Dean Winters


professional daydreamer
As commercials go, Allstate's "Mayhem" is pretty funny. Every time I see one of the Mayhem commercials, I think this guy looks like Jason Statham, so I looked it up tonight. Not only is he not Statham, he's dead. Who knew?

Anyway, is it just me, or does anyone else think these two guys look alike?


New Member
I thoroughly enjoy the Allstate "Mayhem" commercials!! Have you seen the new one where he acts as the GPS? STELLAR!!


24/7 Single Dad
I find the need to post "don't try this at home" on all of those commercials a sad commentary on our society


24/7 Single Dad
Kids have already seen that disclaimer when these same stunts have been done on Jackass. :lol:

I was refering to the need for the disclaimer to prevent the company from being held responsible if some idiot copies the act.

...instead of the idiot being responsible for his actions