Debate Follow On 10-22


PREMO Member
Debate Recap: Trump Was in Command While Biden Told a Bunch of Whoppers

Democratic nominee Joe Biden lied his way through the final presidential debate with President Donald Trump. NBC News correspondent Kristen Welker interrupted Trump more than she interrupted Biden, and Biden was the first person to interrupt a fellow candidate on the stage. Nevertheless, this debate proved far more civil than the first debate.

Trump cleaned Biden’s clock on a few issues, while Biden more frequently hoisted himself on his own petard. The president did a good job of standing back and letting Biden dig himself into a hole. When Trump called him out on previous statements Biden had made, the Democrat merely claimed he never made those statements.


4. Fracking

When the debate pivoted to climate change, President Trump nailed the basic issue. “We have done an incredible job environmentally. We have the cleanest air, the cleanest water, and the [lowest] carbon emission that we’ve seen in many, many years. And we haven’t destroyed our industries,” he declared.

Biden, on the other hand, blatantly lied about his record on banning hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as “fracking.”

“I have never said I oppose fracking,” the Democrat insisted.

“You said it on tape,” Trump responded.

“Show the tape, put it on your website,” Biden said.

“I’ll put it on,” Trump said.

“The fact of the matter is he’s flat-out lying,” the Democrat insisted.

NBC News commentator Kristen Welker asked, “Would you rule out banning fracking?”

“I do rule out banning fracking,” Biden said. “What I will do with fracking over time is make sure we can capture the emissions from the fracking.”

Trump had to get the last word. “He was against fracking, he said it… until he got the nomination, went to Pennsylvania. But you know what, Pennsylvania, he’ll be against it very soon, because his party is totally against it.”

Biden attempted to claim that he only opposed fracking “on federal land.”



PREMO Member
Biden: 'Not a Single Person on Private Insurance' Lost It 'Under Obamacare'— Fact Check: FALSE

I’m old enough to remember when President Barack Obama promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” I’m also old enough to remember that PolitiFact rated that claim the “Lie of the Year” for 2013. Yet on Thursday, Democratic nominee Joe Biden — who ostensibly might remember 2013 because he was serving as vice president that year — claimed that not a single person lost his or her health insurance under Obamacare.

“Not one single person on private insurance would lose their insurance under my plan, nor did they under Obamacare. They did not lose their insurance unless they chose something else,” Biden said during the debate.



PREMO Member
Big Mistake? Biden Says He’ll ‘Transition’ From Oil Industry, Twitter Explodes: ‘Might Have Sealed The Deal’

During Thursday night’s presidential debate, former Vice President Joe Biden stepped onto a political landmine that will certainly cost him with working class Americans when he pledged to “transition” from the oil industry throughout his administration.

“Would he close down the oil industry?” Trump asked. “Would you close down the oil industry?”

“I would transition from the oil industry, yes,” Biden responded.

“That’s a big statement,” Trump shot back.

“It is a big statement, because … the oil industry pollutes significantly,” Biden emphasized, later adding: “It has to be replaced by renewable energy over time, over time. And I’d stop giving to the oil industry — I’d stop giving them federal subsidies. [Trump] won’t give federal subsidies to solar and wind. Why are we giving it to oil industry?”


PREMO Member
I learned we were getting along great with Hitler. :lmao:
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
The OIL INDUSTRY comment at the end - was the mic drop moment of the entire debate. boom - done.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Hold on there Southwest. I don't think anybody's in a big hurry for you to open up the middle seats.
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Active Member
Keep spinning bot...keep spinning.

No minds were changed last night. Your twitter reposts don't change that or the fact that Trump is losing both nationally and in the swing states.

There are 11 days to go till the end of this mess. Donald Trump is losing. He didn't do a thing to change that last night.

966 more Americans died from Covid yesterday.

Almost 70,000 new cases were confirmed yesterday....that means higher levels of hospitalizations and deaths are coming. (I people still can't figure out the progression)

No one cares about Hunter Biden's laptop. No one cares about Hillary Clinton's emails.

People care about their health, their kids health, their parents health. Coronavirus has, like everything else has, exposed Trump's inability to be President. He possesses no definable leadership skills. He cares about nothing other than Donald Trump. He is a perfect TV is time for him to go start his own network where he can whine and cry, but do no more real damage.


PREMO Member


PREMO Member
Not mad at Biden because he wants to screw over the country... Mad because he let the cat out of the bag.
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