Dean Vows to Lead Democrats Back to Power


Dancing Up A Storm

WASHINGTON - Howard Dean promised cheering supporters Wednesday night he would harness their energy to lead the Democratic Party back to power in the halls of Congress and the White House by 2008.

The virtually certain incoming chairman of the Democratic National Committee rallied hundreds of young supporters, and a few he called "young at heart," in a campaign-style appearance at a Washington nightspot within view of the Capitol. In his first public appearance since clinching the chairmanship, he gave a glimpse of the kind of uncompromising leadership he plans for the national party.

The Democrats "are a party of the future, while Republicans are the party of the past," Dean said.

"We need to be proud to be Democrats,"


Yup, a guy who could not win the Iowa caucus, despite going in with a big lead over Kerry is the man for the job :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is SO cool!

uncompromising leadership he plans for the national party.

I've always said if only the Democrats would quit trying to do what the American people want, to quit this 'compromise' nonsense then the party could finally get where it belongs.


Larry Gude said:
I've always said if only the Democrats would quit trying to do what the American people want, to quit this 'compromise' nonsense then the party could finally get where it belongs.
I already feel the party is where it belongs. :flush:



Larry Gude

Strung Out

...that's the thing. They DON'T have to espouse 'Republican' issues.

All they have to do is show leadership instead of this reactionary myopia.

1. Come out solidly in favor of a womans right to the first trimester and demand parental notification and approval for minors to have an abortion.

2. Come out vehemently oppossed to fossil fuel use on the logical grounds that it's ills are many and, more importantly, it's days are numbered. Fully support modern nuclear power.

3. State you are 100% for promoting democracy around the globe and using force when it is in our vital national Iraq.

4. Support and promote various solutions to the SS crisis. It, like oil, has clearly limited days and the sooner we fix it,the better.

5. Fully support big raises in pay and benefits for military personel.

6. Support increases in NASA spending and push the sciences in college.

7. Support the Second Amendment.



Larry Gude said:
...that's the thing. They DON'T have to espouse 'Republican' issues.

All they have to do is show leadership instead of this reactionary myopia.

1. Come out solidly in favor of a womans right to the first trimester and demand parental notification and approval for minors to have an abortion.

2. Come out vehemently oppossed to fossil fuel use on the logical grounds that it's ills are many and, more importantly, it's days are numbered. Fully support modern nuclear power.

3. State you are 100% for promoting democracy around the globe and using force when it is in our vital national Iraq.

4. Support and promote various solutions to the SS crisis. It, like oil, has clearly limited days and the sooner we fix it,the better.

5. Fully support big raises in pay and benefits for military personel.

6. Support increases in NASA spending and push the sciences in college.

7. Support the Second Amendment.

:confused: You want them to become moderate republicans?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Pete said:
:confused: You want them to become moderate republicans?
That's how I read it.
I can see Democratic support for 1a and 2a - but nothing else. It was the Democrats who sank nuclear power in the first place, and they insist on abortion to be freely available under any and all circumstances. (The opposition to parental notification, to me, is absurd. You can't give a kid medical anything without parental approval, but an abortion can be done without their *knowledge* or consent. That's insane).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's not that...

You want them to become moderate republicans?

...I want them to.

It simply what they, as Democrats, should be doing. There is no constructive criticsm, no productive tension. It's really not good that they remove themselves from just about every public debate.

The real division in this country is that the true screamers on the left came to power after all the conservative democrats got tossed in 1994.

Listen to them. Dean, Moore, DU, et al, after calling a sitting President the 'enemy', a liar, evil, a Nazi, etc, actually think the way to national power and leadership is by being meaner and nastier.

The Kerry wing sits there oblivious telling anyone who'll listen that he ran a great campaign and simply needs to keep getting the message out. He actaully thinks he has one.

The Clinton wing, the realists, are just shaking their heads, defeated, dreading what Dean may wrought.

If you like single party rule, and it's better it be GOP than Dem, fine, but, they need to get their act together for the good of the country as a whole.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
..., but, they need to get their act together for the good of the country as a whole.
Or not. The Republicans can become the liberal party and a more conservative party can come into its own that will trash welfare and restore the Constitution to its rightful place and relegate the federal government to its rightful place behind the people and the states.


Dancing Up A Storm
The Kerry wing sits there oblivious telling anyone who'll listen that he ran a great campaign and simply needs to keep getting the message out. He actaully thinks he has one.

The Clinton wing, the realists, are just shaking their heads, defeated, dreading what Dean may wrought.

This would seem to be sooooo true.

Word on the street has it that the Clintons are loathe to see Howie win the DNC Chairmanship.
Bill is coaching(?) Shrillary to the point that she is now being seen as a centrist, coming out for those ideas that would seem to move her to the middle of the party's views. Defense, Education, Abortion, etc., etc., etc., and here you have someone in Howard Dean who's base is deeply entwined with the lunatic left fringe.

She's gonna need all the help she can get to distance herself from him and and at the same time appeal to lefties all across the country, I think.


The hamster litter reject
Penn said:
This would seem to be sooooo true.

Word on the street has it that the Clintons are loathe to see Howie win the DNC Chairmanship.
Bill is coaching(?) Shrillary to the point that she is now being seen as a centrist, coming out for those ideas that would seem to move her to the middle of the party's views. Defense, Education, Abortion, etc., etc., etc., and here you have someone in Howard Dean who's base is deeply entwined with the lunatic left fringe.

She's gonna need all the help she can get to distance herself from him and and at the same time appeal to lefties all across the country, I think.

Dean is not the man to bring the democrats back into power. You're right, she will need to distance herself from Dean as much as possible, which is going to be a big problem since he is such a big-mouth most of the time. The good thing about Hillary is that she is a people person and a good communicator. She is generally able to get her point/opinion across without offending every single person who doesn't see eye to eye with her (unlike Dean).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You have to wonder what the Democrats are thinking. They lose the Presidency, lose seats in the House and Senate, and lose Governorships to Republicans. And they think the answer is to get a lunatic lefty who was soundly trounced not in the general election, but in the primary, to fix them back up.

This oughta be interesting. Terry McAuliffe was THE worst thing to ever happen to the Democratic party in history. Worse than slavery. Worse than segregation. Worse than abortion-on-demand. Worse than Ebonics. Worse than Socialized electricity.

I say "was" because I suspect Howard Dean is about to beat McAuliffe out for the "worst" award.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You might be right...

...that, as a practical matter, Dean could be worse because Terry at least brought home the bacon.

But they, many anyway, will like Dean better as the ship still sinks. Terry, they say, was too close to big business and big money donors. Dean will make them feel good about themselves, the grass roots, the real people of the party, $50 at a time.


vraiblonde said:
You have to wonder what the Democrats are thinking. They lose the Presidency, lose seats in the House and Senate, and lose Governorships to Republicans. And they think the answer is to get a lunatic lefty who was soundly trounced not in the general election, but in the primary, to fix them back up.
:yeahthat: Should be interesting, to say the least.