritchie Marlboro to the Beltway. Then found out that there was an accident/building fire on 29. By the time I got to 29, they were waying "all clear" so I got off there as usual. WRONG! But that traffic only added maybe 5 minutes to my drive. All in all, with as bad as they were screaming the traffic was, I had little to no problems getting in. Just the aggravation of it all.


Should be Huntin
When I went around the beltway this morning the sign said 3 left lanes blocked. I just happened to be in the left lane and before I could get over traffic in the right two lanes were stopped for about two miles. I rode the left lane all the way up because I couldn't get over till the last min at the flares, made great time getting around that this morning


huntr1 said:
Stupid freaking people should not be allowed to breathe, let alone drive a motor vehicle. Couldn't sleep last night, so I took the recommended dose of sominex. Slept like a log until 5:30 this morning. Couldn't get going, so I slept in until about 7:30 or 7:45. Left home at 8:00, got to work at 9:49. Not bad time wise, but I went up 381 to 4 to Ritchie Marlboro to the Beltway. Then found out that there was an accident/building fire on 29. By the time I got to 29, they were waying "all clear" so I got off there as usual. WRONG! But that traffic only added maybe 5 minutes to my drive. All in all, with as bad as they were screaming the traffic was, I had little to no problems getting in. Just the aggravation of it all.

I was 37 minutes late... :cussing: an hour elapsed from route 5 to halfway on suitland parkway (normaly a 15 min. ordeal in traffic my time of day) - we weren't moving at all and all I could do was sit there and watch the clock tick away on the dashboard and knowing I'm needed at work this morning -- I felt like a rubber band by the time I finnally got into work - several hours after I left the house. I was ready to snap at any direction... and sick to my stomach and lightheaded from the stress. If there's something that bothers me more than anythin else in the word its this easily preventable crap. I really can't stand it when someone's thoughtless, selfcentered, stupid, assinine actions negatively and directly affect thousands of other peoples lives. I think the fitting punishment for such assclowns that screw up traffic like this in the morning should stand on a block. Then have every single person he affected and made late due to his assinine selfcentered actions, come up and give him a good smack across the face. That woudl be over a thousand smacks... yeah :yay: seems fitting for the crime to me :yay:
So have you been reamed out by management yet for being late? Haven't you learned by now that you need to allow an extra hour of travel time every morning just in case some azzclown pulls a stunt like this? So what if you are already allowing 1.5 hours for a 1 hour commute in, you need to now allow 2.5 hours for the 1 hour commute.


Should be Huntin
huntr1 said:
So have you been reamed out by management yet for being late? Haven't you learned by now that you need to allow an extra hour of travel time every morning just in case some azzclown pulls a stunt like this? So what if you are already allowing 1.5 hours for a 1 hour commute in, you need to now allow 2.5 hours for the 1 hour commute.
Thats why I leave at 4:30, typically all the stupid people have not gotten out yet.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Okay, I have to ask: how the hell do you enter the beltway in the wrong direction???????


huntr1 said:
So have you been reamed out by management yet for being late? Haven't you learned by now that you need to allow an extra hour of travel time every morning just in case some azzclown pulls a stunt like this? So what if you are already allowing 1.5 hours for a 1 hour commute in, you need to now allow 2.5 hours for the 1 hour commute.

I allow an hour and a half in to work and generally that's fine but when traffic gets back up its major delays. Last Thursday was terrible too... they just said delays on Suitland parkway, they should have said major catastrophic delays on Suitland parkway... I sat on there for an hour and a half and finally realizing I'd be unacceptably late, I jumped the curb, crossed the median and called in sick - sad part is I had already made it into DC.

I try to leave early enough to compensate but either I get here 45 min. early (and they have a no OT in the morning policy and I'm instructed to hide if early - which in itself is assinine) or I get in ontime if there are delays... its just too hard to predict but admin. does what it can for me. They have set a window for me to get in... they said ... look Dems... just get in somewhere between 9 and 9:30 and only take a half hour lunch.

They work with me on this -- Lord only knows why but they think I'm a valuable employee :crazy: but on days where its terrible, or like when they shut down route 5 northbound last month, etc... it looks bad when I come in anytime after 9:30. I would like to move my hours up but the majority of my assignments are late folks - not early birds, and the later I leave and arrive the more chance of accidents or other occurances and then at 9:00 people start parking on the streets in DC narrowing roads down to one or two lanes. It's all a headache. I'm done with my rant and need to get some more work done, I have clients in today ... nonetheless, I still want to create a one smack policy though for the offender....
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vraiblonde said:
Okay, I have to ask: how the hell do you enter the beltway in the wrong direction???????

:clap: :clap: Thank you!!!! :clap: I had been wondering the same thing all morning long and was wondering if it wasn't a suicide attempt and all for it to then head for a tractor trailor... This could have been prevented... but yet one more effn' idiot that negatively affects thousands of other people because of is assinine behavior. Its pure selfcentered, inconsiderate thinking and lots of innocent people ended up inconvienced because of it.


Should be Huntin
huntr1 said:
Suicide by semi is my guess. Or drunk. Or stoned.
That time of morning road is pretty empty, so to hit the truck I would take the guess and say it was hit on purpose. That truck was tore up, I have to wash my dang car now because it's got fuel on it from driving through the puddle. I couldn't believe they were letting people by driving in puddles of fuel.


Should be Huntin
dems4me said:
:clap: :clap: Thank you!!!! :clap: I had been wondering the same thing all morning long and was wondering if it wasn't a suicide attempt and all for it to then head for a tractor trailor... This could have been prevented... but yet one more effn' idiot that negatively affects thousands of other people because of is assinine behavior. Its pure selfcentered, inconsiderate thinking and lots of innocent people ended up inconvienced because of it.
From what I can remember it was a big box truck, like a 25' or so, But my memory isn't known to be the best, and it was a red little truck, couldn't tell what kind but at first glance I thought it was a cherokee.


Luvin Life !!!
A very good friend of mine was killed my a drink driver who was heading up the off ramp of the interstate and he and his friend were heading down on their motorcycles. The one friend had to witness this drunken fool murder his good friend. This happened in 1988 in Virginia Beach. The poor guy had just gotten back in off the ship the day before. My guess is that whoever did this today must have been drunk or high as well.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
huntr1 said:
Suicide by semi is my guess. Or drunk. Or stoned.
Well, it couldn't have been an accident, that's for sure. Beltway on and off ramps are...well, I was going to say dummy-proof but...:rolleyes:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Okay, I have to ask: how the hell do you enter the beltway in the wrong direction???????
A foriegner that is used to driving on the wrong side. Seems that you would have to have screwed up your direction early on to get going in the wrong direction on the beltway or it was deliberate.
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Fighting like a girl
dems4me said:
I really can't stand it when someone's thoughtless, selfcentered, stupid, assinine actions negatively and directly affect thousands of other peoples lives. I think the fitting punishment for such assclowns that screw up traffic like this in the morning should stand on a block. Then have every single person he affected and made late due to his assinine selfcentered actions, come up and give him a good smack across the face. That woudl be over a thousand smacks... yeah :yay: seems fitting for the crime to me :yay:

They were killed in the accident, you don't have to worry about a punishment.

dems4me said:
we weren't moving at all and all I could do was sit there and watch the clock tick away on the dashboard and knowing I'm needed at work this morning -- I felt like a rubber band by the time I finnally got into work - several hours after I left the house.

Since coming in late you have been able to log into and make three posts to an ongoing topic? I don't see how that place could function without you.


truby20 said:
They were killed in the accident, you don't have to worry about a punishment.

Since coming in late you have been able to log into and make three posts to an ongoing topic? I don't see how that place could function without you.

:roflmao: I multitask well... :roflmao: Glad you can contribute to the topic at hand instead of taking stabs at me :yay: BTW, three 30 sec. posts in a two hour period is not very time consuming either and furthermore, functions just fine without me and my three posts... . :roflmao:
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