I agree, I have absolutely NO sympathy for those freakn' idiots that bought a house knowing full well they can't afford it and I get even further enraged at the idea of them expecting a bailout for their interminable stupidity. I didn't run out and buy a house I couldn't afford, why should I now have to pay for their mistakes with my tax dollars? I didn't even get the benefit of living in my own home or any of the perks - not every one was stupid. UFB!!!

Or maybe I was just as stupid for NOT having done the same and hope for a bailout. I still havn't decided but I did what was right and to me that's NOT buying something you CAN'T afford then expect others to bail you out.

So I'm thinking I did the right thing but if they get the bailout, I will be very pizzed.
I have about the same amount of sympathy for those that pop out kids left and right that can't afford them and then expect the government (my tax dollars) to bail them out for their stupidity.
I'm done now.