Dear Devine?


New Member
i was thinking bad handling too, but that can creat quite a dangerous problem in a it seems it has....

and i adore the stallions you mentioned above! and i'm working with a stud colt right now who is an ablosute doll, belongs to paso!

right...but they don't eat could get this type of situation with any horse really. i know a particularly sad case....a little sensitive TB mare got rescued from the new holland auction, went to a horse rescue, she was sweet, timid, gained confidence, learned people were nice, and was riding great! then she got adopted out to the wrong people....don't now what they did to her, but they sent her back....and she was charging people who came to her stall, flipping over backwards, for real, at the slightest pressure, nearly completely ruined. the trainer at the rescue was able to get her leading and doing some things...then moved away. the resuce decided at that point she was unadoptable, so they put her down. now the sweet little mare is dead.


New Member
That's sad about the mare.

Best of luck to whoever decides to take on that, but I know I wouldn't get near that horse.

But imo, a horse like that, who apparently doesn't have proper papers/bloodlines (they don't even know his age, so I'm assuming no paperwork), should not be a stallion.

I definitely agree with all of you - use a heavier tranquilizer, geld him and keep him away from the mares.


Out of curiousity I wanted to respond to this ad! Unfortunately, I would not want to be sued for the impending confrontation ... but I have to think that a super rank stallion like this one, who was sweet a few months the result of bad handling - oh, and those mares he is runnin with! Look at the other studs the peeps here have/had - Vince, Salute the Truth, Starbuck, Maximillian and the always popular Peanut! None of these stallions have a reputation for eating vets...perhaps that is why all but one still have their man-parts!

For sure!! Gonads are no reason for bad behaviour and the presenece of mares should have little to no effect. Proper training trumps all. People can't believe that I have two stallions on my property. Uh, well...they "know" better than to misbehave. They get treated no differently than any other horse. Just like my mares don't get to be #####y my stallions don't get to be studdy. Sorry kids!

I always find it funny to go to shows and see how astounded people are by my guy's behaviour and to see how bad some of the professionally trained stallions are at the big dressage shows I go to. Duh people, c'mon.


New Member
Seriously, you could put a toddler on peanut and lead him around;; peanuts a babydoll :) Sounds like the owner is clueless bout stallions, needs training herself, and hasnt handled or treated that stallion right (in other words, let him get away with crap he shouldnt, and he learned his size) hopefully there will be no more babies from him. The world doesnt need more unsellable/adoptable horses right now. Im surprised that animal control hasnt petitioned the horse as dangerous or told the owner she needs to get him under control or put him down...


New Member
I agree. They need to invest in a well known "problem horse" trainer (the likes of lyons, roberts, parelli, anderson, etc)...

Clinton Anderson is in Upper Marlboro next month. She should have signed this horse up when they were taking calls for horses for demo.