Dear JLab,


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Your buddies have officially lost their minds.
I was outside with my pug when the Towers fell.

I saw the black mushroom cloud.

My first thoughts, as we started to run, were, "Oh My God, they're using explosives, too!"

No one will ever convince me other wise.
In my new book I will be making several key points:

1. I will name Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass
murders of 9/11 and will establish that, not only was he a planner in
the attacks, but also that on the day of the attacks he was running a
completely separate Command, Control and Communications system which was superceding any orders being issued by the NMCC Military Command Center], or the White House Situation Room.
Zero evidence has been presented that OBL
was involved. No convictions. Zero.
Wouldn't it be cool if these freaks got John Kerry to come out and make these accusations, too? :getdown:


Sorry about that chief.
Sorry to rain on your parade Vrai, but I'm not a democrat. I just think W is a tool and all those who love him are poor clueless sods.


jlabsher said:
Sorry to rain on your parade Vrai, but I'm not a democrat. I just think W is a tool and all those who love him are poor clueless sods.
But you are going to vote for him because even though he is a tool he is a much better choice than Kerry?


Why exactly do you see Bush as being a tool? I think that a serious review of his first term proves otherwise.

First, he's one of the dang few politicans in recent memory who actually did what he said he was going to do - both when these things were popular and unpopular.

Second, he's shown a marked willingness to commit the US military when it was called for, and he's the first President in a long time to understand the need for pre-emptive action.

Third, he delivered on getting seniors some help with drugs, he's finally getting the public schools to extract their collective craniums from their arses and realize that the fun times are over, and he held his ground on abortion and stem cell research.

He's got his tax cuts through, and isn't willing to blamd & soak the rich for everything that's troubling the poor. He also got our economy going again after a recession, two burst bubbles, corporate scandals and the 9/11 attacks. What could he have done better there oh ye' masters of hindsight?

Granted, Bush didn't drop goodies into everyone's baskets, but he sure accomplished a lot more than most other Presidents have in their first four years. And while his accomplishments might not have lived up to everyone's ideals, at least they were more than just words and empty promises.


Dancing Up A Storm
:twitch: So, these are the kind of people who hate our president, but love J. Kerry/Edwards??

Protesters Allege 9/11 Terror Attacks Were Government Conspiracy
By Marc Morano Senior Staff Writer
September 03, 2004

New York ( - On the final day of the Republican National Convention, protesters gathered where the World Trade Center once stood to allege a massive government conspiracy and cover-up regarding the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.

The afternoon event, sponsored by, was called "Vigil For Truth at Ground Zero."

"<9/11> was an inside job, a fraud, a scam, equivalent of the of the Reichstag that led to a reign of terror across Nazi Europe. And it seems like that's what is happening now," protestor David Hylander told

The burning of the Reichstag, Germany's parliament building, in 1931 gave Adolph Hitler the opportunity to consolidate his power and suppress civil liberties.


Sorry about that chief.
So left wing nutjobs scare you? Good, right wing nutjobs scare me. I consider Bush and his cronies more of a right wing nutjob than Kerry is on the left.


Football season!
penncam said:
:lol: Yeah ST, that's the gaff he made about Al Qaeda "always looking for a way to harm our country, and so are we."

Oh well, like I told you before, tha man knows how to turn a phrase. :whistle:
I'll say. I still love rumsfeld's face when he says it. Definately a classic in the world of Bushisms :killingme


Dancing Up A Storm
SmallTown said:
I'll say. I still love rumsfeld's face when he says it. Definately a classic in the world of Bushisms :killingme
:killingme I'd like to see your face if your could have been there. You would have probably burst out laughing, busting your gut, rolling on the floor, pounding your fist.

And then got up and said : "What?"


Football season!
penncam said:
And then got up and said : "What?"
You help write Bush's speeches, don't ya??

"I hope you leave here and walk out and say, 'What did he say?'" —George W. Bush, Beaverton, Oregon, Aug. 13, 2004


see, this #### is exactly why I'm voting for Bush. Both Bush and Kerry are both tools, but Bush offers us so much more comedy!


Hmmm... no one can justify why he's a tool. Very interesting.


Sorry about that chief.
vraiblonde said:
Why do you think Bush is a right-wing nutjob?

Where do I start, read my tagline for one.

2. Ashcroft - Patriot Act, need I say more, O.K. the feds can confiscate your library and video records without a warrant. Secret tribunals, we've got 'em, who needs gulags, we've got gitmo. You can't take pix of federal buildings (or the bay bridge) without warranting suspicion. Remind me again that I live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Oh by the way, boobies are bad.

3. Rumsfeld - Screw the world, we'll kill 'em all, we'll beat prisoners and hide them from inspectors. Yeah it happened on my watch but I'm not responsible it was that E-4 who did it all.

4. Cheney - I got my millions by killing people, my wife was on the board of General Dynamics (remember napalm), and I sold WMDs to some guy in Iraq 14 years ago for the US government.

5. Bush of course who invaded another nation without rhyme or reason and still hasn't made the world a safer place, despite killing tens of thousands of Iraqis, hasn't found WMDs, no links between Iraq & al-Quaeda. No child left behind which didn't work in TX and isn't working nationwide, especially when a federal mandate is issued and no federal funding comes to support it. Remember when he wanted to privatize social security? Faith based initiatives?

Yeah, he's a winner. I won't even mention that he almost choked to death on a pretzel, can't ride a segeway, and can't handle his booze or coke. Rehab is for quitters!

He has been the most divisive president in decades, and the only one since the depression to see a net loss of jobs on his watch, he turned a 5.6 trillion dollar surplus to a 5.2 trillion dollar deficit in 3 years, yet claimed his tax cuts are helping America, penny-wise pound-foolish economics the right is so enamored of.

Bush is basing his whole campaign on one thing, fear, not his accomplishments or record. The right seems to think the whole world wants to kill us, the fact is, before Bush, most of the world loved us, now we are the most despised nation on earth. Bush plays the terror card as trump in his campaign, when in fact, we are no safer now than before, and you can't go to any public building in this great nation without going through a metal detector, you can't fly without partially disrobing for a search, you can't safely worship another god besides jesus without worrying in the back of your mind if the feds aren't watching you, and you certainly can't post an unpopular opinion on without suffering the slings and arrows of karmic poisoning.

Come 11/2 the republicans want you only to think of 9/11. Not the last 3 years.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jlabsher said:
I won't even mention that he almost choked to death on a pretzel, can't ride a segeway, and can't handle his booze or coke.
But the fact remains that you DID mention it, and it nullified your whole post.

So I'm not going to bother to tell you why that whole diatribe was FOS. Next you'll be telling us that Cheney was the mastermind behind 9-11.



"5. Bush of course who invaded another nation without rhyme or reason and still hasn't made the world a safer place, despite killing tens of thousands of Iraqis, hasn't found WMDs, no links between Iraq & al-Quaeda. No child left behind which didn't work in TX and isn't working nationwide, especially when a federal mandate is issued and no federal funding comes to support it. Remember when he wanted to privatize social security? Faith based initiatives?"

Could you explain to me what all of the violations of the 1992 cease fire didn't have to do with attacking Iraq? The reason that the Gulf War ended, and we didn't take out Hussein, was that he was going to comply with the cease fire agreements. When he didn't, that was all of the ryme and reason Bush needed to go in and take him and the regime out. Lots of folks like to overlook Hussein's goals of wanting to dominate the Middle East and what that would have done to the US.

Ok... so there weren't any WMD found, but there are definite links between Al Quaeda. What's a true statement is that there was no complicity on the part of Iraq in the 9/11 attacks. It's also true that no one in the Bush administration has ever said so. The only comment that comes close is Dick Cheney's interview comments before the invasion in response to a question from a reporter about the topic, and he said that there could be a connection but that there's been no evidence of it.

No Child Left Behind hasn't been funded? The act, which is actually the renewal of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), is providing $38.7 Billion dollars for K-12 education in FY2005, a $9.5 billion dollar increase since FY2001. By the way... total spending for K-12 education in FY2005 is estimated to be $501.3 billion bucks! Now, I don't know how many greenbacks are in your bank account, but if I found $38,700,000,000.00 in my checking account, I would damn sure consider myself funded for the year. The truth is that the education lobby didn't get as much money as they wanted, so of course... they weren't funded... which is of course an outright lie. You should be careful about repeating someone else's invalid information... people will start calling you a liar. :)

I remember when he wanted to privatize a small portion of MY social security (not that of my parents and other seniors) and I hope he comes through with that plan once he's re-elected.

What's wrong with faith-based initiatives? I'm asking this as an agnostic by the way. Have the state and federal governments done such a wonderful job in meeting our social needs that there's no need for anyone else to try? Let's see... single-parent families - UP, Un-wed mothers - UP, people in poverty - UP, kids who need all manner of assistance and support - UP. Looks to me like maybe the govies haven't been too good a job with all those billions that were entrusted to them. So I ask you... can the faith-based groups, most of whom actually have a track record of success, do any worse?
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