Death Penalty

Death Penalty

  • Yes, an acceptable punishment for certain crimes

    Votes: 75 93.8%
  • No, not acceptable to kill for certain crimes.

    Votes: 5 6.3%

  • Total voters


In My Opinion
Should the death penalty be used in certain cases or is it wrong and without moral value.


In My Opinion
just curious, discussion at work prompted my question.

I say its ok, and useful in cases where the person committed such a hideous crime that he/she will never get out of jail anyway. Why waste the money feeding them and providing 40 or 50 years of legal counsel.

Another person in here suggests that by killing a killer, we become no better than the killer.


professional daydreamer
Another person in here suggests that by killing a killer, we become no better than the killer.

To that person, I'd pose the question "do you believe in god and adhere to the teachings of the bible?"

Personally, I believe that if you intentionally take a life, you should die.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'd give the death penalty if you write too many bad checks. :shrug:

Seriously, I think violent criminals should be put to death. Like BCP, I'm not really interested in paying for the care and feeding of these people for the rest of their lives.


professional daydreamer
I'd give the death penalty if you write too many bad checks. :shrug:

Seriously, I think violent criminals should be put to death. Like BCP, I'm not really interested in paying for the care and feeding of these people for the rest of their lives.

Seems this was discussed some years ago and someone posted the cost of housing and feeding vs execution, and it's cheaper to house and feed them. Anyone remember?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Seems this was discussed some years ago and someone posted the cost of housing and feeding vs execution, and it's cheaper to house and feed them. Anyone remember?

The only reason it's cheaper is because of the endless appeals you're entitled to when you receive the death penalty. Plus some of these guys are on death row for 20 years before they finally ride Ol' Sparky to hell. If they'd sentence them, give them ONE chance at appeal, then execute them within a reasonable amount of time, it would cost significantly less.


Well-Known Member
I've heard it argued that it disrespects the sanctity of life to take it away as retribution for taking a life.

Quite honestly, letting someone get away with murder by letting them live in jail clearly shows disrespect for life.

It's just a matter of degree.

I've heard it said that killing a murderer makes the state no better than the murderer.

Nonsense. Nothing is more fair than taking the life of a person who has taken another. A murderer takes the life of an innocent - the state is taking the life of a bona fide killer who is absolutely not innocent. It is not *merciful* and compassionate to take his life, but it is the very definition of *fair*.

And I've always liked Vrai's comment that you don't put down a rabid dog to serve as a warning to other dogs.


In My Opinion
Only if it's a bicycle built for 2. Thay way there's more power to make it happen quicker. Wait, we want them to suffer. OK, you can ride by yourself.

instead of death by a thousand cuts, its death by a thousand AAA batteries


I bowl overhand
To that person, I'd pose the question "do you believe in god and adhere to the teachings of the bible?"

Personally, I believe that if you intentionally take a life, you should die.

I find it hard to fathom the.. "He took a life, but he's not mentally stable enough to be put to death" "He killed ten people, but he's insane and can't stand trial." "He's not guilty by reason of insanity!"

WTF!?? Of course he's INSANE, sane people don't murder other people.. Being insanse makes them less of danger to society?

I don't care about their mental stability... Danger to society, proven by killing of multiple other persons.. You need to die.


New Member
I am against the death penalty. To many people wrongfully locked up in jail. Sop I'm sure there are a people on death row who are inocent.