Supposedly this makes "Republicans" look bad but IMO they already looked like a huge pile of rancid dog sh*t. Finally a handful of electeds decide to actually represent the people of their district, and it's so unheard of that the newsbots are fainting in the streets.
My whole entire life - almost 60 years! - politicians have been saying they'll "drain the swamp" when in actuality they ARE the swamp. Finally we have a few people who 1) aren't the swamp; and 2) are taking steps to drain it; and 3) have the courage to face down the corrupt POS.
Democrats are chortling with glee because they are a lockstep cult and not a single one of them would ever dare step off the plantation. Anyone with independent thought and the guts to stand up to corruption is to be mocked and belittled.

What this country has become....