Death by Diaper Rash

A mother whose child died after developing diaper rash so severe that it caused a fatal infection and dehydration has been charged with involuntary manslaughter.

Cambria County Coroner Dennis Kwiatkowski said the child develop sepsis -- a life-threatening infection -- because the diaper rash was so bad. The dehydration occurred as the child's fluids were depleted from fighting the infected areas, which had turned black, he said.

"It's probably the worst I've ever seen," Kwiatkowski said of the infection.


24/7 Single Dad the Dec.12 death of her 15-month-old son, Harley.
You might be a redneck if....

JabbaJawz said:
Unbelievable. WTF is wrong with people??

Wouldn't the kid be constantly crying? I am amazed at how incredibly stupid some people can be.
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aps45819 said:
You might be a redneck if....

Wouldn't the kid be constantly crying? I am amazed at how incredibly stupid some people can be.



I Need a Beer
aps45819 said:
Wouldn't the kid be constantly crying? I am amazed at how incredibly stupid some people can be.

Definitely. That poor child's bottom end had to be extremely painful. IMO, they should put a diaper on that mother and grandmother and let them sit in their own mess for several weeks so they can experience first hand how much pain that child was in.


besides that fact the article stated that her 4 year old also had severe diaper rash :confused: wtf is a 4 year old still doing in a diaper? (especially for a length of time long enough to cause the rash)??