Death Penalty

Death Penalty

  • Yes, an acceptable punishment for certain crimes

    Votes: 75 93.8%
  • No, not acceptable to kill for certain crimes.

    Votes: 5 6.3%

  • Total voters


professional daydreamer
I find it hard to fathom the.. "He took a life, but he's not mentally stable enough to be put to death" "He killed ten people, but he's insane and can't stand trial." "He's not guilty by reason of insanity!"

WTF!?? Of course he's INSANE, sane people don't murder other people.. Being insanse makes them less of danger to society?

I don't care about their mental stability... Danger to society, proven by killing of multiple other persons.. You need to die.

Did I say anything about mental stability? :confused:


Driving the Z
I am against the death penalty. To many people wrongfully locked up in jail. Sop I'm sure there are a people on death row who are inocent.

I won't deny that there have been mistakes made, but let's be real. Everybody in jail proclaims their innocence and somebody else did it.

Even Bill Clinton lied stating he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. If I can't believe the President, why should I be expected to believe the criminal.


New Member
I won't deny that there have been mistakes made, but let's be real. Everybody in jail proclaims their innocence and somebody else did it.

Even Bill Clinton lied stating he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. If I can't believe the President, why should I be expected to believe the criminal.

Most people probably are guilty on death row. But what about the handful of inocent people that are given the chair.

Are the inocent people that die on death row just acceptable colateral damage to punish the guilty?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Just to...

I've heard it argued that it disrespects the sanctity of life to take it away as retribution for taking a life.

Quite honestly, letting someone get away with murder by letting them live in jail clearly shows disrespect for life.

It's just a matter of degree.

I've heard it said that killing a murderer makes the state no better than the murderer.

Nonsense. Nothing is more fair than taking the life of a person who has taken another. A murderer takes the life of an innocent - the state is taking the life of a bona fide killer who is absolutely not innocent. It is not *merciful* and compassionate to take his life, but it is the very definition of *fair*.

And I've always liked Vrai's comment that you don't put down a rabid dog to serve as a warning to other dogs.

...agree with and add to that post; there is no worse crime you can do than by taking innocent life because that's the most precious thing we have, life.

Therefore, if someone has taken innocent life, the ONLY way to affirm that the worst crime is to apply the ultimate punishment; execution.


happy to be living
A lot of people I have spoken to that are opposed to the death penalty have never lost a loved one to a violent crime. I never had an opinion either way until one of my siblings was robbed of $125 and shot in the back and left to die.
Back then, DNA testing was nonexistant and honestly, the police were not as thorough as they could have been.
I would gladly flip the switch or throw the first rock to take the lives of the scumbags that killed my brother. He was a decent young man working 2 jobs to help with the medical bills accumulating because his 3 year old daughter that had just been diagnosed with M.D.
With the accuracy of DNA, if the crime and person's previous convictions are fitting, take them out and string them up, strap them in or whatever. I have no sympathy for habitual offenders and I am tired that they have so many rights when it comes to appeals.
I guess there is no doubt that I have voted YES.


I bowl overhand
I am against the death penalty. To many people wrongfully locked up in jail. Sop I'm sure there are a people on death row who are inocent.

Well, since there probably a couple of million in jail, it shouldn't be hard to name say 50..

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If there...

Most people probably are guilty on death row. But what about the handful of inocent people that are given the chair.

Are the inocent people that die on death row just acceptable colateral damage to punish the guilty?

...are innocent people being executed, isn't the proper response to fix the system? Not end it? Maybe less crimes qualify? Maybe burdens of proof are higher? In the meantime 1,000's and 1,000's of no doubt, flat out murders are commited. Do we close the jails because there is someone in there serving a year for a car theft they didn't commit?

The argument against capital punishment is because it is so final, we just can't afford to apply that if there is any chance of being wrong. That is also the argument FOR capital punishment. It is THE punishment.


Obama destroyed America
Most people probably are guilty on death row. But what about the handful of inocent people that are given the chair.

Are the inocent people that die on death row just acceptable colateral damage to punish the guilty?


Driving the Z
You actually waste more money putting them to death.

I am for the death penalty by the way.

I don't believe that even 1 year of free room & board at the taxpayers expense is more than the cost of the method (needle, bullet, or electricity) and the pine box coffin to bury them.

If you add up the cost of the free room, the free food, the free cable TV, the free exercise equipment, the free medical and dental, and the free educational assistance they can get, and in most cases the free legal assistance because they can't afford a lawyer, I'd say that far outweighs what it costs to execute them.


Football addict
I don't believe that even 1 year of free room & board at the taxpayers expense is more than the cost of the method (needle, bullet, or electricity) and the pine box coffin to bury them.

If you add up the cost of the free room, the free food, the free cable TV, the free exercise equipment, the free medical and dental, and the free educational assistance they can get, and in most cases the free legal assistance because they can't afford a lawyer, I'd say that far outweighs what it costs to execute them.
You can believe it all you want but you'd be wrong. Look it up, I was surprised too.

Appeals cases are very costly.


In My Opinion
You can believe it all you want but you'd be wrong. Look it up, I was surprised too.

Appeals cases are very costly.
if the case is cut and dry, like the police saw them kill someone, then there is no need for an appeal. Hand down the penalty on monday, cook em up on tuesday.
in cases where there is more than enough proof to cook em, allow only one appeal, any appeals after the one is on the families dime.

besides, how many appeals are there for those in for life.

I think the numbers are manipulated to make it seem something it is not.


Football addict
if the case is cut and dry, like the police saw them kill someone, then there is no need for an appeal. Hand down the penalty on monday, cook em up on tuesday.
in cases where there is more than enough proof to cook em, allow only one appeal, any appeals after the one is on the families dime.

besides, how many appeals are there for those in for life.

I think the numbers are manipulated to make it seem something it is not.
If only we lived in a Walgreen's world. Nothing is that simple, cut and dry, perfectville.

We all know the other half of America won't stand for that.

If you can give me statistical evidence that proves otherwise I'd be happy to hear it. I'm just stating the facts as I know them.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
You can believe it all you want but you'd be wrong. Look it up, I was surprised too.

Appeals cases are very costly.
They're appealing the conviction that gets them locked up anyways so where is the cost savings?


Highlander's MPD
I am against the death penalty. To many people wrongfully locked up in jail. Sop I'm sure there are a people on death row who are inocent.

Well, I guess you are entitled to your opinion. Considering 95% of people are for it, consider your opinion to be slightly off track. Let's say there was a case where there was absolutely no doubt. There were witnesses, DNA evidence, photos, admissions, etc. And to top it off, it was your mother the bastard killed. Woud you still be opposed to the death penalty for that person?


New Member
I'd give the death penalty to anyone who murders an innocent person or even if he or she shoots someone for no reason and the person lives, anyone who shoots someone while robbing them or even if he has a gun while robbing the victim, and certainly if he uses a gun while raping someone unknown to him. If he rapes someone known to him, I think that the case should be really scrutinized carefully .There are consequenses to our actions.This applies to cases where there is no question about guilt only! Also, as an adult who understands numbers and economics to a certain degree, as an intelligent person, it doesn't cost more to house, feed, educate and give all the comforts that some criminals receive than to execute them. Even BG&E would agree with me.
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To many of the appeals are based on the mental condition of the convicted at the time of the murder.

And too many are plea bargained down to life because of mental condition at the time of the murder.

We don't care that you didn't have a Daddy or didn't know who he was.
We don't care that your step Daddy beat you.
We don't care that your Mom beat you.
We don't care that your Mom was a crack ho and her pimp beat you.
We don't care that you grew up in a gang infested hood.
We don't care that you were crazy because of your drug addiction.
We don't care that your wife left your sorry ass.
We don't care that you were picked on by EVERYONE.
We don't care that you're simi retarded, bi polar, psycho, or schizo.
Were going to make the voices in your head go a way for you.

Throw all the above sorry ass excuses out of the books.
If there is no doubt. Caught on tape. Two or more eye witness's. Your DNA double tested. Caught with murder weapon. So on and so forth.

Hang them all on the first Friday of every month in front of the court house.
This way all the little gangster punks can see what happens when they play gangster and do drugs.
This sound harsh. But do to the limited mental capacity of your average street thug. It's the only thing they will understand.
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Well-Known Member
I don't believe that even 1 year of free room & board at the taxpayers expense is more than the cost of the method (needle, bullet, or electricity) and the pine box coffin to bury them.

If you add up the cost of the free room, the free food, the free cable TV, the free exercise equipment, the free medical and dental, and the free educational assistance they can get, and in most cases the free legal assistance because they can't afford a lawyer, I'd say that far outweighs what it costs to execute them.

Some price quotes, couldn't figure out how to cut and paste the info to fit. This is older info. sure it's more expensive now after hitting the link scroll down about 1/3 for price info..

Death Penalty Paper

but what really kills me is if someone is sentanced to the death penalty they essentially become a ward of the state and if that means they are diagnosed with a life threatening disease terminal or not it is the states obligation to pay for medical care ( at tax payers expense) to keep them alive untill they can be officially executed ...... DDDDUUUUHHHH???????