Democrats on Parade


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

These people leave me speechless. What do you even say when they start spewing such extreme ignorance?


Well-Known Member
It appears she has a great fondness for Palestinian terrorists.
I once worked with a guy who's favorite saying was. " Don't start no sht, there won't be no sht."
The Palestinians started this sht. They still hold hostages.

I have a serious problem with feeling sorry for them.


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
I can't imagine the Nazis being so lackadaisical, they went door to door.
Hell Yeah Fire GIF by TIFF


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
There’s an extremely simple way to end the bloodshed in Gaza.

Want to hear it?

Hamas surrenders. They look around and decide - too many civilians are being harmed. We quit.

It’s amazing but - in war, you surrender RATHER than fight to the last man.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
There’s an extremely simple way to end the bloodshed in Gaza.

Want to hear it?

Hamas surrenders. They look around and decide - too many civilians are being harmed. We quit.

It’s amazing but - in war, you surrender RATHER than fight to the last man.
Highly unlikely. Beyond complete elimination the cycle will continue.


Power with Control
What is she referring to ?
The raid that rescued four hostages. In which a which a well respected Palestinien doctor, who worked with UNRA if I'm not mistaken, and his well respected son, who was a reporter for Al Jizzera, were both killed.

Shockingly, when you hide hostages in your house when the Israeli hostage rescue team comes to call, you might just catch a dose of lead poisoning.

The Hamas electing civilians of Palestine are unhappy the according to them, over 200 people died during this operation. Of course, unsaid is that if you elect terrorist to rule you and you don't do anything but sit back and cheer when they perform atrocities, and take hostages, you might find yourself in the line of fire when your terroristic govt fights with the folks who came for their own.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Highly unlikely. Beyond complete elimination the cycle will continue.
Well that was part of my point. The left wants to make boogeymen of the IDF, but the simple truth is - Hamas can end it at any time. They started it with some of the most gruesome acts in modern history - and they can end it. Surrender and free the hostages.

They won’t because they’d rather die in order to bring wrath on Israel. They knew this was a war they couldn’t win.
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Well-Known Member
I have seen pictures of surrendered Hamas prisoners being held in their underwear,
What is to be done with these prisoners.?
Israel has three choices and two are not real choices. There are too many to keep in prison until they die and if they are shot the Israeli's will be accused of genocide, So eventually they will be set free to go back to Gaza and plan their next strike.

The smart move would be for the Palestinians to surrender the hostages, promise to be good little boys and just go back and get ready for their next big attack that will come as surely and night follows day


PREMO Member
The raid that rescued four hostages. In which a which a well respected Palestinien doctor, who worked with UNRA if I'm not mistaken, and his well respected son, who was a reporter for Al Jizzera, were both killed.

OK I thought so, but I wanted clarification

Yeah NOT even an apt comparison ... but yeah keep a woman a slave die, simple as


PREMO Member
The Hamas electing civilians of Palestine are unhappy the according to them, over 200 people died during this operation.

From what I heard there was a lot of Hamas induced Friendly Fire, but we all know Islam is A DEATH CULT, the more dead civilians for them the better


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Reports: Connecticut Official Runs Fraudulent Marriage Factory for Migrants

A Connecticut bureaucrat is being accused of running an immigrant marriage scam to push Joe Biden’s migrants into legal status before President-elect Donald Trump takes office. And she is not the only one.

Wanda Geter-Pataky, who is a justice of the peace at New Haven City Hall, has allegedly been caught officiating at a string of controversial weddings that some assume are meant to fraudulently push migrants into legal status.

She allegedly officiated more than 100 of these marriages a month during the Biden regime, according to the CT Mirror.

The Mirror added that many of these marriages are between migrants and American citizens who do not even live in her state. Recently, she married couples from Texas, New York, and Virginia, the news group said.

WVIT-TV reports discovering 114 licenses from marriages Geter-Pataky performed between Sept. 15 and Oct. 15.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member

These people leave me speechless. What do you even say when they start spewing such extreme ignorance?

She got corrected, then doubled down with a "yabbut". She got corrected on that, and tried again. That one got corrected as well, so she continues to be stupid and Community Notes continues to correct her.


You have to read the whole thing. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I thought marriage no longer gave you automatic citizenship? Now you're gonna make me look it up...