I want the Dems to be punished for breaking the law, not get scammed back. I want them to pay for their crimes. I want all of those crooks to die and burn in Hell, and I want honest patriotic men and women to take their place.
The thing is, they've now learned that large-scale cheating is never going to be punished. Part of it is the way we verify votes and that it is EASY to skirt - and the other is, once it's done, it's very difficult to charge anyone with cheating. You can charge a SINGLE VOTER with fraud, but you can't just dismiss an election because twice as many votes were counted as there are registered voters. We HAVE tons of cases where precincts have way more votes cast than registered voters, and verifiable cases of votes cast by dead people or otherwise ineligible persons. They NEVER call for do-overs.
I guess what pisses me off is, the general way it's handled is - you have to show there's an aggrieved party - which means you must PROVE the unprovable - that cheating CHANGED the outcome of the election, and you must PROVE the cheating. Without the controls needed to prove it, the cheaters learn you can do it all day - you won't get caught and IF you get caught - it won't change anything.
You won't PUNISH them in court - but you can GET THEM to accept more secure elections if they can see that cheating won't help them.
I've said before - the illegal immigration is EMBRACED by the left because they see Latinos as voting Democrats. If they voted Republican in HUGE portions - and you WILL see them change their minds.
Also Project Veritas is an investigative reporting group, not a political operative cabal. Not sure why you'd call them suckers unless you're thinking of something else.....
I meant that in the sense that if they do actually cheat, they're going to take the fall for it. You can cheat all the live long day in politics, but unless you're a Republican, a Democrat the party wants to sacrifice - or a non-partisan group - you WILL get away with it. Sucker - maybe I meant to say "fall guy" or "sacrificial lamb".
Project Veritas WAS able - repeatedly - to show that cheating is easy. But they never went far enough to ACTUALLY illegally cast a ballot. Years ago, a member declared himself Eric Holder in the District, and the poll person accepted that WITHOUT any ID. Then they laughed about it in the news - but - it HAPPENED to my sister.
None of this is anything new - anyone who has an interest in history has seen this show before, and the US is still standing. It's just that now it's our turn to see it firsthand instead of just read about it in books. What amazes me is that humans never learn - like ever. They keep repeating the exact same mistakes. In this day and age we have enormous access to information other than what the crooks spoon feed us, and half this country is STILL ignorant and vicious.
The Dems learned in 2020 that large scale cheating in major cities will win. I really thought that it was a fluke. But they took advantage of the massive change in elections and exploited it. It's still true that if the only votes that counted were ones cast on Election Day, the Republicans win in almost every contest. But now, more than two-thirds of all votes are either cast by mail, cast in early voting or by absentee ballot. And the current means of security doesn't provide any security from cheating AFTER THE VOTE IS CAST.
You want elections to be fair and to change? You're not going to "catch" and "punish" the Dems. The rules aren't changing and they have an equal say in altering them. You HAVE TO GET THEM to want the changes, and that's only gonna happen when the GOP pulls the same crap and does it better.