Dear Rollins and Barnes families:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You are not forgotten. As a community, we mourn the passing of Jaelynn Willey, but we don't want to forget that two other families are in pain as well. Desmond Barnes will carry the scars of this incident his whole life, and I can't even imagine what the parents of Austin Rollins are going through. Having your child get shot is traumatic and horrible, but when your child is responsible for it that is a pain and guilt beyond imagining.

I hope we can find compassion in our hearts for the Rollins' and their loss, and also not forget that there was another child injured and keep him in our thoughts as well.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
You are not forgotten. As a community, we mourn the passing of Jaelynn Willey, but we don't want to forget that two other families are in pain as well. Desmond Barnes will carry the scars of this incident his whole life, and I can't even imagine what the parents of Austin Rollins are going through. Having your child get shot is traumatic and horrible, but when your child is responsible for it that is a pain and guilt beyond imagining.

I hope we can find compassion in our hearts for the Rollins' and their loss, and also not forget that there was another child injured and keep him in our thoughts as well.

Well said. :yay:

The witch hunting on social media for the Rollins family (father) has been ratcheting up since some of the details became known. We don't know a thing about that family's circumstances and I wish people would just take a deep breath and wait until more is known.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The witch hunting on social media for the Rollins family (father) has been ratcheting up since some of the details became known.

I've avoided those threads because I can't bear to see the ugliness of a mindless vicious mob. It's sad that people have to act like that.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I've avoided those threads because I can't bear to see the ugliness of a mindless vicious mob. It's sad that people have to act like that.

:yay: Yeah, I have to back right out of them. The screams over here in Calvert are reaching a fevered pitch about the Sheriff's Office now, as well. "OMG, THIS is where CCSO needs to focus - on our children and schools!!!!!!!!" <-----:rolleyes:

That's why the CCSO put out a statement on Tuesday that they had already directed more of their department's resources to the schools in the county, as a result of the situation at GMHS. Apparently, Ms. Chicken Little had not heard THAT on her social media travels.

No sense in replying to or otherwise engaging her, because there will be 10 more right after her with their verbal pitchforks and knives at the ready.


professional daydreamer
I just heard this on the radio on the drive in. Just heart breaking. The loss of these kids, and the anguish the families must be feeling is beyond comprehension. I pray that you find strength and courage to carry you through all that you must do, and to move forward with the comfort of the memories you hold most dear.

nobody really

I need a nap
The whole situation is very very sad. From the SRO who shot the shooter -- I'm sure he saw the Rollins kid everyday at school (the SRO was no stranger to these kids), and yet that day he had to stop him. The parents of Rollins and Willey -- I'm sure they both knew each other, had each other's kids over. Its just a very very sad situation.

Jaelynn's mother has awesome courage. I'm sure when she was holding her youngest at the press conference it gave her strength. God, just so very sad.


Main Streeter
You are not forgotten. As a community, we mourn the passing of Jaelynn Willey, but we don't want to forget that two other families are in pain as well. Desmond Barnes will carry the scars of this incident his whole life, and I can't even imagine what the parents of Austin Rollins are going through. Having your child get shot is traumatic and horrible, but when your child is responsible for it that is a pain and guilt beyond imagining.

I hope we can find compassion in our hearts for the Rollins' and their loss, and also not forget that there was another child injured and keep him in our thoughts as well.

I said it ounce earlier. :) And I will say it again. Vrai.... This is beautiful. Really needed to be said.


happy to be living
You are not forgotten. As a community, we mourn the passing of Jaelynn Willey, but we don't want to forget that two other families are in pain as well. Desmond Barnes will carry the scars of this incident his whole life, and I can't even imagine what the parents of Austin Rollins are going through. Having your child get shot is traumatic and horrible, but when your child is responsible for it that is a pain and guilt beyond imagining.

I hope we can find compassion in our hearts for the Rollins' and their loss, and also not forget that there was another child injured and keep him in our thoughts as well.

My thoughts are also with the officer. Though he was trained to do what he did, this will probably haunt him for the rest of his life.
At some point, I hope everyone involved will find peace.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
My thoughts are also with the officer. Though he was trained to do what he did, this will probably haunt him for the rest of his life.
At some point, I hope everyone involved will find peace.

It does stay with you. My thoughts are also with the deputy, as well as the families of the young folk directly affected.

I had to use deadly force in 1985 when I was in the USAF Reserves.
We were pulling security for a classified test (still don't know what they were testing, but it was right in the middle of the Reagan years).

Our perimeter was attacked, kid I killed was 19. It was a ####up, attackers were also US personnel.
Their live fire training exercise was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The shooting lasted less than a minute.

Because of the circumstances, they were training for a mission even more highly classified than our test,
I was unable to tell my wife about it for 25 years, let alone anyone outside the very small community of my unit.

A co-worker who was a "MASH" unit nurse in Vietnam cornered me when I was having an anxiety attack in early 2012 and got me talking about it.
She put me in touch with a friend of hers who had been a Scout-Sniper over there.

It helped, but not completely.

I tried chasing away the anxiety for a long, long time with booze. Took the cancer diagnosis to break that cycle.

I hope the department has a better support system for the deputy than I had 33 years ago.


You are not forgotten. As a community, we mourn the passing of Jaelynn Willey, but we don't want to forget that two other families are in pain as well. Desmond Barnes will carry the scars of this incident his whole life, and I can't even imagine what the parents of Austin Rollins are going through. Having your child get shot is traumatic and horrible, but when your child is responsible for it that is a pain and guilt beyond imagining.

I hope we can find compassion in our hearts for the Rollins' and their loss, and also not forget that there was another child injured and keep him in our thoughts as well.

Thank you, this needed to be said


American Beauty
PREMO Member
You are not forgotten. As a community, we mourn the passing of Jaelynn Willey, but we don't want to forget that two other families are in pain as well. Desmond Barnes will carry the scars of this incident his whole life, and I can't even imagine what the parents of Austin Rollins are going through. Having your child get shot is traumatic and horrible, but when your child is responsible for it that is a pain and guilt beyond imagining.

I hope we can find compassion in our hearts for the Rollins' and their loss, and also not forget that there was another child injured and keep him in our thoughts as well.



Resident PIA
Well said. :yay:

The witch hunting on social media for the Rollins family (father) has been ratcheting up since some of the details became known. We don't know a thing about that family's circumstances and I wish people would just take a deep breath and wait until more is known.

The problem is most people around here are were virgin births, as are their offspring.
So when it comes to the biblical guidance, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone", they have no problem just firing away.

If I had a dime for every time I've heard or read the following, I'd be a millionaire:
Q1: "If you raised your children right"
Q2: "My child would never do that"

There was only one perfect child, that obeyed and was 100 percent open and honest.
We celebrate His Resurrection next Sunday.


It does stay with you. My thoughts are also with the deputy, as well as the families of the young folk directly affected.

I had to use deadly force in 1985 when I was in the USAF Reserves.
We were pulling security for a classified test (still don't know what they were testing, but it was right in the middle of the Reagan years).

Our perimeter was attacked, kid I killed was 19. It was a ####up, attackers were also US personnel.
Their live fire training exercise was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The shooting lasted less than a minute.

Because of the circumstances, they were training for a mission even more highly classified than our test,
I was unable to tell my wife about it for 25 years, let alone anyone outside the very small community of my unit.

A co-worker who was a "MASH" unit nurse in Vietnam cornered me when I was having an anxiety attack in early 2012 and got me talking about it.
She put me in touch with a friend of hers who had been a Scout-Sniper over there.

It helped, but not completely.

I tried chasing away the anxiety for a long, long time with booze. Took the cancer diagnosis to break that cycle.

I hope the department has a better support system for the deputy than I had 33 years ago.

thanks for sharing


Active Member
Most people fail to realize that police officers have to day in and day out deal with the worst in society and see the worst in society. Not only the bad people but bad situations and environments that sometimes the most innocent people are subjected. It has to take a toll on their psyche. I can't imagine them being the same person during their career and after, as the person they were before they started. It's not within the top 2 suicide professions without reason. They really should be required to have at least weekly therapy. They're human. It's sad that people fail to recognize they really are life saving heroes. They don't have to be arresting someone for murder or rape, to catch and convict those same suspects for lesser crimes and incarcerating them for a time when they could be progressing to worse crimes than their conviction. On top of all they have to deal with, not only do they fail to get the recognition they deserve, but lots of short sighted selfish people treat them with bigotry they don't deserve. People don't like cops because they got a reckless driving ticket because they endangered people themselves.. and if that was bad it's worse because now morons are hating cops not from personal experience but because they keep circles of morons and their friends hate cops and express it on social media. These idiots are lucky that slavery in the world isn't based on lack of intelligence... but yea it's a secret sympathetic soft spot for me, appreciating cops and what they do and what they have to experience. So many people fail to realize without all the police we have, a lot more of loved ones would be greatly injured or killed, if the cops weren't out here doing their job. Not even all by the ill willed, just arresting the drunk drivers and reckless drivers saves lives of our loved ones, catching a lot of these fools in the act before they hurt someone. Sometimes i wish the cops would take a day off maybe once a month or something so society could see what would happen without them, and realize they should appreciate them. I forgot to mention the propaganda campaign against cops by the likes of fools on youtube and media outlets, including "the young turks" and other crap like that.. poisoning people's minds. It's sad.
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